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Unidad 1

Unidad 1. Español 1 Señora Barba. Journal Entry (Use C omplete Sentences). Have you ever been to a foreign country? If so, where was it, why did you go there, did you hear other languages being spoken? What was your favorite part of being in another country?

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Unidad 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unidad 1 Español 1 SeñoraBarba

  2. Journal Entry (Use Complete Sentences) • Have you ever been to a foreign country? If so, where was it, why did you go there, did you hear other languages being spoken? What was your favorite part of being in another country? • If you have never been to another country, tell me about a time when you felt that someone else did not understand what you were attempting to communicate (in English or another language). How did it make you feel? How did you deal with it? Did you do anything to keep it from happening again?

  3. Pre Survey for the Unit • What are two reasons that learning Spanish is beneficial to you? ¡Hola, Buenos Días! ¿CómoEstas? Estoybien Me llamo Roberto

  4. Pre Survey Cont’d • Soy de Puerto Rico, ¿Y tú? • ¿Y cuántosañostienes? • Mucho gusto • Hasta luego • ¿Quéhoras son?

  5. Pre Survey Cont’d Name two Spanish-speaking countries in América del Sur • Name two Spanish-speaking countries in Centroamérica • Name one Spanish-speaking country en el Caribe • 22 • 15

  6. Pre Survey Cont’d • 100 • 2 • 75 • 12 • 89 • 50 • 37

  7. Pre Survey Cont’d Who would you use the formal form of words with?

  8. Día # 1 Greetings, expressing feelings, and asking for and giving names

  9. Saludos ¡Hola!-Hello! ¡Buenos Días!- Good Morning! ¡BuenasTardes!- Good Afternoon! ¡BuenasNoches!- BuenasNoches! Despedidos ¡Adios!- Goodbye! ¡Ciao!- Goodbye! ¡Hasta luego!- See you later!

  10. Preguntas Respuestas Estoybien- I am good ¿Quétal?- What’s up? Estoycansado(a)- I am tired ¿Cómoestas?- How are you? (informal) Estoytriste- I am sad Estoyfeliz- I am happy ¿Cómoestáusted?- How are you? (formal) Estoynervioso(a)- I am nervous ¿Cómote llamas?- What is your name? (informal) Estoyaburrido(a)- I am bored ¿Cómo se llama usted?- What is your name? (formal) Me llamo…- My name is… Soy…- I am… (for giving name)

  11. Conversación

  12. Hispanic greetings • American greetings

  13. Journal Entry Tell me about a person you consider your hero. What do you admire about him/her? What about him/her would you like to emulate (imitate) in the future? How will it make you a better person? ****Write in complete sentences! I expect more than just two or three sentences. These journal entries will be part of your participation at the end of the semester.****

  14. Día # 2 • Objectives • Students will be able to ask and tell where someone is from. • Students will know what the Spanish-speaking countries around the world are and where they are • Students will know the alphabet

  15. El Alfabeto “Orale, el alfabeto”

  16. Preguntas ¿De dóndeeres?- Where are you from? (informal) ¿De dóndeesusted?-Where are you from? (formal) ¿De dóndeesél/ella?-Where is he/she from? ¿De dónde son ellos/ellas?- Where are they from? Respuestas Soy de…- I am from… Es de…- He/ she is from… Son de…- They are from…

  17. ¿Cuáles son los Paises Hispanohablantes?

  18. Los PaisesHispanohablantes (Spanish-speaking Countries)

  19. North America and Central America

  20. South America and Europe

  21. FelizCumpleaños Spain Mexico http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GDP0u8FSko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBsjiqA6Wm8 United States http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFh-rX_Sfhs

  22. Modales Mucho gusto- Nice to meet you Igualmente- Same to you ¿Y tú?- And you? (informal) ¿Y usted?- And you? (formal)

  23. (10 minutes)

  24. Dia # 3 Numbers intro, Time, Age, and Cognates Zumbers!

  25. Los Números 1-20

  26. Preguntas ¿Cuántosañostienes?- How old are you (informal) ¿Cuántosañostieneusted?- How old are you? (formal) ¿Cuántosañostieneél/ella?- How old is he/she? ¿Cuántosañostienenellos/ellas?- How old are they? Respuestas Tengo… años- I am… years old Tiene… años- He/She is… years old Tienen… años- They are… years old

  27. ¿Quéhoraes? Preguntas Son las…- It is…(time) Es la una- It is one o’clock Son…hasta…-It is… till… De la mañana- In the morning De la tarde- In the afternoon De la noche- In the evening/night EsMedianoche- It is Midnight ¿Quéhoraes?- What time is it?

  28. Ejemplos

  29. Cognados? CognadosFalsos?

  30. Cognados • CognadosFalsos accept - aceptar abdomen - abdomen asistir- attend Actual- current Embarazada- pregnant Ropa- clothes Vaso- glass map - mapa reflect - reflejar real - real

  31. ¿Cuántosañostengo?

  32. Dictionary Race

  33. ¿Quéhoraes?

  34. Día # 4 Alphabet and Geography

  35. Los Números 21-100

  36. Día # 5 Review

  37. Celebrity Profile

  38. Flyswat Game

  39. Paper Strip Game

  40. TiempoparaEstudiar

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