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This guide outlines vendor responsibilities, reporting procedures, and protocol during an IBM engagement. It details the submission of timesheets, expense reports, and activity records. Vendors are advised on communication protocols and confidentiality measures. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for successful collaboration.
SWG Vendor Operations – • Guidelines for Vendors • During an engagement October 2009
Agenda • During an engagement • Vendor Responsibilities • Consultant Activity Reports (Timecards) • Expense Reports • Status Reports • Invoicing IBM • IBM eMail Access/Badges • Contact Information/Where to go for help
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities While deployed on an engagement • Vendor Management • Respond to ERS and NON-ERS/SOWs within the same business day. • Do not allow consultant to start work or work beyond contract limits without work authorization (ERSA, SOWA and Amendments must be processed prior to). • Monitor hours, expense and dates against contracted parameters. If extensions are needed, contact engagement owner in advance for contract alterations and copy BRAND ID. • Inform engagement owner of any issues that arise on the account and copy BRAND ID. • Inform engagement owner of any scheduled consultant absence and arrange for backup if required. Copy BRAND ID • Gather and review timesheets and status reports and ensure submission are on time and on a weekly basis. • Ensure billing is current (within two weeks of work performed). • Do not solicit for hire or consider for hire another vendor’s consultant you learned about on an IBM engagement.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities While deployed on an engagement • Vendor Consultants • Keep IBM engagement owner informed regarding engagement. • Submit accurate timesheets and status reports each Monday following the week worked by noon edt. • Submit expenses on a timely basis to ensure billing is current and to secure reimbursement (within two weeks of exp incurred). • Do not discuss the specifics of IBM’s contract with the IBM customer. • Do not discuss rates with the IBM customer. • Protect IBM’s intellectual property and confidential information. • Submit all deliverables to the engagement owner and to your vendor management for inclusion with billing. • Any modifications to your engagement must be made by IBM and not the end Customer.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Details • Consultant Activity Record (CAR) – • A CAR is the form used to submit a record ofa consultant’s hours worked on an IBM engagement. • A CAR must be submitted every week for every consultant under contract whether they have worked or not. CAR forms are due intotimecard@us.ibm.comby NOON on Monday EDT following the week worked. • CARs should be submitted to a central focal point within your vendor company. The focal point will either enter labor directly into the IBM labor claiming system (ILC), or will provide softcopy to timecard@us.ibm.com. • Please ensure that labor is submitted accurately the first time. • If you do not have a CAR form (a copy is included in the Master SOW or regular SOW), please request one from your subcontractor analyst. • Approved CARs generate invoices to IBM customers. For this reason, IBM tracks weekly submission of CARs and will contact your company if a CAR is submitted incorrectly or is missing. • In order to pay a vendor invoice containing hours, approved hours matching the invoice must be in IBMs labor claiming system.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Details • Consultant Activity Records (CARs) – • How to complete a CAR - Shown on the next slide • Submit in Excel format (no zip files for multiple consultants) • Include w/e time period • Include Consultant Name • Include Customer Name • Include work # • Include Bill Code • Include zSerial# • Include BRAND • A CAR is required for each project. If a consultant is engaged on one or more projects then a CAR form must be submitted each week for each project. • A Zero Hour CAR must besubmitted if a Consultant is scheduled but has not worked hours for a specific week • Please utilize the following naming convention for each CAR:CAR_Your Company Name_Consultant Name_Work#_Week Ending Date (mm/dd).xlsex: CAR Perficient John Jenkins C45672 03/31.xls • Submit CARs to: timecard@us.ibm.com
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Details • ZSerial # • What is it? • A unique identifier for each subcontractor consultant used when entering labor into IBM’s labor claiming system • Why do you need one? • These are required by your company to enter consultant labor into IBMs labor claiming system or for submission of aCAR and Expense Reports. They allow IBM to track expense by consultant.. • Where can I find zSerial #’s for my consultants? • On the VRS generated when an IBM PO is requested by a subcontractor analyst. If you are unsure of which # to use, please contact your subcontractor analyst.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Details • Work Number • What is it? • A unique identifier for each IBM customer contract. The number is used by IBM to charge expense to the project and to generate invoices to IBM customers. • Why do you need one? • These are required by your company to enter consultant labor into IBMs labor claiming system or for submission of CAR and Expense Reports. • How do you know which Work Number to use? • On the VRS generated when an IBM PO is requested by a subcontractor analyst. If you are unsure of which # to use, please contact your subcontractor analyst.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Details • Status Reports (requirements varies per project and BRAND) • A status report is required for every week a vendor consultant bills hours on an IBM engagement. • A status report template is contained in a Master SOW or an SOW. • For a softcopy form, please work with the engagement owner. • Status reports should be sent weekly to the IBM Engagement Ownerlisted in the ERS or SOW.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Invoicing IBM • Receipts are required for any single expense $25 or more. • One expense report is required per consultant for each week of travel. • Bundling of Consultant meals is not allowed • Invoice should be submitted electronically against the PO via the WOI system. • Utilizing the following format for invoice line items will ensure we have enough information to validate your invoice and eliminate follow up for clarification. Please note that any deliverables as outlined in the SOW/ERS are included withthe billing back up • Labor line item format: Consultant Name, ZSerial#, Work #, # of hours per w/e dateex: John Smith Z45389 C46932 w/e 3/30 40 hours w/e 4/7 45 hours w/e 4/13 40 hours • Expense line item format: Consultant Name, zSerial#, Work#, expense amount per w/e dateex: John Smith Z45389 C46932 $370.25 w/e 4/7 $1,567.00 w/e 4/13 • Fixed price line item format: Milestone Name as outlined in agreement with IBM, customer name, deliverable if applicable ex: Architecture Review, BellSouth, Architecture Document
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities Invoicing IBM – Cont’d. • Vendor billing focal should efax or email expense forms and receipts to subcontractor analyst prior to or at the time of invoice submission. • Expenses should be billed within two weeks of incurring the expense. • Expense backup should be submitted to the BRAND ID as separate files and emails, not in the same email as CAR and Status Reports. • Standard Format – shown on next page should be used • If you have problems with WOI, please contact the WOI Helpdesk at 800-856-1626 or emailwoical@in.ibm.com
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities IBM email and access behind the IBM firewall • If an engagement requires that a vendor consultant have an IBM ID and access behind the IBM firewall, the IBM engagement owner must submit a request form to outssubk@us.ibm.com. • Consultants must have a valid schedule entry in the scheduling database prior to an ID being issued. • If access is required for a vendor RDM, admin or sales person, requests must be approved by Tom Kuhar TOM_KUHAR@US.IBM.COM. • Issuance of an IBM ID takes approximately 10 business days. • IDs will be posted to a vendor Quickplace for retrieval and distribution by a vendor PM.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities IBM email and access behind the IBM firewall – Cont’d. • . • Parameters for keeping systems access: • Core vendor consultants can keep their IDs in place as long as six weeks after the engagement ends. If not re-deployed at that time, system access will be suspended. • Other vendors system access will be suspended within 24 hours of engagement end. • Vendor companies must notify outssubk@us.ibm.com immediately if any resource having an IBM ID leaves their employ for any reason. • ID owners must comply with the IBM IT Security Guidelines outlined in the information sent with the ID. • ID owners can only use IBM IDs for IBM approved purposes.
DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities IBM Badge • . • IBM badges should only be required if an subcontractor is working on IBM premises. • If a badge is required for a subcontractor, a request must be sent to outssubk@us.ibm.com. The request must include the location of the nearest IBM facility – the location the subcontractor would go to for the badge. • To be eligible for a badge, a subcontractor must be actively deployed on an IBM engagement. • For core vendors, badges can be kept active as long as six weeks with no deployment. At that time, the badge will be deactivated. If a core vendor leaves the employment of the vendor for any reason, the badge must be collected and returned. OUTSSUBK@US.IBM.COM must be notified within 24 hours of the last date of employment so that the badge can be deactivated. • For other vendors, badges must be returned and deactivated within 24 hours after engagement or employment end.
Contact InformationWhere to go for Help: Subcontractor Analysts(note: brand ids are monitored by a primary SA, with backup coverage as needed)
Contact InformationWhere to go for Help: Partner Relationship Management Team Roles • Partner Relationship Management Team Roles: • Proactive partner relationship management • Identifying new vendor companies that can address skill gaps • Negotiation and set up of MSOWs (ERS enables a partner) • Point of contact for the delivery team to address issues with existing partners • *For a complete list of Partner Relationship managers please see Contact List for Partner Relationships
Contact InformationWhere to go for Help: Partner Relationship Manager