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Apply for the Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program for scholarship opportunities in STEM fields at partner universities. Key dates: Application deadline March 24, 2019. Receive financial support, mentorship, and community service opportunities.
Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program- Cycle 2 2018 PARTNER UNIVERSITY TOOLKIT
CYCLE 2: Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program • Call for scholarship applications at partner universities for Fall 2018/2019 Cycle 2 • Key Dates: • Call opening • (February 10, 2019) • Call closing • (March 24, 2019) • Direct link to application: • http://agf.smartsimple.ie Feb 10 – Mar 24
Key dates Applications open Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program Feb. 10, 2019 Deadline for Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program Mar. 24, 2019 June 2019 Announcement of short-listed candidates and scheduling individual interviews July 2019 Announcement of Al Ghurair scholars for Fall 2019 term
Checklist of application documents al ghurair stem scholars program Financial Documents Academic Documents Personal Documents • National ID (from country of nationality) • Residency ID (from country of residency) • Family book • Passport • Refugee status documentation • Personal salary statement or other income documents, 6 months bank statements for savings & current accounts (if applicable) • Salary certificate or other documents proving income/pension for all other family household members • Six-month bank statements for savings & current accounts of parents or spouse (depending on personal status) • Statement of annual cost of education for each household member studying • Family house rental contract (if home is rented) • Proof of special needs or chronic illnesses among any household members (if applicable) • Official transcript of the most recent completed academic year: • High school seniors: Yr. 11 Masters • For undergraduates who did not yet complete Yr. 1: last completed academic year in their previous school/university • For undergraduates who completed Yr. 1: most recent academic year at current university • Master’s students: cumulative transcript from undergraduate degree, or Yr. 1 Master’s degree transcript • Letter of acceptance from AGFE partner university (if available at time of application) • Results from any standardized exams already taken
Overview • The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Programprovides education opportunities for high-achieving underserved Arab youth from across the region. As part of the program, scholars receive the needed support and tools to help them thrive. In its first year of operation, the program has already awarded over 400 Arab students with scholarship opportunities to pursue their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in STEM subjects in the Arab Region and beyond. • See here a short video introducing the Foundation and its programs. Al Ghurair STEM Scholars are empowered to realize their academic and professional goals, with access to: • Financial support to study a supported STEM program at a partner university • Mentorship, academic advising, and career support • Hands-on experiences • Community service opportunities • Access to a network of Al Ghurair scholars from all over the Arab World FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.alghurairfoundation.org/en/content/faq STUDENT SUPPORT RESOURCES: http://bit.ly/2A3mUOJ WEBINAR SCHEDULE (to be agreed on jointly): http://bit.ly/2A2cm2m
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Posts Please tag us: Instagram: @alghurairfoundation Facebook: @alghurairfoundation LinkedIn: Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education • Are you an Arab high achiever, passionate about the STEM field, and committed to contribute to the region? The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program offers scholarship opportunities and is still receiving applications from bright Arab students hoping to complete their Bachelor’s degree for Fall 2019 at (University name). Don’t forget to submit your application here before March 24th, 2019 • هل أنت طالب عربي , انجازاتك عالية, متحمس لمتابعة دراستك العليافي مجال العلوم، التكنولوجيا، الهندسة أو الرياضيات ومتعهد بتحسين المنطقة؟ برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم والتكنلوجيا يقدم منح الدراسية ويتلقى الآن الطلبات منطلاب عرب متفوقين لمنح البكالوريس لعام 2019 في(اسم الجامعة) لا تنسَ إرسال طلبكهنا! • Interested in applying for a scholarship opportunity to pursue your higher education in a STEM-related field next Fall 2019? The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program is now receiving applications from bright Arab students hoping to complete their Bachelor’s degree at (University Name). Visit their website at www.alghurairfoundation.org and complete your scholarship application before March 24th, 2019 • تبحث عن فرص لمتابعة دراستك العليافي مجال العلوم، التكنولوجيا، الهندسة أو الرياضيات في فصل خريف 2019؟ برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم والتكنلوجيا يستقبل طلباتمنطلاب عرب متفوقين لمنح البكالوريس في(اسم الجامعة).قدمطلبك لمنحة دراسية قبل 24 مارس 2019. Don’t forget to mention our trending hashtags for this year: #Beyourambition #STEM #Scholarship #Arabyouth Try to engage with commenters as much as possible, answering relevant questions A picture is worth a thousand words. Download social media friendly visuals to add to your post here. This folder will be updated regularly
Twitter Posts • Are you a bright Arab interested in pursuing a Bachelor’s (Name of University)? @AGFforE is now accepting student applications for their STEM Scholars program, apply before Mar.24! • @AGFforE now accepting scholarship applications for Arab students to study at (Name of University)! Apply before the deadline on Mar.24. • It’s that time of the year again! The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars program could give you the opportunity to complete your STEM degree as of Fall 2019 at (name of university). Visit @AGFforE & apply today • This is reminder that @AGFforE has launched its fourth application cycle for Arab youth looking to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in STEM fields at )name of university). Apply online before the deadline on Mar. 24 • @AGFforEتستقبل طلبات التقديم لمنح في)اسم الجامعة) في مجالات العلوم، التكنولوجيا، الهندسة أو الرياضيات. قدم بطلب قبل 24 مارس هنا! • تبحث عن فرص للحصول على شهادةالبكالوريسمن (اسم الجامعة)؟@AGFforEتستقبل طلبات التقديم الآن. تقدم قبل 24 مارس لبداية دراستك في فصل خريف 2019 Please tag us on Twitter: @AGFforE Short Message or SMS • AGFE has launched its fourth call of applications, offering scholarships for Bachelor degrees at )name of university). Apply before Mar. 24! • 4th call for STEM Scholarship applications at (name of university), apply to AGFE Apply before Mar 24! • أطلقت مأسسة الغرير للتعليم نداءها الرابع للطلبات ، وتقدم منح دراسية لشهادات البكالوريوس في )اسم الجامعة) ؟ قدملمنحهنا! • برنامج الغريريستقبل طلبات التقديم لجامعاتها الشريكةالجامعة الأميركية في فلسطين والأردن.قدم بطلب قبل 27مارس
Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin Posts Please tag us: Instagram: @alghurairfoundation Facebook: @alghurairfoundation LinkedIn: Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education • Looking for scholarship opportunities to pursue your higher education in a STEM-related field next Fall 2019? The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program is now receiving applications from bright Arab students hoping to complete their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at partner universities. Visit their website at www.alghurairfoundation.org and complete your scholarship application before March 24, 2019 • تبحث عن فرص لمتابعة دراستك البكالوريوسفي مجال العلوم، التكنولوجيا، الهندسة أو الرياضيات في فصل خريف 2019؟ برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم والتكنلوجيا يستقبل طلباتمنطلاب عرب متفوقين لمنح البكالوريس في جامعاتها الشريكة. قم بزيارة موقعهم www.alghurairfoundation.org وقدمطلبك لمنحة دراسية قبل 24 مارس 2019. A picture is worth a thousand words. Download social media friendly visuals to add to your post here
Twitter Posts • Are you a bright Arab interested in pursuing a Bachelor or Master in a STEM subject?@AGFforE is now accepting student applications, apply before Mar. 24! • @AGFforE now accepting scholarship applications for Arab students to study at partner unis in Palestine, Jordan and Morocco. Apply now! • Calling all Arab scientists!The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars program could give you the opportunity to complete your STEM degree as of Fall 2019, visit @AGFforE & apply today • @AGFforE has launched its second application cycle for Arab youth looking to pursue a Bachelor in STEM fields. Apply online through www.alghurairfoundation.org before Mar. 24 • @AGFforEتستقبل طلبات التقديم لمنح في جامعاتها الشريكة في مجالات !STEM قدم بطلب قبل 24 مارس خلالwww.alghurairfoundation.org • تبحث عن فرص للحصول على شهادةالبكالوريسمن جامعة مرموقة؟@AGFforEتستقبل طلبات التقديم الآن. تقدم قبل 24 مارس لبداية دراستك في فصل خريف 2019 Please tag us on Twitter: @AGFforE Short Message or SMS • AGFE offers scholarships for Bachelor degrees at partner unis. Apply before Mar. 24: www.alghurairfoundation.org • 2nd call for STEM Scholarship applications at top universities, apply to AGFE: www.alghurairfoundation.org • تبحثعنفرصللحصولعلى شهادةبكالوريسأو ماجستيرفي مجالاتSTEM ؟ قدملمنحمنخلالwww.alghurairfoundation.org • برنامج الغريريستقبل طلبات التقديم لجامعاتها الشريكة.قدم بطلب قبل 24 مارس
Email Template • Dear [recipient name], • We would like to share a unique scholarship opportunity from the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education, a privately-funded philanthropic initiative based in Dubai, which aims to support underserved, high-achieving Arab youth with access to education opportunities. • In its first year of operation, the Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program has been able to support over 400 aspiring Arab students from across the region with full scholarship opportunities to pursue their Bachelor degree in STEM programs in the Region and abroad. • The program has launched this year’s second application cycle for young Arab students hoping to pursue their bachelor or graduate studies in STEM subjects at partner universities in the Fall 2018 semester. The deadline for this call is Sunday March 24th, 2019 at 12:00 PM (local time in Dubai). • This year, the Foundation has partnered with additional global universities and the scholarship program is now available in Egypt, Lebanon, the UAE, Morocco, Palestine, Jordan, Scotland, and Turkey for more than 200 programs in STEM Fields. Please see here a list of current AGFE partner universities and stay tuned for more partnerships in the Region coming up by then. • AGFE’s application is fully online and free, but it should be noted that students are expected to apply to their university of interest in parallel to applying to the program. • As advocates for Arab youth and education, we encourage you to spread the word within your networks. • Please see the links below for more information: • Visit the Al Ghurair STEM Scholars Program page. • Follow the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. • We wish all applicants the best of luck! • Best Regards, • [insert your name here] We have created a number of relevant e-flyers to attach to the announcement email. Access them here.
Email Template حضرة (إسم المستلم( تحية وبعد، نود مشاركتكم بالإعلان عن فرص دراسية فريدة من قبل مؤسسة عبدالله الغرير للتعليم، وهي مبادرة تعليمية خيرية ممولة من قبل القطاع الخاص، مقرها في دبي وتهدف إلى دعم الشباب العربي المتفوق ذي الدخل المحدود لمتابعة تعليمهم الجامعي. حيث عمل برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم والتكنولوجيا، أحد برامج المؤسسة، في عامه الأول على دعم أكثر من 400 طالب عربي طموح من مختلف أنحاء المنطقة بمنح دراسية كاملة للالتحاق ببرامج بكالوريوس أو ماجستير في مجالات العلوم، والتكنولوجيا، والهندسة والرياضيات (STEM) في العالم العربي وفي الخارج. وعليه نود إعلامكم بأن البرنامج: • فتح الباب لاستقبال طلبات المنح من الطلبة الراغبين بمتابعة دراساتهم العليا (بكالوريسأو ماجستير) في جامعاتها الشريكة ابتداء من فصل الخريف 2018 (العام الدراسي القادم 2018-2019). حيث أن الموعد النهائي للتقدم هوالأحد 24 مارس2019، الساعة 12:00 (بالتوقيت المحلي في دبي). • هذا العام، قامت المؤسسة بالشراكة مع جامعات إضافية، واصبحت منح البرنامج متاحة للدراسة في مصر،لبنان، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مملكة المغرب، الأردن، فلسطين، اسكتلندا، وتركيا، وتشمل أكثر من 200 برنامج في مجالات.STEMيرجى الاطلاع هنا على قائمة الجامعات الشريكةللمؤسسة في الوقت الحالي، وترقبوا المزيد من الشراكات للحين. • التقدم لمنح البرنامج مجاني من خلال بوابة إلكترونية خاصة بالطلاب، ولكن على الطلاب التقدم مباشرةً إلى إحدى الجامعات الشريكة والحصول على قبول غير مشروط للدراسة فيها. نتمنى منكم مشاركة الفرصة داخل منظماتكم وشبكات الشباب العربي كناشطين وسفراء للتعليم في العالم العربي. يرجى الاطلاع على الروابط أدناه لمزيد من المعلومات: • قم بزيارة صفحة برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم و التكنولوجيا • تابع مؤسسة عبد الله الغرير للتربية على فيسبوكوتويتروانستقرام. نتمنى لجميع المتقدمين حظا سعيدا!
Support our targeted campaigns Resilience: Arab youth overcoming hardships • The Al Ghurair STEM Scholars program supports high quality education opportunities for resilient Arab youth determined to continue their education despite hardships they may have faced. Through coordination with civil society actors, multi-laterals, and unique education institutions, the program targets resilient Arab youth across the Region. • See our flyers and material specific to resilience and refugee youth here. Women in STEM • In support of women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, the Al Ghurair STEM Scholars encourages applications from young Arab women. We are working towards a generation where there is equal gender representation in all employment sectors. • See our flyers and material targeting application from women here.
Need More?Direct applicant support: agfepalestine@alghurairfoundation.orgapplicant@alghurairfoundation.orgWhatsapp Support:+970568755780 IT/Technical support:portal@alghurairfoundation.orgOutreach collaboration: ryasmin@alghurairfoundation.org