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PRE-COMMERCIAL PROCUREMENT (PCP)PUBLIC PROCUREMENT OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS (PPI) POSSIBLE SYNERGIES BETWEEN EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL AND INVESTMENT FUNDS(ESIF) AND HORIZON 2020(H2020) IN THE PROGRAMMING PERIOD 2014-220 This is a very first piece of information regarding the synergies between ESIF and H2020 on PCP/PPI. A SWD on that issue will provide more detailed information.
What is: Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP)? Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI)?
PCP-PPI • PCP to steer the development of solutions towardsconcrete public sectorneeds, whilstcomparing/validating alternative solution approachesfromvariousvendors • PPI to act as launchingcustomer / early adopter / first buyer of innovative commercial end-solutions newlyarriving on the market Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) Applied R&D / Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) Phase 0 Curiosity Driven Research Phase 1 Solution design Phase 4 Deployment of commercial volumes of end-products Wide diffusion of newly developed solutions Phase 2 Prototype development Phase 3 Original development of limited volume of first test products / services Supplier A Supplier B Supplier B Supplier B Supplier(s) A,B,C,D and/or X Supplier C Supplier C Supplier D Supplier D Supplier D Also normally multiple sourcing here to keep competition going • Objectives: • Price/qualityproductsthatbetter fit public sectorneeds • Earliercustomer feedback for companiesdeveloping solutions • Bettertake-up/Wider commercialisation of R&D results
COMPLEMENTARITY/SPLIT BETWEEN PCP and PPI enables to… • Get20% better value for money products(US defense data) • Use PPI also if no(more) R&D isnecessaryfor procurementneed • Use a small budget PCP to de-risk a large budget PPI • PPI speccanbe 'completelyrephrased' benefitingfrom PCP lessonslearnt • Use conditions that encourage job creation 'in Europe' • Have more R&D in Europe becausePCP fallsoutside WTO rules • Preventforeclosing of competition & crowding out of privateinvestmentin R&D • Companiesthat are not financingtheir R&D via procurement/PCP (e.g. via grants, owncompanyresources) canstillbid for deploymentcontracts/PPIs • Facilitatesaccess to procurementmarket for SMEs • Graduallyincreasingcontract sizes, tasks, requiredmanpower • Stringentfinancialguarantee/qualification requirements:'no' in PCP,'ltd' in PPI
PCP Win-win for all stakeholders Politicians Suppliers • Quality of public services • Focus on political priorities • Improve innovation climate • Attract foreign investment • Increase employment • Better products • Economies of scale • Wider market size • Shorter Time to market - New lead markets • Increase export • Global competitiveness • First buyer in early R&D Pre-commercial Procurement • Reduce cost of procurement • Shared risks & benefits - Reduce risk of innovation … at the ‘Lowest Price’ Get the ‘Best Product’… • Pooling of resources - Economies of scale • No licensing costs • ‘First time right’ product • ‘EU interoperable’ • Attractive to venture capitalists - Reduce unforeseen expenditure • Address ‘public market innovation failure’ • Shape product development to public needs • Increase technology knowledge • Reduce risk in commercial tendering • Favour supplier competition Procurers
Why should MA and Regions be interested in Innovation Procurement? ……itis a win-winsituationfor • Public authorities • by engaging actively as first potential customers in getting new solutions developed and tested, involved in PCPs, can act as a "seal of approval" confirming the market potential of new emerging technological developments, thereby attracting new investors. • by triggering the development of breakthrough solutions ahead of the rest of the market, can through their role of demanding first buyer create opportunities for companies in Europe to take international leadership in new markets. • by increasing "local" public sector demand to develop innovative solutions for the societal challenges of the future, can help combat delocalisation and encourage companies to invest in highly qualified R&D in Europe. • cangetmoreefficientinfrastructuresandservicesolutions • Innovators • cangetfirstclientfornewproduct (leadcustomer) andfaster ROI
SETTING THE SCENE • The implementation of a PCP and/or PPI should take place in the framework of a holistic approach that involves R&I to achieve the goals set for the development of each region mainly reflected through the Smart Specialisation Strategy and provides clear impact on competitiveness, job creation and growth. • The Smart Specializationstrategieswill set out the national or regionalframeworks for investments in research and innovation not onlyfrom ESIF but from all funding sources. In that way synergies with H2020 will be better ensured and actions will be in line with the Europe 2020 objectives. • What is important at strategic level The relevant OPs and European Territorial Cooperation Programs should be designed in a way to support public demand driven innovation in terms of PCP/PPI implementation as well as coordination, consortium building, networking and preparation activities
SMART SPECIALIZATION DEFINITION • Smart Specialisation is a strategic approach to economic development through targeted support to Research and Innovation (R&I). It will be the basis for Structural Fund investments in R&I as part of the future Cohesion Policy’s contribution to the Europe 2020 jobs and growth agenda. • Smart specialisation involves a process of developing a vision, identifying competitive advantage, setting strategic priorities and making use of smart policies to maximise the knowledge-based development potential of any region. • This type of specialisation allows regions to take advantage of scale, scope and spill overs in knowledge production and use, which are important drivers of productivity
EUROPE 2020 POLICY 2014-2020 H2020 COHESION POLICY 2014-2020 SMART SPECIALIZATION Ensures synergies with H2020
Cohesion Policy may support measures in the framework of the Operational Programs to: • Foster more innovative public procurement procedures and administrative capacities TO 11 (IP11) Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration TO 2 (IP2C) strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e- learning, e-inclusion, e-culture and e-health Target group: procurement officers • Foster innovation through public procurement - both PCP and PPI • TO 1 (IP1B) Strengthening research, technological development and innovation • Target group: enterprises • Foster better meeting of public needs through buying innovative solutions TO 1 (IP1A) enhancing research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure TO 2 (IP2C) strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e- learning, e-inclusion, e-culture and e-health TO 4 (all IPs) supporting the shift toward a low –carbon economy in all sectors TO 5 (all IPs) promoting climate change adaption, risk prevention and management TO 6 (all IPs) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency TO 7 (all IPs) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Target group: town planners, transport, environment, health etc. ministries – ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ESF)
Cohesion Policy may also support: • Private demandfor innovative solutions(e.g. adoptionofenergyefficiencyandrenewablessolutions in SMEs andin the housing sector) TO 4 (all IPs) supporting the shift toward a low –carbon economy in all sectors • Major projects / Joint Action Plansin cooperationwithotherRegionsandkeyplayers in theCohesionPolicy • Coordination, Networking andPreparationactionsfortheimplementationof a PCP and/or PPI through European Territorial CooperationPrograms
H2020 RULES ON PCP/PPI – FORESEEN TYPES OF SUPPORT • Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) supporting networks of procurers to prepare joint PCPs / PPIs • PCP cofund actions and PPI cofund actions co-fund the price of an actual PCP or PPI call for tender + related coordination and networking activities to prepare, manage and follow-up the PCP or PPI
The special role of the Lead Procurer • The Lead Procurer is one of the beneficiaries • Should be a Contracting Authority/Entity (definition of the EU Procurement Directives) • Could be (or not) part of the buyers group • It co-ordinates the procedure, launches the calls and signs the Framework Contracts/Agreements* • An EGTC could play the role of either the Lead Procurer or the Buyers Group (for the latter on the condition that at least 2 procurers from 2 different MS participate in the EGTC as partners) * in the name and on behalf of the procurers of the buyers group
COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTIONS (CSA) Prepare for a PCP/PPI execution by: • Identifying the common challenge to be tackled through the execution of PCP/PPI • Networking and Consortium Building • Defining the Lead Procurer and the applicable national law • Preparing the tendering documents • ............other relevant preparation, coordination etc activities
CSAs vs. Preparation, Coordination etc. activities in the framework of the H2020 PCP/PPI Cofund actions CSAs • Part of a specific calls for proposals • Co-funding rate 100% • There will not be calls on CSAs for all the PCPs/PPIs that will be executed in the framework of H2020 Preparation, Coordination, etc. activities • Part of a PCP or PPI cofund action • Co-funding rate the same as the PCP or PPI cofund actions • i.efor PCP 70% and for PPI 20% • On the condition that preparatory, coordination etc. activities have not been already implemented (and co-funded by H2020(CSAs), ESIF or by National Funds)can always be co-funded in the framework of a PCP/PPI cofund action
ONE JOINT PCP • In their proposal, consortium shall have already identified one concrete procurement need as proposed focus for the PCP that is identified as a common challenge in the innovation plans of the buyers group and requires R&D! • One joint call for tender published EU wide • One joint evaluation of offers • One lead procurer awarding all contracts in the name and on behalf of all procurers in buyers group • Each winning tenderer gets: 1 framework agreement to participate in the PCP + one specific contract per PCP phase (solution design, prototyping, testing) • One joint total budget (grouping financial commitments of all procurers in buyers group) from which all R&D providers are paid • But, actual payments can be carried out centralised or distributed • Either all R&D providers paid by the lead procurer Or • each R&D provider paid pro rata by each procurer in the buyers group according to the share of each procurer's contribution to the common pot • Also supervising suppliers and testing of solutions can be centralised or distributed (Choice between testing all solutions of all R&D providers in 1 procurers site or on several sites procurers sites etc)
ONE JOINT PPI • In their proposal, consortium shall have already identified one concrete procurement need as proposed focus for the PCP that is identified as a common challenge in the innovation plans of the buyers group and requires R&D! • One joint call for tender published EU wide (unless PPI procures limited set of prototypes / test products developed during PCP, then negotiated procedure without publication foreseen in public procurement directives possible) • One joint evaluation of offers • But contract award can be centralised or distributed • Either one lead procurer awarding all contracts to all suppliers on behalf of all procurers in the buyers group Or • one lead procurer only awarding a framework contract with lots (lots per procurer) to each supplier, and each individual procurer awarding (a) specific contract(s) for his lot(s) to the supplier(s) delivering the solution(s) he buys This means same core functionality and performance characteristics for solutions procured by all procurers, but possible additional local functionality for each procurer • Also supervising suppliers and payments can be centralised or distributed
SYNERGIES BETWEEN H2020 AND ESIF ON PCP/PPI WHY? • BECAUSE: • The value of support for research, development and innovation could be further enhanced by combining funding resources (increase of effects at regional level) • Procurers could choose for higher ESIF co-funding rates instead of H2020 co-funding rates' whilst participating to H2020 funded PCP/PPIs. • Better communication between "regional development community" and "Horizon-Science community" • A regional development scheme through the participation in a H2020 project acquires a European perspective
CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESS • Include innovation procurement in the RIS3 SWOT and policy mix. • Build PCP/PPI references into OPs in every relevant thematic objective. • Ensure support of public demand driven innovation in the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation. • Involve MA from the beginning to ensure availability of ESIF & synchronisation.
GENERAL RULE • IT IS NOT ALLOWED !!!!!! • To use ESIF and H2020 funding accumulatively to finance the same cost/expenditure item • To finance the own contribution of the participant from H2020 or ESIF
Possible Scenario* # 1 on PCP • Preparatory, coordination etc. activities are co-funded by the ESIF (in particular in the framework of European Territorial Cooperation Programs) • Execution of a PCP is co-funded by H2020 * The list of the presented scenarios is not exhaustive. In practice more than those scenarios presented in that set of slides could be possibly implemented.
Coordination , preparatory etc. activities are co-financed by the ESIF OPs or European Territorial Cooperation Programs – Cross Border or Transnational or Interregional THE CO-FUNDING RATE IS DEPENDED ON THE PROGRAM AND/OR THE PARTICIPANT Α mature project proposal in the framework of the PCP Cofund actions calls (H2020) can be submitted. In case of approval it will receive co-funding for the execution of a joint PCP FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 70%
Possible Scenario #2 on PCP • Coordination and preparatory activities are co-funded by H2020 in the framework of CSAs i.e Assignment of Lead Procurer, Formation of Buyers Group, Preparation of Tender Documents etc. • Execution of a PCP is co-funded by the ESIF. The distinction between different cost items could be easier in cases like the following: One joint PCP, one lead procurer, one jointly committed budget but each R&D provider is paid pro rata by each procurer in the buyers group according to the share of each procurer's contribution.
Coordination, preparatory, etc. activities are co-funded by H2020(CSAs) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE EXECUTION OF A JOINT PCP PROCURER A (Less developed Region) CO-FUNDS HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE JOINTLY COMMITED BUDGET THROUGH THE ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85% (for his contribution) PROCURER C (Transitional Region) CO-FUNDS HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMON POT THROUGH THE ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 60% (for his contribution PROCURER B (Less developed Region) CO-FUNDS HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE JOINTLY COMMITTED BUDGET THROUGH THE ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85% (for his contribution) Expenses are paid pro rata by each procurer of the buyers groupaccording to his contribution to the jointly committed budget
Possible scenario on the execution of a PCP • In the framework of PCP Cofund action calls, some participants of the consortium of the buyers group may receive co-funding from the ESIF and others from H2020. • This case is applicable only if there is a clear distinction between budgets offered per OP and between expenditures co-funded by the ESIF (per OP) vs expenditures co-funded by H2020. Example - each R&D provider is paid pro rata by each procurer in the buyers group according to the share of each procurer's contribution to the jointly committed budget. • To achieve innovation goals in their territory by using ESI Funds procurers from less developed Regions could receive higher co-funding rates to participate in a PCP/PPI implemented in the framework of H2020 by/with procurers from more advanced Regions. Condition for success : synchronization between the ESIF calls and the H2020 cofundaction calls
Possible Scenario #1 on PPI H2020 co-finances networking, coordination preparation etc. activities • Consortium building • Preparation of the calls • Drafting of the tender documents • … ESIF co-finances the execution of a PPI ESIF co-finances the purchase of the innovative solutions. • The lead procurer launches one procurement procedure and awards the Framework Contract or Agreement. Procurers participating in the buyers group implement separate specific contracts. or • The lead procurer launches one procurement procedure, signs all the contracts but every individual procurer pays the invoices
Coordination, preparatory etc. activities are co-funded by H2020(CSAs) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE EXECUTION OF A JOINT PPI PROCURER A (Less developed Region) purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant OP CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85% (for his contribution) PROCURER C (Transitional Region) purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant OP CO-FUNDING RATE up to 60%(for his contribution) PROCURER B (Less developed Region) purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant OP CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85%(for his contribution) PROCURER D (Transitional Region) purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant OP CO-FUNDING RATE up to 60%(for his contribution)
Possible Scenario #2 on PPI • ESIF co-funds coordination, preparation etc. activities • consortium building • preparation of the call/s • evaluation of bids • legal issues • trans-national check for possible price reductions due to large volumes • ………. (i.e. in the framework of European Territorial Cooperation Programs) • H2020 co-funds the purchase of the innovative solutions (flat co-funding rate 20%)
Coordination, Preparatory etc. are activities co-funded by the ESIF (i.e. ETC Programs) DIFFERENT CO-FUNDING RATE PER PROGRAM AND/OR PARTICIPANT One joint PPI that has been prepared with the support of the ESIF is executed. The execution of the PPI is co-funded by H2020 (PPI Cofund action calls) FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20% FOR ALL PROCURERS
Possible Scenario #3 on PPI Joint implemented PPI: A procurer located in a less developed Region purchases the innovative solution co-funded by the ESIF (up to 85% rate) and another procurer in another MS is co-funded by H2020 (20% rate) to purchase the innovative solution. The networking and the preparation phase for the execution of the PPI may be co-funded either by the ESIF or by the H2020 (CSAs). In case that they haven't received co-financing for the preparatory activities these can be co-funded by the PPI Cofund actions according to the rules applicable to these actions. Applicable Scenario in cases: • under a joint Framework Contract/Agreement which provides the joint technical specifications separate contracts are implemented by the procurers according to their national law for the purchase of the innovative solutions Or • the lead procurer launches one procurement procedure awards all the contracts but the invoices are paid by every individual procurer
Coordination, Preparation etc. activities are co-funded by H2020 (CSA) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE EXECUTION OF ONE JOINT PPI PROCURER A purchases the innovative solution with the support of H2020 FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20% (for his contribution) PROCURER C purchases the innovative solution with the support of H2020 FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20% (for his contribution) PROCURER B (Less developed Region) purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant O.P CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85%(for his contribution) PROCURER D Less developed Region purchases the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant O.P CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85%(for his contribution) OR Coordination, Preparation etc. activities are co-funded by the ESIF DIFFERENT CO-FUNDING RATE PER PROGRAM AND/OR PARTICIPANT
Possible Scenario #4 on PPI • Joint implemented PPI: Procurer A located in a less developed Region purchases (co-funded by the ESIF – up to 85% rate) an X lot of the innovative solution and another procurer (procurer B) in another MS purchases the lot Y of the same innovative solution (co-funded by H2020- rate 20%). • The coordination, preparation etc. activities for the execution of the PPI could have possibly been co-funded either by the ESIF or by the H2020(CSA). In case that they haven't received co-funding for the preparatory activities these can be co-funded by the PPI Cofund actions according to the rules applicable to these actions. Applicable in cases like the following : Under a joint Framework Contract/ Agreement that sets out the common functional specifications separate contracts for different lots are implemented by the procurers according to their national law for the purchase of the innovative solutions.
Coordination, Preparation etc. activities are co-funded by H2020 (CSA) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE PROCURER A purchases the LOT A of the innovative solution with the support of H2020 FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20%(for his contribution) EXECUTION OF ONE JOINT PPI PROCURER C purchases the LOT B of the innovative solution with the support of H2020 FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20%(for his contribution) PROCURER B (Less developed Region) purchases the LOT C of the innovative solution with the support of the ESIF in line with the objectives of the relevant O.P C0-FUNDING RATE up to 85%(for his contribution) One Framework Agreement /Contract. Several contracts are signed by the procurers PER LOT OR Coordination, Preparation etc. activities are co-funded by the ESIF DIFFERENT CO-FUNDING RATE PER PROGRAM AND/OR PARTICIPANT
Possible scenario on the coordination, preparation etc. activities for PCP and PPI To implement the coordination, preparation etc. activities necessary for the execution of a PCP or a PPI procurers A and B that come from less developed regions are co-funded by the ESIF (up to 85% co-funding rate) and procurers B and C are co-funded for their contribution by H2020 (CSAs – if there is a specific call -100% co-funding rate or PCP/PPI Cofund actions co-funding rate 70%/20% accordingly) • The execution of the joint PCP/PPI can follow one of the scenarios presented in the previous slides. • Minimum conditions for success: • - Separate and distinguished cost/expenditure items even at project proposal level • - Synchronization and coordination between ESIF MAs and H2020 Managing Bodies
PROCURER A (Less developed Region) Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by the ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85% (for his contribution) PROCURER B (Transitional Region) Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by the ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 60% (for his contribution) EXECUTION OF A JOINT PCP PROCURER C Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by H2020 (PCP Cofund actions) FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 70% (for his contribution) PROCURER D Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by H2020 (PCP Cofund actions) FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 70% (for his contribution)
PROCURER A (Less developed Region) Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PPI are co-funded by the ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 85% (for his contribution) PROCURER B (Transitional Region) Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PPI are co-funded by the ESIF CO-FUNDING RATE up to 60% (for his contribution) EXECUTION OF A JOINT PPI PROCURER C Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by H2020 (PPI Cofund actions) FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20% (for his contribution) PROCURER D Coordination and preparation etc. activities for a PCP are co-funded by H2020 (PPI Cofund actions) FLAT CO-FUNDING RATE 20% (for his contribution)
Possible Scenario First PCP (ESIF) to develop and test the innovative solution and then PPI (H2020)for the deployment of the innovative solutions developed and tested through PCP and vice versa (H2020 for PCP and ESIF for PPI) Example: A group of Public Procurers from different cities are looking for a new sustainable public water supply system. It requires R&D. At first they implement a PCP (Phases 1,2,3) with the support of H2020 and different solutions are developed and tested. Thereafter they implement a PPI with the support of ESIF/ERDF to co-fund the preparation of the call for tender and the purchase of these new solutions (each MA for the territory covered by its OP).
PCP Execution of a PCP using either only H2020 or ESIF Funds or combination of both Funds PPI OR Coordination, preparatory etc. activities are co-funded by H2020(CSA) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE Execution of a PPI using either only H2020 or ESIF Funds or combination of both Funds per contract or per lot and contract Coordination, preparatory etc. activities are co-funded by H2020(CSA) 100% CO-FUNDING RATE OR Coordination, preparatory etc. activities are co-funded by the ESIF DIFFERENT CO-FUNDING RATE PER PROGRAM AND /OR PARTICIPANT Coordination, preparatory etc. activities are co-funded by the ESIF DIFFERENT CO-FUNDING RATE PER PROGRAM AND/OR PARTICIPANT Directly without CSAs or preparatory activities (Option)
D. ALTERNATIVE FUNDING • ESI Funds could be used for project proposals that have received positive evaluation under H2020 and could not be co-funded due to lack of H2020 funds under the call. • These proposals could be reoriented towards ESIF requirements and submitted at national/regional level, if this type and topic of project fits into the operational programmes of the concerned territories.