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#1 3.1 With the exception of present-day Florida, what is true about the land belonging to the United States in 1783? A. The U.S. spanned from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. B. The U.S. was still under the control of the British Empire.
#1 3.1 With the exception of present-day Florida, what is true about the land belonging to the United States in 1783? A. The U.S. spanned from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. B. The U.S. was still under the control of the British Empire. C. The U.S. controlled only the land that made up the thirteen original colonies. D. The U.S. consisted of the land east of the Mississippi River.
#2 3.1For 15 million dollars, the United States was able to purchase the Louisiana Territory from A. Spain B. France C. Great Britain D. Native Americans
#3 3.1The final borders of the lower 48 states were established in the A. Gadsden Purchase B. annexation of Texas C. Webster-Ashburton Treaty D. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
#4 3.1 The “Trail of Tears” painting shows Native Americans on a forced march during the 1830s. The Native Americans pictured above were most likely members of which tribe? A. Seminole C. Sioux B. Cherokee D. Tuscarora
#5 3.1This president defied the Supreme Court and called for the removal of the Native Americans A. Andrew Johnson B. Andrew Jackson C. Abraham Lincoln D. James Monroe
#6 3.1This act of Congress eventually leads to the Trail of Tears A. American System B. Indian Removal Act of 1830 C. Homestead Act of 1862 D. Worcester v. Georgia
#7 3.2The Monroe Doctrine A. convinced Russia to give up its claims on Alaska and its interest in the Northwest B. ordered European powers to abandon their existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere C. warned European powers not to interfere with the affairs of the Western Hemisphere D. proclaimed the intention of the United States to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere
#8 3.2 All of the following are true statements about events that led to the Texas Revolution EXCEPT: A. Mexico encourages U.S. settlers to come to Texas to help protect the territory from angry Native Americans B. There were more U.S. settlers in Texas than Tejanos in 1836 C. Stephen Austin went to Santa Anna and asked him for more independent self government in Texas D. Santa Anna granted the Texans more rights for self government under the condition that they remain a part of Mexico
#9 3.2The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo A. allowed US to purchase Florida B. ended the Texas Revolution, making Texas a state C. ended the Mexican-American war giving the US claims to the American Southwest D. doubled the size of the United States
#10 3.2All of the following were issues that led to the Mexican American War EXCEPT: A. Border disputes in Texas B. James K. Polk’s expansionist beliefs C. Mexican invasion on American soil D. America’s interest in acquiring California & New Mexico
#11 3.2Within the United States, conflicts over what delayed the annexation of Texas? A. its price B. its boundaries C. the mission system D. the balance of free and slave states
#12 3.3Completed in 1825, the Erie Canal connected the Atlantic Ocean with what? A. New York City B. the Great Lakes C. the National Road D. the Mississippi River
Answer Key for Standard 3 • 1 D • 2 B • 3 A • 4 B • 5 B • 6 B • 7 C • 8 D • 9 C • 10 C • 11 D • 12 B
#1 4.1Abolition is A. the women’s rights movement B. the call to outlaw slavery C. to stop people from voting D. the call to end the war
#2 4.1In which area did the South have an advantage over the North in the Civil War? A. food production B. population C. industrial capacity D. military leadership
#3 4.1The Seneca Falls Convention was A. a convention held by Know Nothings B. an abolitionist rally C. a woman’s rights convention D. a convention held by the Republican Party
#4 4.2Fredrick Douglass broke away from William Lloyd Garrison and created his own anti-slavery newspaper The North Star because A. he felt William Lloyd Garrison was not a true abolitionist B. he thought William Lloyd Garrison was secretly a part of the KKK C. Douglass believed abolition could be achieved non-violently, while William Lloyd Garrison was willing to use any means necessary to achieve abolition D. Douglass believed abolition needed to be achieved by any means necessary, and Garrison did not condone the use of violence
#5 4.2This woman wrote the controversial book Uncle Tom’s Cabin and was greeted as Lincoln as “the little woman who made this big war.” A. Harriet Tubman B. Sojourner Truth C. Harriet Beecher Stowe D. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
#6 4.2The prominent South Carolina senator who believed strongly in state’s rights. A. John C. Calhoun B. Henry Clay C. Stephen Douglas D. Charles Sumner
#7 4.2What was a result of the Kansas Nebraska Act? A. several years of peace on the issue of slavery B. the end of the political career of Stephen Douglas C. popular sovereignty for Kansas & Nebraska D. a reaffirmation of the Missouri Compromise
#8 4.2This political party was against the expansion of slavery because many immigrants were afraid of losing their jobs to slave laborers. A. Know Nothings B. Free Soilers C. Whigs D. Northern Democrats
#9 4.2The Election of 1860 resulted in A. the end of Reconstruction B. the beginning of Reconstruction C. Inauguration of Andrew Johnson D. secession of Southern states
#10 4.2The Confederacy included all of the following states EXCEPT: A. Alabama B. Texas C. Maryland D. South Carolina
#11 4.3This man was the president of the Confederacy. A. Abraham Lincoln B. Jefferson Davis C. Ulysses S. Grant D. Robert E. Lee
#12 4.3The Emancipation Proclamation freed A. all slaves B. only slaves in border states C. only slaves in the Confederacy D. only slaves in the North
#13 4.3The Massachusetts 54th A. was the first all black regiment B. fought at Gettysburg C. helped the siege on Richmond D. fought for the South
#14 4.4Radical Republicans A. believed African Americans should be given full citizenship and the right to vote. B. believed African Americans should be denied citizenship and the right to vote. C. didn’t care about African Americans. D. believed African Americans should only be given full citizenship, but not the right to vote.
#15 4.4No one can be kept from voting because of race, color, or former enslavement according to the A. black codes B. 13th Amendment C. 14th Amendment D. 15th Amendment
#16 4.5The Freedman’s Bureau helped A. whites only B. blacks only C. poor whites and blacks D. only people from the North
#17 4.5Which of the following individuals would most likely be a keynote speaker at the Freedman’s Convention advertised above. A. a Confederate Veteran B. a Southern Democratic Senator C. a Ku Klux Klan member D. a Republican Congressman
Answer Key for Standard 4 • 1 B • 2 D • 3 C • 4 C • 4 C • 6 A • 7 C • 8 B • 9 D • 10 C • 11 B • 12 C • 13 A • 14 A • 15 D • 16 C • 17 D
#1 5.1 He became the richest man in the world, and he earned his wealth by using trusts to develop the Standard Oil Company. a. John D. Rockefeller b. Edwin L. Drake c. Andrew Carnegie d. Boss Tweed
#2 5.1 Andrew Carnegie made millions of dollars in this industry. a. oil b. coal c. steel d. iron
#3 5.1 In the 19th century, railroads were expanding. What group of immigrants were essential to the growth of railroads? a. Chinese b. Japanese c. Mexican d. Polish
#4 5.1 Social Darwinism, the theory of survival of the fittest in the social and business world, was used to justify a. taxes b. labor unions c. strikes d. big business
#5 5.3 Populism was a. a political party developed to fight for immigrants rights b. a political party that favored native born Americans c. a political party developed to get farmers and other workers out of debt and give the people a greater voice in government d. a political party developed to support big business
#6 5.3 Which of the following marked the collapse of Populism? a. Panic of 1893 b. founding of the Grange c. William Jennings Bryan’s Cross of Gold speech d. the election of William McKinley
#7 5.4 During the late 19th century, a factory worker like the one above would most likely become a member of which of the following groups? a. a trade union b. the House of Representatives c. the Populist Party d. the Ku Klux Klan
#8 5.4 The first labor union in America was the a. American Federation of Labor b. Knights of Labor c. American Railway Union d. National Labor Union
#9 5.5 All of the following were effects of urbanization EXCEPT: a. row housing b. mass transportation c. development of full time police and fire stations d. shopping malls
#10 5.5 Which strategy was not employed by woman suffragists to obtain their goal? a. they called for female workers to strike b. they advocated a constitutional amendment c. they tested the 14th Amendment in court d. they convinced state legislatures to grant women the right to vote
#11 5.6 Immigration was restricted for this group of immigrants from 1882 until 1943 with a series of exclusion acts. a. Polish b. Japanese c. Chinese d. Italian
#12 5.6 Settlement houses were founded in Chicago in the late 1800’s by a. Jane Addams b. Elizabeth Cady Stanton c. Susan B. Anthony d. Carrie Chapman Catt
#13 5.7 Who expressed the belief that racism would end as blacks acquired practical work skills and proved their economic value to society? a. W.E.B. Du Bois b. Ida B. Wells c. Booker T. Washington d. William Torrey Harris
#14 5.7 Muckrakers were a. politicians b. conservationists c. suffragists d. journalists
#15 5.7 The Progressive Movement regarded all of the following to be worthy goals EXCEPT: a. protecting social welfare b. promoting business monopolies c. creating economic reform d. fostering efficiency in the workplace
Answer Key for Standard 5 • 1 A • 2 C • 3 A • 4 D • 5 C • 6 D • 7 A • 8 D • 9 D • 10 A • 11 C • 12 A • 13 A • 14 D • 15 B