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GEARS Workshop Monday. 2012. Welcome. Thanks for joining us! Paperwork, paperwork, and restrooms. Breaks – 15 min morning, afternoon, 1 hr lunch Parking regs for your site Food/drink regs for your site. GEARS: Georgians Experience Astronomy Research in Schools.
Welcome Thanks for joining us! Paperwork, paperwork, and restrooms. Breaks – 15 min morning, afternoon, 1 hr lunch Parking regs for your site Food/drink regs for your site
GEARS: Georgians Experience Astronomy Research in Schools • NASA funded: 3 partners in GA • Virtual School curriculum development • Teacher workshops • Resource Teachers – right here in front of you • Goal is to have 100% of GA students to be able to access curriculum
GEARS and YOU You are now part of the GEARS network
pretest Please answer multiple choice questions on scantron or answer sheet. Return your test to workshop facilitators and make sure you have your name on the answer sheet.
Agenda http://cheller.phy.georgiasouthern.edu/gears/2012WorkshopDocs/Monday.html (daily schedule links from http://cheller.phy.georgiasouthern.edu/gears/2012WorkshopDocs/index.html )
Getting Started Today we’ll get started with some student understandings What causes the seasons? Let’s watch some of this video – and pay attention to when the students are talking How do student misconceptions develop and what are the consequences for their future learning?
Private Universe http://www.learner.org/resources/series28.html We will watch this video… While you are watching this video – think about this question…. How do student misconceptions develop and what are the consequences for their future learning?
Misconceptions - Discussion How do we as teachers help the students overcome these biases and replace the misconceptions with proper conceptions? What is our role as a teacher?
Textbook View the picture in the book. Where might elliptical orbit misconception come from.
Seasons cause Handout Discuss confusing language of indirect/direct See the daily schedule for some suggested ideas about teaching seasons See your “Universe at Your Fingertips” resource for Phases of the Moon and more
Weather permitting Sun measurements (see later for the slides) You will measure the radius of the Sun.
Philosophical Statements Parking Lot Whiteboarding 5E’s Bloom’s Taxonomy, Rigor and Relevance, DOK
Whiteboarding Whiteboarding, on the other hand, is an active learning process in which evaluation is ongoing and serves to guide the learning process. the whiteboard allows students to clarify and define their understanding through verbalization. Putting concepts into words is a powerful means of checking true understanding, as students often do not even realize they do not understand something until they try to explain it. http://modeling.asu.edu/modeling/Whiteboarding_DonYost03.pdf
5E’shttp://enhancinged.wgbh.org/research/eeeee.html • Engage:This phase of the 5 E's starts the process. An "engage" activity should do the following: • Make connections between past and present learning experiences • Anticipate activities and focus students' thinking on the learning outcomes of current activities. Students should become mentally engaged in the concept, process, or skill to be learned. • Explore:This phase of the 5 E's provides students with a common base of experiences. They identify and develop concepts, processes, and skills. During this phase, students actively explore their environment or manipulate materials. • Explain:This phase of the 5 E's helps students explain the concepts they have been exploring. They have opportunities to verbalize their conceptual understanding or to demonstrate new skills or behaviors. This phase also provides opportunities for teachers to introduce formal terms, definitions, and explanations for concepts, processes, skills, or behaviors. • Elaborate:This phase of the 5 E's extends students' conceptual understanding and allows them to practice skills and behaviors. Through new experiences, the learners develop deeper and broader understanding of major concepts, obtain more information about areas of interest, and refine their skills. • Evaluate:This phase of the 5 E's encourages learners to assess their understanding and abilities and lets teachers evaluate students' understanding of key concepts and skill development.
New Bloom’s http://www.odu.edu/educ/roverbau/Bloom/blooms_taxonomy.htm Remembering: define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state Understanding: classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase Applying: choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Analyzing: appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. Evaluating: appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate Creating: assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.
Rigor & Relevance http://www.leadered.com/rrr.html
Depth Of Knowledge (DOK) http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/msip/DOK_Chart.pdf Depth of Knowledge is the degree of depth or complexity of knowledge standards and assessments require; this criterion is met if the assessment is as demanding cognitively as the expectations standards are set for students.
DOK – not difficulty http://www.ecarter.k12.mo.us/dept/curriculum/dok.html DOK is NOT..... about Verbs - Verbs are not always used appropriately. about "difficulty" - It is not about the student or level of difficulty for the student - it requires looking at the assessment item not student work in order to determine the level. DOK is about the item/standard - not the student.
DOK – relates to the standards http://www.ecarter.k12.mo.us/dept/curriculum/dok.html DOK is.... about what FOLLOWS the verb. What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself. about the complexity of mental processing that must occur to answer a question. Remember DOK... Descriptive, not a taxonomy Focuses on how deeply the student has to know the content in order to respond. Not the same as difficulty.
Level 1: Recall Recall elements and details of story structure, such as sequence of events, character, plot and setting. Conduct basic mathematical calculations. Label locations on a map. Represent in words or diagrams a scientific concept or relationship. Perform routine procedures like measuring length or using punctuation marks correctly. Describe the features of a place or people.
Level 2: Skill/Concept http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/msip/DOK_Chart.pdf Identify and summarize the major events in a narrative. Use context cues to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words. Solve routine multiple-step problems. Describe the cause/effect of a particular event. Identify patterns in events or behavior. Formulate a routine problem given data and conditions. Organize, represent and interpret data
Level 3: Strategic Thinking Support ideas with details and examples. Use voice appropriate to the purpose and audience. Identify research questions and design investigations for a scientific problem. Develop a scientific model for a complex situation. Determine the author’s purpose and describe how it affects the interpretation of a reading selection. Apply a concept in other contexts.
Level 4: Extended Thinking Conduct a project that requires specifying a problem, designing and conducting an experiment, analyzing its data, and reporting results/solutions. Apply mathematical model to illuminate a problem or situation. Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources. Describe and illustrate how common themes are found across texts from different cultures. Design a mathematical model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation.
ASTRO GPS Identify the DOK for the elements in the Astro GPS.
Engage - Light Let’s look at some light sources
Light Sources Lab. Use diffraction gratings and (if available) spectrometers. Classify the light sources into categories. Justify your categories.
Properties of Light What can light do when it interacts with matter?
Light & Matter Reflect Absorb Transmit Emit Scatter (above the standards – different physics than above) What happens when no matter between emitter and absorber.
Explain: Light Sources Categories Continuous Absorption Line Emission Line What states of matter for each?
Discuss - States of Matter Continuous from: Emission line from : Absorption Line from:
Spectral fingerprint In the Sun, the transition from level 4 to level 2 of hydrogen produces photons with a wavelength of 486.1nm. In a star twice as hot as the Sun, this transition would produce photons with a) half that wavelength. b) the same wavelength. c) twice that wavelength. d) four times that wavelength.
Think Pair Share As a great teaching tool Look for that on the web as source of multiple choice questions Also search on Clicker questions for good source
Fingerprints Atoms have particular associated spectral lines because a) electrons have only certain allowed energy transitions. b) light consists of waves. c) light waves can show the Doppler effect. d) photons have only certain allowed orbits. e) speed of light in a vacuum is a constant.
Break down the answer choices Go back and look at them one by one
Engage: Stars 10 minutes: Similarities and differences for stars as seen in this photo. List on whiteboards Zoomable link – off Monday agenda:1:30pm http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2009/25/image/q/
Melting Nail What are on the graphs? What is the difference?
Explore: Melting Nail Conclusions: Wavelength of the peak/crest/highest part is at shorter wavelengths for higher temperature The peak gets higher ‘intensity’ as higher temperature The area under curve (which is an indicator of total power…) gets bigger as higher temperature
Melting Nails Do stars behave like the melting nails?
Explore: Melting Nail Generate a hypothesis in the form of If ….. Then …. "If stars are like the nail, then I expect to see blank blank for hotter stars and blank blank for cooler stars." Cheller.phy.georgiasouthern.edu/2012Workshop/Monday.html
Explore: Test Hypothesis Test your hypothesis. Modify your hypothesis based on observations. Draw conclusions from observations.
Explain: Summarize blackbody properties Wavelength of the peak/crest/highest part is at shorter wavelengths for higher temperature The peak gets higher ‘intensity’ as higher temperature The area under curve (which is an indicator of total power…) gets bigger as higher temperature
Wien’s Law – Color and Temperature Advanced kids or more time could use simulator to actually create a graph and then Use slope of graph to find the constant.