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Run-On Sentences

Run-On Sentences. Advanced Communications. In Plain English…. Please copy the following information on a sheet of paper:

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Run-On Sentences

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  1. Run-On Sentences Advanced Communications

  2. In Plain English… Please copy the following information on a sheet of paper: A run-on sentence is created when two or more independent clauses are placed together without proper punctuation or connectors. Connectors may be transition words or coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

  3. Student Error… Something that makes me happy is my friend Destiny she doesn’t try to act all cool and she is just goofy like me when she dances she doesn’t care about what nobody says and she just does dirty dancing and laughs an doesn’t worry so she is a lot of fun to hang with because she makes me laugh and we can go to Ingram Park mall and cruise around she is not shy so we always get to met guys. • Are you breathless yet???

  4. Mentor sentences Please copy these sentences into the “Writing”section of your Writer’s Notebook and title them “Run-On Mentor Sentences” • They handle the BB gun carelessly, trading it back and forth, each slinging the barrel over his shoulder like a hunter in a frontier television show. (p.1) • They are showing your name, asking if dinner is ready yet. (p.1) • Jim Grimsley, Winter Birds • And Furlough found his brother in the library, standing on top of the great open book, his tail wrapped tightly around his feet, his small body shivering. (p. 46) • Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Desperaux • She stands there, staring at the lake, knowing that her dad is gone forever. • Justin, sixth grader

  5. Dependence How would you define dependence? • When you get older, you will no longer be dependent. You will stand on your own. That’s the whole point of school – to make you independent. Copy the following bullet points on your sheet of paper: • A sentence has to earn its independence by having a subject and a verb and a complete thought. • Sentences are independent, and fragments are dependent – they can’t stand on their own.

  6. Mentor sentence • They handle the BB gun carelessly, trading it back and forth, each slinging the barrel over his shoulder like a hunter in a frontier television show.(p.1) • Jim Grimsley, Winter Birds • Let’s do the sentence test… • Does it express a complete thought? • How does it stand on its own? • Does it leave you hangin’?

  7. Lean on Me… “trading it back and forth” • Let’s give it the sentence test… • These words can’t stand on their own, but dependent things can lean on independent things. • Just like you are dependent on independent individuals! • They handle the BB gun carelessly, trading it back and forth. • We can often attach dependent things that can’t stand on their own to independent things they can lean on.

  8. Close your Eyes…Just Listen • Ok, I am going to stop analyzing and I just want you to open your ears. Close your eyes and see the sentence as I read it out loud. • See the way the structures act like a camera, gliding across a scene, getting a close-up of details. They handle the BB gun carelessly, trading it back and forth, each slinging the barrel over his shoulder like a hunter in a frontier television show.

  9. Control the Camera They handle the BB gun carelessly, trading it back and forth, each slinging the barrel over his shoulder like a hunter in a frontier television show. • Open your Writer’s Notebook to the next clean page in the Writing section, copy this sentence down skipping a couple lines between them…look at how I did it in my notebook. • Now you are going to add pictures to each part of the sentence, create mind movies by making additions to the sentence without running on.

  10. Your Visual Aid.. • Turn to the Gems section of your Writer’s Notebook and look for your • Sentence, closer. • That paste in…that is our run-on sentence visual.

  11. Let’s look at our writing… • Return to the last freewrite we did…We just wrote, we didn’t complete an express-lane edit. Let’s do our “In the Can stories • Let’s go back and conduct and express-lane edit looking for run-on sentences.

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