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Tracking Pesticide Risk Trends and Tradeoffs. Dr. Charles Benbrook Co-PI WISC-FLA RAMP Project Benbrook Consulting Services. IPM Evaluation and Impact Assessment Workshop April 9, 2003. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUGUST 2001 GAO REPORT. Does IPM really reduce pesticide risks?.
Tracking Pesticide Risk Trends and Tradeoffs Dr. Charles Benbrook Co-PI WISC-FLA RAMP Project Benbrook Consulting Services IPM Evaluation and Impact Assessment Workshop April 9, 2003
QUESTIONS FROM THE AUGUST 2001 GAO REPORT Does IPM really reduce pesticide risks? If so, to what extent? Are USDA’s IPM research and education programs optimally focused on pesticide risk reduction?
The IPM community owes the general public and policy-makers credible answers to such questions.
CHANGES IN CHEMISTRY • Adverse risk outcomes have shifted from human health concerns to more localized ecological impacts EXAMPLE: nicotinoids and spinosad on forging bees
Indicators of Pesticide Risk • Based on some combination of use rates and pesticide toxicity • Must take context into account
Measuring and Monitoring Pesticide Risk Trends • Need to refine individual risk-specific indicators • Need to develop improved capacity to select the most appropriate target species • Adjustment factors needed to take into account how a pesticide is used • formulations, application methods, timing and application rates are examples
Assessing and Measuring Pesticide Risks PROBLEM AREAS • Dealing with pesticide impacts on above and below ground beneficials • Challenge is very region, crop and IPM system specific
Overview of Methodology Table of Contents Methodology Template Worker Exposure Summary & Issues GCC Florida Tox Factors 2003 Chronic Human Health Summary & Issues EcoTox Summary & Issues Impacts on Beneficials Summary & Issues Active Ingredient Factors (Alphabetically) Applications (Tox Factors per Acre Treatment)
Pesticide Type: ______ Date: ______ Trade Name: ______ Manufacturer: ______ State: Florida Pesticide: ______ Crop: Tomatoes Basis for Worker Exposure-Acute Mammalian (WE-AM) Index: Formula for WE-AM Index = (Scaled Inverse Dermal LD50) x (Use Pattern Adjustment Factor) Scaled Inverse Dermal LD50 = ____ Use Pattern Adjustment Factor = ____ WE-AM Index Value: ___ Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Worker Exposure-Acute Mammalian Index (WE-AM Index)
Foliar Applied Soil Applied – Liquid Soil Applied - Granular Soil Incorporated Soil Injected Soil Injected & Sealed Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Worker Exposure-Acute Mammalian Index (WE-AM Index) Basis for the Scaled Inverse Dermal LD50 Value Dermal LD50 Value: ______ Scaling Factor = 5000 Inverse Scaled Dermal LD50 Value: ______ Basis for the Use Pattern Adjustment Factors 1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 Use Pattern Adjustment Factor = __________
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Worker Exposure-Acute Mammalian Index (WE-AM Index) Dermal LD50 Primary: “WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard,” most recent version. Dermal LD50 Secondary: EPA Registration documents; Federal Register Final Rules; Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Default and Maximum value: 5,000 mg/kg Data Sources and Basis For Values for WE-AM Index:
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Pesticide Type: ______ Date: ______ Trade Name: ______ Manufacturer: ______ State: Florida Pesticide: ______ Crop: Tomatoes Formula for EcoTox Index = ([Invertebrate Value + Fish Value] x Surface Runoff Adjustment Factor) + (Avian Value x Use Pattern Adjustment Factor)
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Basis for EcoTox (ER) Index: Invertebrate Value = ____ Fish Value = ____ Invertebrate + Fish Value = ____ Surface Runoff Adjustment Factor = ____ Surface Runoff Adjustment Factor x Invertebrate + Fish Value = ____ Avian Value = ____ Use Pattern Adjustment Factor = ____ Avian Index (Adjusted for Use Pattern Factor) = ____ Ecological Risk Index: ___
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Basis for the Invertebrate Value Formula = Scaling Factor x Inverted Daphnia EC50 Value Daphnia Average EC50 Value : ______ Inverted EC50 Value: _________ Scaling Factor = .025 Invertebrate Value: ______ Basis for the Fish Value Formula = Fish Scaling Factor x Bluegill LD50 Value Bluegill Average LD50 Value : ______ Inverted LD50 Value: _________ Scaling Factor = .025 Fish Value: ______
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Basis for Surface Runoff Adjustment Factor Soil Injected & Sealed Foliar Applied Soil Applied – Liquid Soil Applied - Granular Soil Incorporated or Injected 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.05 0.2 Basis for Avian Value (using Mineau data) Formula = (Mineau Scaling Factor) / HD5 50% HD550% Value: _________ Scaling Factor = 30 Scaled HD550% Value Value: ______
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Basis for Avian Value (using EPA data) Formula = [(1/Mallard Duck Tox Value) + (1/Bobwhite Quail Tox Value)] x 500 Mallard Duck Average LD50 or LC50 Value: _________ Inverse Mallard Duck Average LD50 or LC50 Value: _________ Bobwhite Quail Average LD50 or LC50 Value: _________ Inverse Bobwhite Quail Average LD50 or LC50 Value: _________ Scaling Factor (EPA) = 500 Scaled EPA-Based Avian Value = _______________
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Aquatic Invertebrate Value: Primary: EPA’s ‘TOX DBF’ (B. Montague – updated 7/20/02) Secondary: Farm Chemicals Handbook; Pesticide Manual Tertiary: EPA regulatory documents, Chemical Company Data, MSDS Selection of species: Primary: Crustacea (Taxa), Daphnia magna (water flea) Secondary: Curstacea (Taxa), Simocephalus serrulatus (daphnid) Tertiary: Curstacea (Taxa), Gammarus fasciatus, Gammarus pseudolimnaeus or Gammarus lacustris (scud) Selection of studies: A.I. Concentration: (>90% - tech preferred) Age of organism: (Adult preferred, otherwise most common age) Study Time: (96 hr preferred, 48 hr secondary choice) Dose Time: (EC50 preferred, ppb values converted to ppm) Data Sources and Basis For Values for ER Index (Invertebrate):
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Fish Value: Primary: EPA’s ‘TOX DBF’ (B. Montague – updated 7/20/02) Secondary: Farm Chemicals Handbook; Pesticide Manual Tertiary: EPA regulatory documents, Chemical Company Data, MSDS Selection of species: Primary: Fishes (Taxa), Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill sunfish) Secondary: Fishes (Taxa), Pimephales promelas, (fathead minnow) Selection of studies: A.I. Concentration: (>90% - tech preferred) Weight of organism: (Most common age) Study Time: (96 hr preferred) Dose Type in ppm (ppb converted to ppm) Data Sources and Basis For Values for ER Index (Fish):
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft Basis for the Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Primary: Pesticide Acute Toxicity Reference Values for Birds, Mineau et. al Index based on [HD5 (50%)] Index. The HD5 (50%) is the calculated dose of a pesticide that is safe for 95% of exposed 20-gram birds, and assumes a 50% probability of over-or underestimation. Secondary: EPA’s ‘TOX DBF’ (most recent update): Tertiary: Farm Chemicals handbook; Pesticide Manual; EPA regulatory documents, MSDS, Chemical Company data Selection of species [from EPA’s TOX DBF if no Mineau data are available]: Primary: Aves (Taxa), Anas platyrhynchos (mallard duck) Secondary: Aves (Taxa), Colinus virginianus (bobwhite quail) Selection of studies: AI concentration: >90% - tech preferred Age of organism: (Most common age) Study Time: (8 days preferred) Dose Type: LD50 or LC50in ppm: Data Sources and Basis For Values for ER Index (Avian):
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft The Worker Exposure-Acute Mammalian Index (WE-AM Index)
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft The Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Part 1 Invertebrate and Fish Values
Florida Tox Factors Methodology Template 4/2/03 Draft The Ecological Risk Index (ER Index) Part 2 Avian and Final EcoTox Index