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PCT Messaging Design

PCT Messaging Design. CEC Title 24 Reference Design. Introduction. Description of Messages & Data Payloads Required for the CEC Title 24 PCT Specification Messages Recognize Two Basic System Event Modes Price Events Emergency Events. Data Classes for Most Messages Addressing

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PCT Messaging Design

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  1. PCT Messaging Design CEC Title 24 Reference Design

  2. Introduction • Description of Messages & Data Payloads Required for the CEC Title 24 PCT Specification • Messages Recognize Two Basic System Event Modes • Price Events • Emergency Events.

  3. Data Classes for Most Messages • Addressing • Event Identification • Time Stamping • Event ID Importance • Facilitate cancellation of events • Permit multiple event transmissions for message transport reliability

  4. Addressing Scheme Enables Regional or PCT Level Filtering • Place holder for value added information to facilitate PCT side filtering • Two Levels of PCT Operational Status Visual Indication Possible • Underlying Physical Communication Layer • e.g. – carrier heartbeat • Derived from the last valid message received • Clock Sync Message • PCT displays error message if a valid time sync not received in 24 hr period

  5. Price Events • Utility desire to communicate a “super peak rate” period is in effect either by: • Simple message that price is in effect • Explicit price • Price event message definition • Start and stop time & the price • If the price field = zero then a generic super-peak event with no specific price

  6. Consumers PCT has default response to price event, but customer may override programming • PCT Vendors have design flexibility for owner response and / or event & price information

  7. Reliability Events • Provides Utilities specific directives to PCT to address reliability • Start and Stop Time • Advance Scheduling • Reliability Selections • Change Temperature • Set Temperature

  8. Emergency Event – Special Reliability Class • Coded separately to facilitate expedited handling • For example • Normally, PCT events could be cached in area concentrator; then forward when network traffic permits • Area concentrator inspects message header and if emergency detected forwards message immediately with potential auto retransmissions

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