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ITF 212 PROJECT UNCTAD. Barış Bostancı Çisem Kayar Derya Gökçeer Dilara Denci. UNCTAD. Established in 1964 I n Geneva in 1964 Deal with trade , investment and development. C oncerns of developing countries over the international market
ITF 212 PROJECTUNCTAD Barış Bostancı Çisem Kayar Derya Gökçeer Dilara Denci
UNCTAD • Established in 1964 • In Geneva in 1964 • Dealwithtrade, investmentanddevelopment
Concerns of developing countries over the international market • Great disparity between developed nations and developing nations. • Formulate policies relating to all aspects of development
UNCTAD grew from the view of GATT, WTO, IMF • Meets once in four years • Three key functions of UNCTAD are: • being a forum • conducting • providing technicalassistance
We can divide UNCTAD stages into 3 catagories; Phase 1: The 1960s and 1970s Phase 2: The 1980s Phase 3: From the 1990s until today
Areas of Work • Recognized as a global centre of excellence on issues related to investment and enterprise for sustainable development. • Built on several decades of successful experience, its staff provide international expertise in research and policy analysis, inter-governmental consensus-building, and technical assistance to over 150 countries. • Its flagship product- the annual World Investment Report and • Its main global stakeholder event- the biannual World Investment Forum. • Maintains the interactive World Investment Network of over 9,000 members to disseminate and promote all its work on investment and enterprise.
Technology, Innovation and Trade Logistics The Division on Technology and Logistics (DTL) aims to enhance the economic development and competitiveness in developing countries - in particular Least Developed Countries - through efficient trade logistics services and transit transport systems; science, technology and innovation. The Division achieves this through analytical work, intergovernmental policy dialogue and the implementation of technical cooperation, training and capacity building programmes. hosts United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development and carries out ASYCUDA, UNCTAD´s largest technical cooperation programme.
About UNCTAD Relationships with other agencies • World Trade Organization UNCTAD and WTO have been joining forces to ensure a better functioning of the multilateral trading system. UNCTAD and WTO interact frequently, and the intergovernmental processes in both organizations are often attended by the same Government representatives. • International Trade Centre Jointly sponsored by UNCTAD and WTO for operational, enterprise-oriented aspects of trade development, with an emphasis on trade promotion.
In contrast to UNCTAD, ITC’s technical assistance focuses on assisting businesses in developing countries. • Both UNCTAD and WTO are represented in the Joint Advisory Group supervising ITC’s work, and UNCTAD has a number of joint technical assistance activities with ITC.
UN Regional Commissions and UNDP UNCTAD cooperates with these international entities on a project-by-project basis, be it in relation to research projects, joint workshops and seminars, or technical assistance. Since UNCTAD has no representatives in the field, the UNDP country offices are also used to support UNCTAD activities in various countries. • UN Inter-Agency Cluster on trade and productive capacity The CEB Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity is an interagency mechanism dedicated to the coordination of trade and development operations at the national and regional levels within the UN system.
UNCTAD and Civil Society Enhanced cooperation between the private and the public sector is essential to the effective integration of developing countries into the global economy Seeking ways to involve civil society organizations, academia, trade unions, parliamentarians and business associations in its work. Cooperation with civil society is mutually beneficial: it helps civil society actors, empowering and enhancing their advocacy role in support of sustainable development, while adding value to the work of UNCTAD and its member States in achieving tangible development outcomes.
The Civil Society Outreach (CSO) Unit of UNCTAD is responsible for liaison and outreach to civil society. Its role is to encourage and facilitate participation and engagement of civil society in the work of UNCTAD. This includes: • Organizing the annual UNCTAD Public Symposium • Organizing civil society activities and events at UNCTAD Conferences • Organizing hearings, consultations, briefings and informal meetings with experts and civil society • Reviewing and processing requests for accreditation and observer status with UNCTAD • Providing civil society with relevant information and documentation on UNCTAD activities • Liaising and interacting with other UN system focal points for civil society
EVALUTION AT UNCTAD TheUNCTAD EvaluationandMonitoringUnitcoordinatestheoversightactivitieswithintheorganizationthatservetobothensureandenhancethequalityandresonance of itsprogrammesandprojects. Themainactivities of theunittocoverthismandateinclude: Managing, conductingandsupportingtheevaluation Participatingandcontributingtointer-agencyinitiatives on evaluation, Providingguidanceandassistancetoprogrammemanagers in usingresults-basedmanagementmethodologies
Africa, LeastDevelopedCountriesandSpecialProgrammes • TheDivisionfocuses on thepoorestandmostvulnerabledevelopingcountries in theworld. Specifically, it aimstoincreaseunderstandingandawareness of thedevelopmentproblems of Africaandtheleastdevelopedcountries, as well as countrieswithspecificgeographicalhandicaps.
Globalization, InterdependenceandDevelopment Throughitsprogramme on GlobalizationandDevelopmentStrategies, UNCTAD contributestotheinternationaldebate on globalizationandthemanagement of itsconsequencesfordevelopingcountries. Theprogrammepromotespolicies at thenational, regionalandinternationallevelthatareconducivetostableeconomicgrowthandsustainabledevelopment. Itregularlyexaminesthetrendsandprospects in theworldeconomy, undertakesstudies on therequirementsforsuccessfuldevelopmentstrategiesand on thedebtproblems of developingcountries.
InternationalTradeandCommodities Theoverallobjective of theprogramme is topromoteinclusiveandsustainabledevelopmentthroughinternationaltrade. Itoffersanalysisandadviceandseekstobuildconsensus, strengthencapacityandpromotepartnershipsfortradepolicy, tradenegotiations, trade in goodsandservices, competitionlawandconsumerprotection, andmanagingissuesarising at theintersection of trade, theenvironmentandclimatechange.
UNCTAD REPORTS • Trade and Development Report (TDR) • WorldInvestmentReport (WIR) • Least Developed Countries Report (LDC) • Economic Development in Africa Report • Information Economy Report (IER) and E-commerce and Development Report (ECDR) • Review of Maritime Transport (RMT) • Technology and Innovation Report (TIR) • Trade and Environment Review (TER)
TradeandDevelopmentReport (TDR) • TheTradeandDevelopmentreportanalysescurrenteconomictrendsandmajorpolicyissues of internationalconcern, andmakessuggestionsforaddressingtheseissues at variouslevels.
WorldInvestmentReport (WIR) • TheWorldInvestmentreportfocuses on trends in foreigndirectinvestment (FDI) worldwideand at theregionalandcountrylevels, as well as emergingmeasurestoimprove FDI´s contributiontodevelopment..
LeastDevelopedCountriesReport (LDC) • UNCTAD´s LeastDevelopedCountriesReportprovides a comprehensiveandauthoritativesource of socio-economicanalysisand data on theworld´s mostimpoverishedcountries. EachReportcontains a statisticalannex, whichprovidesbasic data on theLDCs.
EconomicDevelopment in AfricaReport • TheEconomicDevelopment in Africareportanalysesselectedaspects of Africa´s developmentproblemsandmajorpolicyissuesconfrontingAfricancountries.
InformationEconomyReport (IER) and E-commerceandDevelopmentReport (ECDR) • TheInformationEconomyReportfocuses on trends in informationandcommunicationstechnologies (ICT), such as e-commerceand e-business, and on nationalandinternationalpolicyandstrategyoptionsforimprovingthedevelopmentimpact.
Review of Maritime Transport (RMT) • TheReview of Maritime Transport examinestrends in sea-bornetradeandanalysesthecomparativeperformance of differentgeographicregionsandcountries.
TechnologyandInnovationReport (TIR) : • UNCTAD launched a newflagshipreportseries in 2010, theTechnologyandInnovationReport, in whichissues in science, technologyandinnovationareaddressed in a comprehensivewaywith an emphasis on policyrelevantanalysisandconclusionsthataretopicalandimportantfordevelopingcountries.
TradeandEnvironmentReview (TER) • Theobjective of theTradeandEnvironmentReview is toenhanceunderstanding of andpromotedialogue on thedevelopmentdimension of keytradeandenvironmentissues. Eachedition of theTradeandEnvironmentReviewcomprisesoneormoreleadarticles on selectedtopics, commentaries on thosearticlesby a range of experts, and an overview of UNCTAD technicalcooperationactivities in thearea of trade, environmentanddevelopment.
The IntergovernmentalMachinery of UNCTAD • The Conference • The Trade and Development Board • Two Commissions • ExpertMeetings
Meetings in UNCTAD • The Conference meets every four years, while the Board has one regular session and two or three executive sessions each year. The Commissions meet once a year, and each Commission convenes a number of expert meetings on specific topics. • Geneva
The QuadrennialConference • The conference is a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly. • The conferences serve an important political function: they allow intergovernmental consensus building regarding the state of the world economy and development policies, and they play a key role in identifying the role of the United Nations and UNCTAD in addressing economic development problems.
UNCTAD DATABANK(since 1980) • Internationaltrade in goodsandservices • Economictrends • Foreigndirectinvestment • Externalfinancialresources • Populationandlabourforce • Commodities • Informationeconomy • Creativeeconomy • Maritime transport