不同程度女性減重前後之體組成,熱量代謝及血液生化值之研究不同程度女性減重前後之體組成,熱量代謝及血液生化值之研究 • 體重過重或肥胖常與許多慢性疾病的發生或嚴重程度有關,而減重可 使其疾病症狀減輕 或消除。因此本實驗在研究67個停經前女性,以飲 食控制方式減輕體重,追蹤半年至一年 ,比較減重前後體組成、熱量 代謝及血液生化值變化情形。在67個受測者中選取體重減輕 大於原體 重5%以上者29人加以分析比較。結果顯示:不同程度肥胖女性,不管 體 重, 瘦 體組織重、脂肪重及休息狀態下熱量代謝皆有顯著之不同,且 中度肥胖組高於輕度肥胖組 ,且輕度肥胖組又高於正常體重組。在血 液生化值中,體重大於理想體重40%以上者,血 漿TG、Cholesterol、 LDL-C、ApoB、insulin皆顯著比理想體重20~40%者為高,而在HDL-C 則 顯著較體重大於理想體重20~40%者為低。在減重大於5%之29人中,減重後 體重平均下降 9.2±5.2 kg(由79.6±13.8 kg下降至70.4±11.2kg) ,脂肪含量百分比下降3.6±2.3% (由35.8±3.6%下降至32.2±3.4% )均有顯著差異(p<0.05)。在休息狀態下之熱量代謝(R MR),減重前後 有明顯差異,但若以每公斤體重或每公斤瘦體組織(FFM)來看則沒有顯著 差 異,顯示減重後RMR伴隨瘦體組織減少而降低。血漿TG、 cholesterol、LDL-C、uric acid 、glucose、insulin在減重後均顯著 降低,HDL-C則顯著上升(p<0.05),顯示體重減輕只 要大於原體重5% 以上,即可有效改善高三酸甘油酯血症、高膽固醇血症、高胰島素血症等 相關疾病危險因子,不同程度減重組別間則沒有顯著差異。在肝功能方面 血漿GOT、GPT值 ,肥胖者顯著較正常體重組高,且減重後並未顯著降 低。尿中Creatinine及3-methyl-his tidine在減重前後亦未見有顯著 差異,顯示減重並未造成肌肉組織之分解增加。
Effects of weight reductiion on body composition, energy metabolism and blood chemistry of obese women • Epidemiological studies have shown that obesity has positive correlation with the incidence of chronic diseases, and weight reduction ameliorate the severi ty of the diseases. Domestic studies about the various comparisons before and after weight reduction are rare. The aim of this study was to investigate th e changes in body composition, energy metabolism and biochemical indices befor e and after weight reduction. Besides, the possible advantages of weight redu ction were also discussed. Sixty-seven premenopausal obese women were recruit ed into our study for a weight reduction program for one half to one year peri od. Eighteen normal weight age matched women served as control. The body mas s index (BMI) of control group was 19.8-24.2. Women whose BMI ranged from 26. 4 to 30.7 were classified as mildly obese group (n=44), and that with BMI > 3 0.8 were regarded as moderately obese group (n=23).The results of this study i ndicated that body fat mass (FM), fat free mass (FFM) and resting metabolic r ate (RMR) were significantly different among the normal weight, mildly obese a nd moderately obese groups, and these parameters were increased in accordance with the body weight. There was no difference in RMR/FFM ratio among the thre e groups. However, the ratio of RMR/BW was significantly lower in obese group s than that of the normal weight group. This finding may suggest that obese w omen have relatively hypometabolic response compared with the normal weight wo men.Among the 67 subjects only 29 subjects reduced weight for more than 5% of their initial body weight, and the mean weight loss of there subjects were 9.2 ±5.2kg. Body fat content was reduced for 3.6±2.3% after weight reduction. No significant difference in urinary creatinine and 3-methylhisitidine were se en between the subjects before and weight reduction, this may suggest that wei ght reduction did not enhance muscle breakdown under the present study. Plasm a triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density
Effects of weight reductiion on body composition, energy metabolism and blood chemistry of obese women • lipoprotein cholester ol (LDL-C), Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) and insulin concentrations were significa ntly higher and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were lower in mod erately obese group than the normal weight group. Weight reduction of the obe se subjects significantly lower the plasma TG, TC, LDL-C. HDL-C was significa ntly increased after weight reduction. However, the concentration of HDL-C of the obese groups was still lower than the normal weight group. In conclusion, body FM, FFM and RMR were significantly higher in obese groups than that of t he normal weight group. Since RMR/BW was significantly lower in obese groups than the normal weight group, it might mean that obese women have relatively h ypometabolic response than normal weight women. Weight reduction in obese sub jects significantly decrease FM, FFM and RMR. Considering that urinary creati nine and 3-methylhisitidine did not different between subjects before and afte r weight reduction, it was thought that muscle breakdown was not increased du ring weight reduction. The results of this study revealed that plasma TG, TC, LDL-C and insulin concentration were significantly higher and HDL-C was lower in obese groups than normal weight group. Weight reduction for more than 5% o f initial body weight can significantly reduced plasma lipids, insulin, gluco se and uric acid concentration and may improve the overall health condition of the individual subject.