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Developing evaluation in physical activity projects: project workers’ views and actions. Adam Lockwood Faculty of Health and Social Care The Open University A.lockwood@open.ac.uk. PhD research.
Developing evaluation in physical activity projects: project workers’ views and actions Adam Lockwood Faculty of Health and Social Care The Open University A.lockwood@open.ac.uk
PhD research • Focused on researching evaluation in chances4change projects that aim to encourage children to take part in more physical activity • Background • My literature review revealed that little is known about the evaluation of such projects (Stratton et al. 2005; Van Sluijs, 2007) • However it is clear that there may be multiple barriers affecting the execution of evaluation and its utilisation in community-based projects.
PhD research • Such barriers may reflect: • resource constraints (Evaluation tools)(Dugdill and Stratton, 2005) • but they may also relate to attitudes and values of project staff (e.g. Whether they see it as a worthwhile task)(Seppänen-Järvelä, 2004; Ruch Ross et al. 2008; Taut and Alkin, 2003)
Overview of the PhD project • Explore how evaluation is understood and handled in chances4change physical activity projects that work with children • Semi-structured interviews with project managers/leaders and workers and a Desk-based review of chances4change evaluation documentation • Using this research in triangulation with my literature review, I will design an evaluation toolkit • Pilot study: Test out the evaluation toolkit. Using non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews I will look at how the toolkit is used and look at the project workers views of evaluation have changed
Overview continued • After modifying the toolkit and research methods I hope to use the toolkit more widely in six chances4change projects and/or partnership organisations (Also using observations and interviews) • All of the findings from this research will feed into my PhD that examines the meanings, uses and potential of evaluation
Progress with the fieldwork • Desk-based review looking at evaluation documents from ten chances4change projects • Six semi-structured interviews • One with the Programme Manager and Research and Evaluation Manager for chances4change • Two project workers • Two project leads
Findings from the initial interviews and desk-based review Barriers to evaluation • It is difficult to evaluate over the whole age range (5-16). Particularly difficult to evaluate 5-8yrs (Literacy issues) • It is a challenge for children to recall information on their levels of physical activity • Children struggle to understand the evaluation questions that are being asked or they cannot express themselves easily • Children feel that they are being graded during the evaluation. ‘Am I answering the question correctly?’
Barriers to evaluation continued • The type of projects: one off sessions vs long term projects (struggle to evaluate one off sessions) • Timing of the activities (not enough time to conduct the evaluation, pressures with project delivery) • Project workers think that evaluation involves number crunching (This often puts them off) • Some projects do not know how to analyse and interpret the evaluation data or the evaluation in itself doesn’t have a great deal of meaning
Findings from the initial interviews and desk-based review Training • There are different levels of experience amongst project workers (The toolkit should include evaluation training ) • The training needs to be quick and simple so that the project workers don’t lose interest or become overwhelmed • ‘The evaluation needs to be given meaning’, explain why and how projects can evaluate their work • ‘The data takes hours to analyse’, the toolkit should include a section on how to analyse evaluation data
Findings from the initial interviews and desk-based review Make the evaluation fun for children • Toolkit that is engaging- e.g. ‘If the toolkit includes a self report measure such as a questionnaire let the questions include smiley faces and pictures and make it colourful’ • Integrate the evaluation activity into the typical project activities (e.g. Include a fun active game) • Questionnaires are very boring for children, include gadgets or something interactive like a game • Evaluation can be interactive (answer questions by throwing balls into buckets and by putting stickers on charts)
Findings from the initial interviews and desk-based review Current approaches used in projects: • Questionnaires, focus groups, and physiological measurements (BMI, Multistage running tests) Ideas for the toolkit: • Visual Likert scales (Using stickers, throwing balls into buckets) • Paired interviews , focus groups, using photographs as visual prompts , big brother diary room • Postcard evaluations (fun questions on a small postcard increases take-up)
Ideas for toolkit continued • Draw and write methods • Move your feet (Children run to different sides of the room to answer the evaluation question) • Physiological measures (Body Mass Index, Waist to hip ratio, Incremental running tests) • Activity counts (Pedometers and Accelerometers)
What I’m doing now and looking forward • Ongoing design and development of the evaluation toolkit • Piloting the evaluation toolkit in one chances4change project • Make refinements to the evaluation toolkit and research methods • Start my main study fieldwork (testing the toolkit out in 6 chances4change projects and/or partnership organisations)
References • Dugdill, L. and Stratton, G. (2007) Evaluating sport and physical activity interventions: A guide for practitioners. University of Salford, UK. • http://www.wellbeingsoutheast.co.uk/chances4change • Ruch-Ross, Keller, D., Miller, N., Basseitz, J. and Melinkovich, P. (2008). Evaluation of community-based health projects: The healthy tomorrows experience. Paediatrics, 122(3), 564-572 • Seppänen-Järvelä, R. (2004). The meaning assigned to evaluation by project staff. Evaluation. 10(4); 430–39 • Stratton, G., Ridgers, N.D., Gobbii, R. and Tocque, K. (2005). Physical activity exercise, sport and health: Regional mapping for the north-west. http://www.nwph.net/pad/ • Taut, S.M., and Alkin, M.C. (2003). Program Staff Perceptions of Barriers to Evaluation Implementation. American Journal of Evaluation. 24; 213 • Van Sluijs, E.M.F., McMinn, A.M., and Griffin, S.J. (2007). Effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents: systematic review of controlled Trials. British Medical Journal. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/335/7622/703