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API SC13 Drilling Completion and Fracturing Fluids Jan 26, 2011 Fort Worth, TX

API SC13 Drilling Completion and Fracturing Fluids Jan 26, 2011 Fort Worth, TX. Paul Scott, Chair Johnna Smith, Secretary David Ekas Vice-Chair. Agenda. Housekeeping (SC Charge, Roll Call, etc) Previous Meeting Minutes – Approval Upcoming Meetings SC13 API Reporting and Support

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API SC13 Drilling Completion and Fracturing Fluids Jan 26, 2011 Fort Worth, TX

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  1. API SC13 Drilling Completion and Fracturing FluidsJan 26, 2011Fort Worth, TX Paul Scott, Chair Johnna Smith, Secretary David Ekas Vice-Chair

  2. Agenda • Housekeeping (SC Charge, Roll Call, etc) • Previous Meeting Minutes – Approval • Upcoming Meetings • SC13 API Reporting and Support • New Work Items • Task Group Updates • Old Business • New Business • Adjourn

  3. SC13 Charge & Intro • Develop and Maintain Specifications and Recommended Practices for Drilling, Completion, Fracturing Fluids, Fluids Processing Equipment and related subjects • Incoming Secretary Johnna Smith • Del Son

  4. API Email Lists & Roll Call • Comment on API Email List • Circulate SC13 Roster for Updates • Sign-in sheet • Roll Call

  5. API Resolution of Appreciation • Dr Judy Guy-Caffey • Presented by David Miller API • Many thanks!

  6. Welcome new members • Andrez Diaz, BP GOM • Matthew Malwitz, Grinding & Sizing • Leon Martinez, Global Wire Cloth • Toby McClain, Fann Instruments • Hugo Osorio, Equion - Energy (ex-BP Colombia Company) • Victoria Xiaoping Qiu, Shell International Exploration and Production • Tom Remy, Global Wire Cloth • Phil Schwarz, OFI Testing Equipment • Jennifer Shafer, TETRA Technologies • Neil Trotter • Others? • Thanks to everyone for attending and participating

  7. SC13 Meeting Minutes • Review & Approve Previous 2 Meeting Minutes – emailed recently • Posted on API website with all TG WG presentations & documents • Review Previous Meeting Action Items: • All significant items accomplished continued or unresolved items will be carried forward

  8. Next API SC13 Meetings • 2011 Summer – June 27- July 1, San Francisco, CA • 2012 Winter – January 23-27, Fort Worth, TX • 2012 Summer – June 11-15, Westminster, CO

  9. SC13 Home Page API Website: Standards – Committee Info - CSOEM – SC13 Sign-in: Email address & 1st time Username: FirstnameLastname or “Forgot Password”

  10. Committee DocumentsCommon Documents Each TG has a page where they can store and share information

  11. SC13 Meeting Minutes

  12. SC13 Rosters and Mailing Lists

  13. API Support & Staff • Need to use the API Website more!!!!! • Shail Ghaey, Standards Associate • 202.682.8056 • ghaeys@api.org • Roland Goodman, Manager - Upstream Standards • 202.682.8571 • Goodmanr@api.org • David Miller, Director - Standards • 202.682.8159 • Miller@api.org

  14. TG2 Publications: StarkSummary Report • See TG reports for status of all SC13 documents • RP13B-2 is close to go to ISO FDIS Feb 2011

  15. WG1: Oil Mud Chemical Analysis Hibernation WG2: HPHT Direct Indicating Viscometers Sent back to WG to address TG comments WG3: Particle Size Distribution Testing of OBM / SBM Held one meeting and has developed a work plan for future action SR3: Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers To be addressed by Paul Scott TG3 OBM Report To SC13: Pless

  16. TG3 OBM Particle Plugging Test Revision for Inclusion in RP13B-2 Meeting with TG4/WG2, Ceramic PPT Procedure Re-Write New procedure will be applicable to RP13B-1, RP13B-2 and 13I WG2 to submit procedure to TG4 for approval Following approval of draft in TG4, draft procedure to be distributed to TG3 members for review / approval

  17. Background: Increased emphasis on environmental aspects of drilling fluids is driving fluid companies toward non-chloride internal phase activity modifiers for non-aqueous fluids Introduced at the 2010 winter meetings SR3 submitted by Brent Estes to the Task Group at the 2010 summer meetings Tabled by Task Group for further refinement TG3 OBM Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  18. Actions assigned for consideration prior to winter standardization conference: Limit scope of materials to be addressed Inclusion of methodology for solids calculations into SR3 document / WG Charge TG3 OBM Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  19. Interested parties met on 12/7/2010 to draft a response to the Task Group: Activity modifiers to be considered Formates Nitrates Acetates Glycol / Glycerols Agreed to include methodology for utilizing activity measurements to calculate corrected solids. TG3 OBM Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  20. Proposed Work Group Charge: Develop procedure(s) for measurement of non-chloride activity modifiers in non-aqueous fluids and methodology to use those measurements in corrected solids calculations. TG3 OBM Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  21. New Work Items • Motion and vote on TG3 OBM Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  22. TG4 WBM & Lab Testing: BreedenSummary Report • WG1 Drill Solids Simulation continues, • WG2 PPT procedure re-write near completion, • Ad hoc Filter cake compressibility – potential university interest, • Ad hoc PSD Laser diffraction continues as Ad hoc, • Presentation David Derwin Superior Graphite on different in RP13I abrasion test procedure blades – no new WG. Will liaise with supplier Fann

  23. TG5 Summary Report: Robinson • WG1 SCE calculations has new chair Neil Trotter should now make progress looking for new technology, • WG2, Stocks: Educational Marketing group nearing recommendation for screen designation monogram or certification program

  24. TG6 Summary Report: Javora • TG6: Testing Heavy Brines, Javora

  25. SC13 TG-6 Testing of Heavy Brines Quorum was established June 2010 Meeting Minutes Approved Buffer, Corrosion, and Future Project Work Groups completed their tasks Return Permeability, Displacement, Hydrate, Scale and Emulsion Technology Work Groups conducting/initiating business API CRA Testing Program – Update given Total Comments - ISO 13503-3 revisions

  26. TG7 Rheology & HydraulicsSummary Report • TG in hibernation previous chair Bern retired • RP13D has numerous errors: • Zamora has submitted errors and technical issues • Zamora wants to reactivate TG and minor revision of RP13D to include additional items like effect of rotation • Will discuss with Zamora

  27. TG-8, Drilling Fluid Materials Action Items 01/26/11 Review wording of Starch and Guar tests with TG08WG02, vote and forward to TG08 Re-run SEBC tests with new sample of Starch in round robin repeat Recommend hibernation for TG08WG04 (API RP13K) after voting comments are resolved (Passed) Contact Saleh Al-Ammari for clarification on data presented to SC13, determine status of proposed WG and solicit members as appropriate (Establish WG) SC13 – Drilling Completion and Fracturing Fluids

  28. TG9 Frac Fluids: Mahmoud Asadi Active Documents • ISO 13503-1 (API 13M-1) Procedure for measuring viscous properties of completion fluids • 5-year revision is under review by ISO/API • ISO 13503-6 (API 13M-6) Procedure for measuring leakoff of completion fluids under dynamic conditions • Final comments from the reviewers are under review by the committee members

  29. TG9 Frac Fluids: Mahmoud Asadi WGs & Documents • ISO 13503-X (API 13M-X) Formation damage (regain permeability) First draft will be submitted to ISO/API in Jan 2012 • ISO 13503-XX (API 13M-XX) Emulsion Kick-off meeting was held in 2010 • ISO 13503-XXX (API 13M-XXX) Friction First draft will be submitted in Jan 2012

  30. WG on Business Practices, PolnaszekSummary Report • Proposed new TG and equipment for long term storage of technical data – wait to develop SR3 and SC13 vote on new TG • Other work on RP and flowchart will continue

  31. Transfer of Proppant TG from SC19 to SC13 • CSOEM will most likely transfer of TG on Proppants from SC19 to SC13, Glenn Penny Chair

  32. Comments on this meeting • Comments on this meeting • Good attendance • Simultaneous meetings did not work and will try not to do it again • Having true work group meetings was good and will be continued • First row TG/WG seating did not work • Will stay with Tuesday Wednesday schedule

  33. Closing Comments • My agenda as Chair: • Do things faster with same quality of work • Less is more – publication bloat reduction • Change: • Embrace modern work processes • Accept new technologies: API website, eWorking • Encourage new and younger member participation • Social – Contact Jarad Hammar • Thanks for Volunteering! • Feel free to contact me

  34. Are we finished? • OLD BUSINESS • NEW BUSINESS • ADJOURN

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