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Hosting and Deployment Options. Stephen Fierbaugh Director of IT <stephen.fierbaugh@pbti.org>. You need a database to store all the dynamic content. You need a web server to put it all together and send it over the Internet to whoever asks for it. What's it take to deploy a PHP application?.
Hosting and Deployment Options Stephen Fierbaugh Director of IT <stephen.fierbaugh@pbti.org>
You need a database to store all the dynamic content. You need a web server to put it all together and send it over the Internet to whoever asks for it. What's it take to deploy a PHP application? • You need a domain name. • You need an SSL certificate if you want to be secure. • You need someplace to store all the HTML, PHP, CSS, & Javascript files.
MySQL provides the database. PHP provides the server-side programming language. The LAMP Stack • Linux provides the basic operating system of the server computer. • Apache provides the web server.
LAPP substitutes PostgreSQL for MySQL. Contributed modules work well with LAMP, but are untested under other architectures. Other Alternatives • WAMP substitutes Windows for Linux. • WIMP substitutes IIS for Apache.
Special Requirements • CiviCRM • Drupal 6. • MySQL. • OpenAtrium • PHP 5.2. • Drupal 6. • It's not uncommon for major modules to lag on PHP or Drupal versions. • Checking versions & prereqs carefully can save a LOT of headaches.
DNS Domain Name Service • Lots of used car salesmen. Watch out for all manner of fraud & deception. • Cheapest - Lots of fly-by-night. • GoDaddy.com is least disreputable & has good SSL Certificates. • Convenient - Wherever you host will do it for you. • Best - EasyDNS.com • More expensive than GoDaddy. (~$35/year) • High quality. • Easy to use. • Lots of tutorials. • Email spooling alone is worth far more than the price.
Accessing your site... • The two ways of interacting with your site are a web-based Control Panel and Secure Shell (SSH). • Control Panel is very easy to use but slower, less secure, and limited in flexibility and power. • SSH is somewhat harder to use but much faster, flexible, and more powerful. • The Gold Standard for security. • Passwordless log-in rocks! • Secrets: 90% of the time you use the same dozen commands over and over again. It's not nearly as hard as it seems. The [Tab] key is your friend. • Professionals use SSH. • Root (Administrator) is only available with SSH.
Software As A Service • If you're just doing a simple blog, use WordPress.com. • If you're just doing any other kind of simple (or not so simple!) website, use DrupalGardens.com. • Both these services rock. It's just not worth your time to do anything more. • Neither has any expandability beyond what they provide built-in. • DrupalGardens.com does have good export.
Cheap/Free Shared Hosting • You're sharing a system with hundreds (often 500-1000) different websites. • Free to $15/month • You're just as secure as the least-secure website on the system. • Reliability, flexibility, and performance are all awful. • You get what you pay for.
Not-so-cheap Shared Hosting • You're sharing a system with dozens (often 25-50) other websites. • ~$25/month • You're still at the security mercy of the other sites, but there are fewer of them. • Reliability and performance are somewhat better but irregularly spotty. • An endangered species.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) • You have a virtual server sharing a physical server with other websites. • ~$50-75/month • You are responsible for your own site. • Security and flexibility are good. • Reliability varies, but is better than Shared Hosting.
Self-hosted • The “garage” solution. AKA “I have a cable-modem...” • ~$75/month plus cost of hardware ($1-6K) • You are totally responsible for everything. • Security and flexibility are excellent (at least until a burglar steals your computer). • Reliability will never be equal to a commercial datacenter. • But it's so much fun!
Colocation • Your hardware, sitting at a commercial datacenter. • ~$80-100/month plus cost of hardware ($1K-6K) • You're renting a spot, but you're responsible for everything on the box. • Excellent security, reliability, and flexibility. • And it's still pretty fun!
Managed Hosting • IBM et al provides total management of your entire website. • Easy! Just whip out your checkbook and write a check. • Cost: How much you got? • You're dealing with professionals, but everything will have a price tag.
“The Cloud” • “Cloud” is meaningless marketing fluff. • Generally really means VPS on a large scale. • Start small (~$30/month) & grow as needed (~$75-100/month is probably typical for small to medium site) • Two main players are Amazon & Rackspace. • Amazon • Better marketing. • Controversy-averse. • Rackspace • Vastly better support. • Little bit better pricing. • Little bit easier to use. • More professional reputation. • Verdict is still out on security. • Threat model changes significantly.