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Chapter 6: Structured Vs. Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Why do we need Modelling ”Blue prints” ? Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) vs. Structured Oriented Analysis and Design (SAD). Steps to SAD and OOAD . O bject O riented A nalysis and D esign - OOAD .
Chapter 6: Structured Vs. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Why do we need Modelling ”Blue prints” ? • Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) vs. Structured Oriented Analysis and Design (SAD). • Steps to SAD and OOAD. • Object Oriented Analysis and Design - OOAD. • Unified Modelling Language - UML. Overview
Understands what Structured Analysis and Design is. • Understands what Object Oriented Analysis and Design is. • Understands what is Unified Modeling Language “UML” and the UML models. • Distinguishes between the analysis oriented and design oriented. By the end of this chapter, you will..
Knowing an object-oriented language and having access to a library is necessary but not sufficient in order to create object software. • In between a nice idea and a working software, there is much more than programming. • Analysis and design provide software “blueprints”, illustrated by a modeling language. • Blueprints serve as a tool for thought and as a form of communication with others. • These blueprints can then be transferred into code using any specific OO language. The Need for Software Blueprints
OO Analysis expresses Requirements and Specs expressed as Population of interacting objects of a system as opposed to The traditional data or functional views. Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) Vs. Structured Analysis and Design (SAD)
Structured Analysis • Divide and Conquer • At the function level • Object-Oriented Analysis • Partition • At the level of concepts (objects) OOAD Vs. SAD
OOAD Vs. SAD • Structured Approach • Use Case Diagram • Context level DFD • Level-0 DFD • Subsequent levels DFDs • ER Diagram if needed • DB Schema & Dictionary • Architectural Design • Structured Tables/Decision Trees/Flowcharts ( for major processes only) (Component Design) • Interface design • Object-Oriented Approach • Use-case Diagram • Use-cases’ descriptions (expanded for major use cases only) • Conceptual Diagram • Sequence Diagrams • Class Diagram • ER Diagram if needed • DB Schema & Dictionary • Architectural Design • Pseudo code/Algorithms/Flowcharts (Component Design) • Interface design
OOAD essential for creating well-designed, robust & maintainable software system using OO Programming Language (e.g. C++, Java, smalltalk, etc…). • It is the latest and most used way of design now. • UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language for OOS. • An investigation of the problem (rather than how a solution is defined). • During OO analysis, there is an emphasis on finding and describing the objects (or concepts) in the problem domain. • Example: Concepts in a Library Information System include; Book and Catalog. Object Oriented Analysis
Emphasizes a conceptual solution that fulfills the requirements specified in the analysis. • Need to define software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements. • Designs are implemented in a Programming Language. • Example: in the Library Information System, a Book software object may have a title attribute and a display() method. And implemented using any OO programming language; e.g. Java. Object Oriented Design
Book Attribute: Title Method: Display() From Analysis to Implementation
A notational system aimed at modeling systems using object oriented concepts. Unified Modeling Language