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Toward Prosperity

Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. IRI Enters. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity. Toward Prosperity.

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Toward Prosperity

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  1. Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity IRI Enters Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity Toward Prosperity in the Knowledge Economy Debra M. Amidon Founder and Chief Strategist ENTOVATION International Ltd. debra@entovation.com www.entovation.com Festival of Thinkers Theme: Globalization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Abu Dhabi, UAE 27 March 2005

  2. Evolution of Knowledge Economies Global Knowledge Partnership I (Toronto, Canada) “Enterprise Value in the Knowledge Economy - OECD” (Paris, France) “Knowledge Wave Initiative” (New Zealand) “US State Dept Briefing on Russia”(Washington, DC - USA) Global Knowledge Partnership II (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,) “IC Statements: Towards a Guideline”(Copenhagen, Denmark,) “Western Hemisphere Knowledge Partnership” (Boston, MA) “PDVSA Conference(Caracas, Venezuela) “The Innovation Nation” by the Prime Minister(Singapore) Knowledge Park – The World’s Fair(Hannover, Germany) IC Report for the Nation:Welfare and Security”(Stockholm, Sweden,) “National Conference on IC” (Lima, Peru) “FASB Guidelines” (USA) ‘Study Commission on the Implications of the Knowledge Economy (Beijing, China) “Poland Prime Minister & Cabinet Visit” (New York, NY) “National Intellectual Capital Index TM” (UNOPS/ McMaster) “The IC State of Israel – Hidden Values of the Desert”(Israel) “Grande Collogue de Perspective”(Lyons, France) “Brookings Institute Report on Intangibles” (USA) “Human Capital Reporting for the Knowledge Economy -OECD Observor” (Paris, France) “European Union Knowledge Conference (Utrecht, The Netherlands) ‘Knowledge for Development‘ – The World Bank(Washington, DC) “Managing the Knowledge Assets into the 21st Century” (USA) “E100: Building Collaborative Advantage” (NY City, NY) “Indicators – The World Bank” (Washington, DC) 1987 1991 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001+

  3. Knowledge Economics: 3 Volume Set I - Principles/Standards II - Practices III - Policy and Measurement 27 lead author contributors from 17 countries of the ENTOVATION Network Laws of Knowledge Dynamics: 1 Knowledge is the limitless and expandable source of economic wealth. Value is created when knowledge moves – is innovated – from point of origin to need or use. 2 Collaboration for mutual leverage – synergistic win/win – provides optimal utilization of assets, both tangible and intangible. 3 http://www.entovation.com/mailing/july1204.htm

  4. Creating a Knowledge Innovation Zone • Knowledge • Structures • Culture Diversity • Networks/Ecology • Environment • Knowledge • Performance • IC Measures • Sustainability • Indicators • Venture Capital • Knowledge • Technology • Inter/Intranets • Collaborative • Multi-media • Knowledge Process • Innovation Frontier • Innovation Dynamics • Innovation Strategy • Knowledge • Workers • Entrepreneurs • Leadership • Millennium Generation

  5. The Knowledge Millennium Generation Organizations1.Sharing knowledge and practice> Sharingmeaning and goals2.Private knowledge sold by experts>>Public Knowledge shared to increase social responsibility3.Organizations based on structures of roles and tasks>>>Organisations based on cultures of relationships4.Individual points of view>>>Group perspectives Values5.From arrogant certainty>Humble doubt6.Value based on money>>Value based on wisdom Purposes7.Progress based on novelty>Sustainability based on experience8.Environmentally destructive knowledge exploitation>>Environmentally sustaining knowledge contribution9.Digital technology as a knowledge delivery mechanism>>Digital technology as a knowledge creation tool

  6. “We are at a historical choice point – a defining moment - in determining the kind of world our children's children will inherit. It should be environmentally sustainable, economically equitable and socially responsible.” “The world is now our manageable landscape. Connections are made East-to-West, North-to-South with many nodes in between. But The Innovation SuperHighway is not only a physical infrastructure, albeit technical and electronic. It is human – a function of insight, interaction and imagination resident in the minds, hearts and hands of people around the globe.” - Amidon 2003

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