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Zš JA Komenského (Primary School)

Zš JA Komenského (Primary School). Kristína Gaveldová 8.A. This is our school. Our school is big, orange and green. There is also a big park around the school. Behind the school we have football place,running track,playground and gym.

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Zš JA Komenského (Primary School)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zš JA Komenského(Primary School) Kristína Gaveldová 8.A

  2. This is our school. Our school is big, orange and green. There is also a big park around the school. Behind the school we have football place,running track,playground and gym.

  3. In the school we have many classes. Our class is big and yellow. In class we have desk,chairs and rug. Rug is from wool.

  4. In two classes there are interactive boarts. • Teachers usually have exercises on this board. We like it 

  5. The chemistry lesson we walk into chemical classroom.We usually do chemistry experiments.

  6. Lesson started at 8 o‘clocxk to 14.30 • o ‚clock. Break take 10 minutes. But big break take 20 minutes.

  7. Our school joined a lot of projects for example UNICEF and PROJECT COMENIUS.

  8. Thank you • Goodbye

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