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Assimilate Transport

Assimilate Transport. Movement of substances through the phloem Chapter 30 . Translocation. movement of substances in phloem in leaf sugars move from chloroplasts to phloem forming the assimilate stream. Movement of assimilate stream in phloem. source to sink movement

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Assimilate Transport

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  1. Assimilate Transport Movement of substances through the phloem Chapter 30

  2. Translocation • movement of substances in phloem • in leaf • sugars move from chloroplasts to phloem • forming the assimilate stream

  3. Movement of assimilate stream in phloem • source to sink movement • source – area exporting assimilates • sink – assimilate importing area • What are examples? • Do these change during the life of a plant?

  4. Sour-sink examples • seed manufacture • seed germination • seedling development • vegetative growth • young vs. old • reproductive growth

  5. Sugar Transport in Leaves – evidence via 14C 14CO2 exposure for 35 minutes; 14C incorporated in sugars, confined to sieve tubes

  6. Aphid stylet • content of phloem assimilate • 10-25% dry matter • 90% of dry matter is sugar, mainly sucrose • sieve-tube sap moves at 100cm/hour

  7. Pressure-flow hypothesis • osmotically generated pressure flow • on source end • assimilates transported into sieve tube - phloem loading • as sucrose enters, what happens to water? • water increase raises turgor pressure • on sink end • sucrose is unloaded (removed) from sieve tube – phloem unloading • What happens to water? • thus assimiliate is moved from source to sink by bulk flow

  8. Assimililate movement requires energy

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