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Explore the geography, government, economy, and religion of the Indus Valley Civilization and Aryan Civilization in India. Learn about the mysterious decline of the Indus Valley Civilization and the cultural impact of the Aryans.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DO NOW Answer the following questions below: 1.Where is India located? • Africa B. Asia C. North America 2.. What religions are in India? • Judaism and Islam B. Christianity and Confucianism C. Hinduism and Buddhism 3. What is the writing system of India? A. Cuneiform B. Calligraphy C. Sanskrit

  2. Plan Of Attack • Egypt Test review • Early Civilizations in India PPT • Map of India • India Civilizations Graphic Organizer

  3. Today’s Objective • Today I will… explore concepts of Indus and Aryan Civilizations • So that I can... Determine the sustainability of India as a civilization • I know I will have it when… Ancient India Quiz and Test

  4. Quick Run Down Previously On WHI w/ Mr. Brennan…..

  5. What do you know about India?

  6. Early Indian Civilizations Mr. Brennan

  7. Geography • Indus Valley located in South Asia (India subcontinent) • Subcontinent: Large landmass that juts out of a continent • Northern Border: Hindu Kush and Himalayas • Isolation • Khyber passes : allowed for migration and invasion • Three major zones • Northern Plain • Deccan Plateau • Coastal Plains

  8. Map of India

  9. India’s Rivers • Rivers located in Northern Plain • Fertile Region Rivers: Indus and Ganges • Rivers were Sacred “mother of the people” Monsoons: seasonal winds -bring rain to the land = water for crops - Too much rain = deadly flooding

  10. Indus Valley Civilization (2500 bC-1800 bC) • “Mystery civilization” rediscovered in 1920s • Emerged near Indus River • Archeologist have not fully uncovered Indus Valley sites • Indus Cities: Harappa and Mohenjo Doro

  11. Indus ( Harappan) Civilization Government • Harappa and Mohenjo Dora -Grid pattern layout • Plumbing systems Evidence: planned out cities show well organized government Economy • Farming • 1st to make cotton/ make cloth • Trading - Traded in middle east (Sumer)

  12. Indus Religion • Polytheistic • Mother goddess (Creation) • Animal worship: buffalos and bulls Veneration: special regard to cattle

  13. Mysterious Decline • 1750 BC : Quantity of life in Indus Valley was declining • Historians do not know why this civilization collapsed.. Theory 1: Invaders took over cities Theory 2: environmental factors (flooding, drought, earthquake) Theory 3: All of the above (led into each other)

  14. Decline of Indus Civilization • https://youtu.be/oMXuzp3XcB8

  15. Note Break! • Answer the following questions: • What are the two rivers in India? 2. What are two achievements the Indus Civilization is known for? 3. What is one reason historians believe about how the Indus Civilization collapsed?

  16. Aryan Civilization • Between 2000 BC and 1500 BC Aryan Civilization develops • Ayrans: (noble ones) ruled over India • Acculturation: blending of cultures • Left no cities, statues or seals • Everything we know about them comes from Vedas: collection of hymns, rituals, and religion teachings

  17. Aryan Society • Tribal political system ( small kingdoms) Rajahs: chiefs of Aryan tribes • Elected by assembly of warriors Four Classes of People : based off person’s ability and interest • Brahmins (Priests) • Kshatriyas (Warriors) *Rulers • Vaisya ( Merchants) • Sudras (Servants) • Evolve into Caste System (born into it)

  18. What’s your Aryan Caste? • https://uquiz.com/u0tib4

  19. Aryan Religion • Worshiped gods and goddesses (natural forces) • Indra: chief god and god of war -Announced the arrival of rain = vital to Indian life New Religion Brahman: a single spiritual power, beyond Vedas gods - Resides in all living things

  20. Writings • Sanskrit: writing system of Indian people • Priests used to write down sacred texts • Two Epics: • Mahabharata: (100,000 verses) warfare and religion • Ramayana: Values

  21. Early Civilizations in Review Geography Indus Civilization Aryan Civilization Indus and Ganges Rivers Hindu Kush and Himalayan Mts. Monsoons Mysterious civilization Grid system cities Plumbing 1st to make Cotton Cattle worship Decline still questioned Vedas Four classes of people Indra Brahman Sanskrit

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