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Comprehensive Dublin High School Transcript Report

The Dublin High School transcript report outlines the student's GPA summary, UC "a-g" course list, and GPAs for different categories. It provides crucial information for college admissions and financial aid applications.

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Comprehensive Dublin High School Transcript Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dublin High School Transcripts Kim Halket, Head Counselor

  2. Infinite Campus Transcript Example • Cumulative GPA (Weighted): 4.58 • Cumulative GPA (Unweighted): 4.00 • Cal Grant GPA: 4.00 • Weighted 10-12 a-g GPA: 4.85 • Unweighted 10-12 a-g GPA: 4.00

  3. GPA Summary • There are five grade point averages reported on the new Infinite Campus transcripts • Weighted- all Advanced Placement (AP) classes and UC approved honors courses- English 3H, Honors Chemistry and French 4H, receive an extra grade point for grades of C or above, 5 point scale • Unweighted- all classes are calculated on a 4 point scale

  4. GPAs • Cumulative GPA (Weighted)- all grades reported on transcript averaged together and weighted. • This determines class rank, salutatorian and valedictorian • Cumulative GPA (Unweighted)- all classes without weighted value

  5. GPAs • Cal Grant GPA- CSAC defines as the unweighted grades from all classes in the 10th and 11th grades, except for PE, averaged together on a 4 point scale. • GPA plus FAFSA information earns money for graduates for college tuition, books, room and board.

  6. UC “a-g” course list • A- History • B- English • C- Mathematics • D- Laboratory Science • E- Foreign Language • F- Visual and Performing Arts • G- College-prep Elective

  7. GPAs • Weighted 10-12 A-G GPA- this is the GPA college admissions use to determine eligibility. All college-prep (a-g) classes in the 10th and 11th grades averaged together and weighted. *All UC and CSU campuses use this GPA (only weight up to 8 semesters). • Unweighted 10-12 A-G GPA- same calculation but not weighted. Some private and out of state colleges do not weight admission GPAs.

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