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Euthanasia. Created by Helene Herncane, Daniela Nestory, Alexis Stein and Gabby Belisle. Before. After. http://sagamorejournal.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/chantal-sebire.jpg. Chantal Sébire. 52 years old Retired French teacher Diagnosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma at 44. Chantal Sébire.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Euthanasia Created by Helene Herncane, Daniela Nestory, Alexis Stein and Gabby Belisle

  2. Before After http://sagamorejournal.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/chantal-sebire.jpg

  3. Chantal Sébire • 52 years old • Retired French teacher • Diagnosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma at 44

  4. Chantal Sébire • Incurable disease • Left blind, no sense of smell or taste • Tumor burrowed through sinuses and nasal cavities • Rejected for Euthanization

  5. Good Death • Greek term for “Good Death” • Termination of human life • Ages 21 and older able to request euthanasia

  6. Good Death • Legal in Oregon • Modern technologies interfere with dying process • People usually due to agonizing diseases

  7. Active and Passive Euthanasia Active Passive • Physician kills patient • Injecting or overdosing • Most consequential • Allows someone to die • Natural Death • Withdrawing unwanted medical treatment, leads to death

  8. Six Degrees of Euthanasia • Removing ventilators • Taking away a system that supplies food and hydrates • Withholding treatment that can prolong the life of a severely ill patient

  9. Six Degrees of Euthanasia • Request of overdosing ill patients • Doctor supplies drugs to patient to end life on their own terms • Injecting lethal substances or narcotics into one’s system; killing them instantly

  10. Relief Of Pain For Against • Should not be forced to suffer • Pain killers not permanent • Effects quality of life • No point in taking life when death is inevitable • Considered murder • Supplement pain with medication

  11. Slippery Slope Effect For Against • Regulations will be made • Has not happened in Netherlands • Doctors could swear on oaths • Pain-killers given • Promotes assisted suicide • Physicians may euthanize people who don’t need it

  12. Slippery Slope Effect For Against • Healthcare does not provide enough money • People could overthrow government • May kill because of lack of money • Legalization will lead to involuntary suicide • Same as homicide

  13. Slippery Slope Effect For Against

  14. Hippocratic Oath • Traditional standard of medicine contract • Greek medical texts • Physicians swear upon a number of “healing gods”

  15. Euthanization Decision • Euthanizing Chantal Sébire • Undergoing a lot of pain • more than one person should go through throughout their life

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