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Statistical Object Recognition

CS 636 Computer Vision. Statistical Object Recognition. Nathan Jacobs. Slides adapted from Lazebnik. Administrivia. Project 4 Final Project Next Class is Cancelled. Overview. Statistical Recognition generative vs. discriminative learning Bag of Features Models. Statistical Recognition.

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Statistical Object Recognition

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  1. CS 636 Computer Vision Statistical Object Recognition Nathan Jacobs Slides adapted from Lazebnik

  2. Administrivia • Project 4 • Final Project • Next Class is Cancelled

  3. Overview • Statistical Recognition • generative vs. discriminative learning • Bag of Features Models

  4. Statistical Recognition Slides adapted from Fei-Fei Li, Rob Fergus, Antonio Torralba, and Kristen Grauman

  5. Steps for statistical recognition • Representation • Specify the model for an object category • Bag of features, part-based, global, etc. • Learning • Given a training set,find the parameters of the model • Generative vs. discriminative • Recognition • Apply the model to a new test image

  6. Object categorization: the statistical viewpoint • MAP decision: vs.

  7. posterior likelihood prior Object categorization: the statistical viewpoint • MAP decision: vs. • Bayes rule:

  8. posterior likelihood prior Object categorization: the statistical viewpoint • Discriminative methods: model posterior • Generative methods: model likelihood and prior

  9. Discriminative methods • Direct modeling of Decisionboundary Zebra Non-zebra

  10. Generative methods • Model and

  11. Generative vs. discriminative learning Generative Discriminative Posterior probabilities Class densities

  12. Generative vs. discriminative methods • Generative methods + Can sample from them / compute how probable any given model instance is + Can be learned using images from just a single category – Sometimes we don’t need to model the likelihood when all we want is to make a decision • Discriminative methods + Efficient + Often produce better classification rates – Require positive and negative training data – Can be hard to interpret

  13. Generalization • How well does a learned model generalize from the data it was trained on to a new test set? • Underfitting: model is too “simple” to represent all the relevant class characteristics • High training error and high test error • Overfitting: model is too “complex” and fits irrelevant characteristics (noise) in the data • Low training error and high test error • Occam’s razor: given two models that represent the data equally well, the simpler one should be preferred

  14. Occam’s razor: why is it a useful heuristic? 1NN 5NN logistic regression (x, y, x2, y2) logistic regression (x, y, sqrt(x2+y2))

  15. Supervision • Images in the training set must be annotated with the “correct answer” that the model is expected to produce Contains a motorbike

  16. Fully supervised “Weakly” supervised Unsupervised Definition depends on task

  17. Face Recognition • N. Kumar, A. C. Berg, P. N. Belhumeur, and S. K. Nayar, "Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification,"ICCV 2009.

  18. Face Recognition Attributes for training Similes for training • N. Kumar, A. C. Berg, P. N. Belhumeur, and S. K. Nayar, "Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification,"ICCV 2009.

  19. Face Recognition Results on Labeled Faces in the Wild Dataset • N. Kumar, A. C. Berg, P. N. Belhumeur, and S. K. Nayar, "Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification,"ICCV 2009.

  20. What task? • Classification • Object present/absent in image • Background may be correlated with object • Localization / Detection • Localize object within the frame • Bounding box or pixel-level segmentation

  21. Datasets • Circa 2001: 5 categories, 100s of images per category • Circa 2004: 101 categories • Today: thousands of categories, tens of thousands of images

  22. Caltech 101 & 256 http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech101/ http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/ Griffin, Holub, Perona, 2007 Fei-Fei, Fergus, Perona, 2004

  23. The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge (2005-2009) http://pascallin.ecs.soton.ac.uk/challenges/VOC/ 2008 Challenge classes: Person: person Animal: bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep Vehicle:aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, motorbike, train Indoor: bottle, chair, dining table, potted plant, sofa, tv/monitor

  24. The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge (2005-2009) • Main competitions • Classification: For each of the twenty classes, predicting presence/absence of an example of that class in the test image • Detection: Predicting the bounding box and label of each object from the twenty target classes in the test image http://pascallin.ecs.soton.ac.uk/challenges/VOC/

  25. The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge (2005-2009) • “Taster” challenges • Segmentation: Generating pixel-wise segmentations giving the class of the object visible at each pixel, or "background" otherwise • Person layout: Predicting the bounding box and label of each part of a person (head, hands, feet) http://pascallin.ecs.soton.ac.uk/challenges/VOC/

  26. Lotus Hill Research Institute image corpus http://www.imageparsing.com/ Z.Y. Yao, X. Yang, and S.C. Zhu, 2007

  27. Labeling with games http://www.gwap.com/gwap/ L. von Ahn, L. Dabbish, 2004; L. von Ahn, R. Liu and M. Blum, 2006

  28. LabelMe http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/ Russell, Torralba, Murphy, Freeman, 2008

  29. 80 Million Tiny Images http://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/tinyimages/

  30. Dataset issues • How large is the degree of intra-class variability? • How “confusable” are the classes? • Is there bias introduced by the background? I.e., can we “cheat” just by looking at the background and not the object?

  31. Caltech-101

  32. Steps for statistical recognition • Representation • Specify the model for an object category • Bag of features, part-based, global, etc. • Learning • Given a training set,find the parameters of the model • Generative vs. discriminative • Recognition • Apply the model to a new test image

  33. Bag-of-features models Many slides adapted from Fei-Fei Li, Rob Fergus, and Antonio Torralba

  34. Overview: Bag-of-features models • Origins and motivation • Image representation • Discriminative methods • Nearest-neighbor classification • Support vector machines • Generative methods • Naïve Bayes • Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis • Extensions: incorporating spatial information

  35. Origin 1: Texture recognition • Texture is characterized by the repetition of basic elements or textons • For stochastic textures, it is the identity of the textons, not their spatial arrangement, that matters Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001; Schmid 2001; Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003

  36. Origin 1: Texture recognition histogram Universal texton dictionary Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001; Schmid 2001; Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003

  37. Origin 2: Bag-of-words models • Unordered document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

  38. US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloudhttp://chir.ag/phernalia/preztags/ Origin 2: Bag-of-words models • Unordered document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

  39. US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloudhttp://chir.ag/phernalia/preztags/ Origin 2: Bag-of-words models • Unordered document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

  40. US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloudhttp://chir.ag/phernalia/preztags/ Origin 2: Bag-of-words models • Unordered document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

  41. Bags of features for image classification • Extract features

  42. Bags of features for image classification • Extract features • Learn “visual vocabulary”

  43. Bags of features for image classification • Extract features • Learn “visual vocabulary” • Quantize features using visual vocabulary

  44. Bags of features for image classification • Extract features • Learn “visual vocabulary” • Quantize features using visual vocabulary • Represent images by frequencies of “visual words”

  45. 1. Feature extraction • Regular grid • Vogel & Schiele, 2003 • Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005

  46. 1. Feature extraction • Regular grid • Vogel & Schiele, 2003 • Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005 • Interest point detector • Csurka et al. 2004 • Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005 • Sivic et al. 2005

  47. 1. Feature extraction • Regular grid • Vogel & Schiele, 2003 • Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005 • Interest point detector • Csurka et al. 2004 • Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005 • Sivic et al. 2005 • Other methods • Random sampling (Vidal-Naquet & Ullman, 2002) • Segmentation-based patches (Barnard et al. 2003)

  48. 1. Feature extraction ComputeSIFT descriptor [Lowe’99] Normalizepatch Detectpatches [Mikojaczyk and Schmid ’02] [Mata, Chum, Urban & Pajdla, ’02] [Sivic & Zisserman, ’03] Slide credit: Josef Sivic

  49. 1. Feature extraction

  50. 2. Learning the visual vocabulary

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