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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary

Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary. Check your definition! There will be a quiz Friday. Week 1. Venomous (adj): Poisonous; malicious Minstrel (noun): a comedic musician or poet Lubricate (verb): to apply something oily or greasy to avoid friction Waft (verb): to carry lightly over the air or water

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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary

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  1. Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Check your definition! There will be a quiz Friday.

  2. Week 1 • Venomous (adj): Poisonous; malicious • Minstrel (noun): a comedic musician or poet • Lubricate (verb): to apply something oily or greasy to avoid friction • Waft (verb): to carry lightly over the air or water • Illuminate (verb): to make light • Refract (verb): to deflect something (usually light) • Imperceptible (adj): not easy to sense (see, smell, hear) • Mausoleum (noun): a large, gloomy room (like a tomb) • Cataract (noun): an eye condition where the lens is clouded • Inclined (verb): leaning in the direction of; having a tendency • Nectar (noun): the juice from a fruit or from a flower that is sweet • Olfactory (noun): pertaining to the sense of smell • Proboscis (noun): a long flexible appendage (like an elephant trunk

  3. Week 2 Vocabulary • Proclivity (N) – natural inclination (She has a proclivity for art.) • Condemn (V) – Expressing a strong disapproval • Ravenous (Adj) – very, very hungry! • Fathom (V/N) – come to understand/measurement of depth • Centrifuge (Adj) – moving away from the center • Cacophony (N) – Sounds that are discordant and loud • Feign (V) – to pretend • Pratfall (N) – a humiliating defeat • Breach (V) – to break or rupture • Censor (V) – to forbid the public distribution of • Combustible (Adj) – capable of catching on fire

  4. Week 3 Vocabulary • Monologue (n) – a long dramatic speech • Suffused (v) – to spread or flush (color) • Vacuum (n) – a space devoid of matter • Gorge (v/n) – stuffing one’s self with food/ a narrow passage • Retaliation (n) – seeking revenge (pay back) • Submission (n) – the act of yielding • Strewn (v) – to scatter • Saccharine (n) – overly sweet • Jowls (n) hanging cheeks (dogs) • Intuitive (adj) – describing a person that has hunches • Profusion (n) – a plentiful supply • Mediocre (adj) – average or ordinary • Loam (n) – a rich soil

  5. Week 4 Vocabulary • Insidious (adj) – gradual and harmful • Treason (noun) – betrayal of one’s country • Linguist (noun) – a person skilled in language • Complement (noun/verb) – that which completes or perfects, speaking highly of someone • Filigree (noun) – a mesh of a fine metal • Invigorate (verb) - to fill with energy • Distill (verb) – to purify • Hone (v) – to sharpen • Scripture (n) – sacred writing • Torrent (n) – a flood or rush of water (words) • Oracle (n) – wise saying/ a person of wisdom • Discourse (n/v) – a conversation, act of conversing • Moor (n) – an area of open land

  6. Week 5 Vocabulary • Perfunctory (adj) – done as a routine • Vantage (n) – a favorable position • Concussion (n) – impaired function in your brain • Chaff (adj) – trivial or worthless • Phosphorescent (adj) – glowing in the dark • Valise (n) – luggage • Perpetual (adj) – lasting forever or a long time • Aesthetic (n) – philosophy of art and beauty • Anesthetized (v) – to cause loss of consciousness • Penance (n) – voluntary self punishment • Excursion (n) – a short trip • Thoroughfare (n) – public street open on both ends

  7. Week 6 Vocabulary • Trajectory (n) – a pathway of a projectile • Quarry (n) – Prey (something hunted) • Objectively (adv) – looking at something with out bias • Stationary (adj) – something that doesn’t move • Ricochet (v) – to bounce back in a specific direction • Juggernaut (n) – a big object or force • Gingerly (adv) – with care • Converge (n) – to come together • Simultaneously (adv) – occurring at the same time • Incriminate (v) – to accuse of a crime • Resolve (v) – to come to a conclusion • Convoluted (adj) – complex, clouded • Scythe (n) – a tool used for cutting wheat

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