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What do we mean by the term 'adolescents ' ?

Explore the definition of adolescents, their health needs, key health problems, and barriers to accessing health services. Learn how health workers and communities can support adolescent health and well-being.

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What do we mean by the term 'adolescents ' ?

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  1. What do we mean by the term'adolescents ' ?

  2. The second decade:No longer children, not yet adults ! Adolescents 10 - 19 years Youth 15-24 years Young people 10-24 years Source: A picture of health? A review and annotated bibliography of the health of young people in developing countries (WHO, UNICEF, 1995).

  3. What do we mean by the term 'health' ?

  4. “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Source: Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1948.

  5. What do adolescents need to grow & develop in good health ?

  6. What adolescents need & why? • Information & skills • (they are still developing) • Safe & supportive environment • (they live in an adult world) • Health & counselling services • (they need a safety net)

  7. Politicians Journalists Bureaucrats Relatives Friends Family friends Teachers Sports coaches Healthcare providers Religious leaders Traditional leaders Parents Brothers/Sisters Adolescents Musicians Film stars Sports figures Who needs to contribute to meeting these needs?

  8. What do we mean by the term 'health services' ?

  9. Health services. The provision of a clinical service, which often includes the provision of information, advice & counselling aimed at preventing health problems, or detecting & treating them.

  10. What is the place of health workersin contributing to adolescent health & development ?

  11. Roles of health workers: # 1. Service provision. • Helping well adolescents stay well. • Helping ill adolescents get back to good health.

  12. Roles of health workers: # 2. Change agent. Helping influential people in the community understand & respond to the needs of adolescents.

  13. “...When health services are not made available & accessible to adolescents, the result is countless missed opportunities for preventing health problems, & promptly detecting & effectively treating them.” The adolescent view point: Implications for access & prevention. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1995.

  14. What are the main health problems of adolescents ?

  15. Adolescents: One fifth of the world's population. In 2005, there were 1.21 billion adolescents, the largest-ever number in the history of mankind. The population in this age group is estimated to continue to increase until 2040 to reach an estimated 1.23 billion. Source: World Population Prospects: The 2004 revision. New York. United Nations. 2005.

  16. Many adolescents move from childhood through adolescence into adulthood in good health.

  17. Key health problems in adolescence. • Sexual & reproductive health • Too early pregnancy • risks to mother • risks to baby • Health problems during pregnancy & child birth (including unsafe abortion) • Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV • Harmful traditional practices e.g. female genital mutilation • Sexual coercion • Other issues • - Injuries from accidents & intentional violence • - Mental health problems • - Substance use problems • - Endemic diseases: • malaria, • schistosomiasis, • tuberculosis • - Under/over-nutrition Source: United Nations. World Youth Report 2005. Young people today, and in 2015. United Nations. 2005. ISBN 92-1-130244-7.

  18. When adolescents face health problems, whom do they turn to for help ?

  19. Help-seeking & health care-seeking behaviours: Whom would you turn to for help ? Source: G Barker G, A Olukoya, P Aggleton. Young people, social support and help-seeking. International Journal of Adolescent Medical Health. 2005, 17, 4, 315-336.

  20. Help-seeking & health care-seeking behaviours:Strongly influenced by the 'environment'. Two key considerations: • Could the act of health-care seeking get the adolescent into trouble ? • Who decides when and where to seek health-care – the adolescent on his/her parent ? Source: G Barker G, A Olukoya, P Aggleton. Young people, social support and help-seeking. International Journal of Adolescent Medical Health. 2005, 17, 4, 315-336.

  21. What are the factors that make it difficult for adolescents to obtain the health services they need ?

  22. Are adolescents able to obtain the health services they need ? Not available.

  23. Many barriers to the provision & utilization of health services by adolescents ! Accessible. Acceptable. x x Equitable. x

  24. Barriers depend on: • the nature of the problem, • the circumstances of the person. Source: K L Dehle, G Riedner. STI among adolescents: The need for adequate health services. Reproductive Health Matters. 2001; 9, 17, 170-183.

  25. What do adolescents perceive as " friendly" health services ?

  26. Different groups of adolescents, from different parts of the world say: • they want to be treated with respect. • they want to be sure that their confidentiality will be maintained. Source: Global Consultation on Adolescent Friendly Health Services – A consensus statement. WHO. 2001.

  27. What is being doneto make health services adolescent "friendly" ?

  28. Initiatives in many different settings. • Hospitals • Public, private and NGO clinics • Pharmacies • Youth centres • Educational institutions • Work places • Shopping centres • Refugee camps • On the street

  29. Working to make existing service-delivery points more "friendly" to adolescents. • Setting up new service-delivery points exclusively intended for adolescents.

  30. Initiatives in many different settings to make it provide adolescents with health services. • Hospitals • Public, private and NGO clinics • Pharmacies • Youth centres • Educational institutions • Work places • Shopping centres • Refugee camps • On the street Uneven quality & patchy coverage.

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