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4 Features of Evaporators Used for Vegetable Cold Storage

Crystallizers are used in industries to separate liquid and solid components. They are also one of the most important parts of the processing equipment as they are capable of producing high purity products at comparatively low energy inputs.

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4 Features of Evaporators Used for Vegetable Cold Storage

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  1. 4FeaturesofEvaporators Used for Vegetable Cold Storage LearnMore www.alaquainc.com

  2. Compatibilityforend-usercustomization Often,coolingsystemsincommercialagriculturestorage warehouses operate at temperatures just above freezing to preventspoilage.Becauseoftheselowtemperaturesaswellas humidification, frosting on coils is a real concern, and many facilities use electric heating elements to the keep evaporators freeoficeandfrost.Knowingthat,wedesignourcoilstoinclude heaternotchestoaccommodatethesedevices.

  3. Cleanandcleanableequipmentfor contaminant-freefood Wefullydegreaseourproductsusingavaporizeddegreasing solutionpriortoshippingthemouttoourcustomers.Thisway, customersreceiveaheatexchangerthat’sclean,readytouse, andfreeofcontaminants.

  4. Corrosion-resistantproductstoreduce frequencyofreplacement Giventhepresenceofanumberofchemicalandenvironmental corrosives like ammonia from fertilizers, the use of coatings is common in the industry. E-coat, or electrocoating (pictured below)ispopularintheindustrybothbecauseit’sthin-roughly 1mildryfilmthickness-andresultsinalessthan1%reductionin heattransfer.

  5. High-quality braze joints for continuous leak-freeoperation OurbrazingprogramiscriticaltowhatwedoatSuperRadiator Coils.AllofourbrazersarecertifiedunderASMEsectionIXcode, our rigorous internal standards, as well as any standard requestedbythecustomer.Theresultishighqualitybrazejoints everytime,regardlessofthematerialsbeingused.

  6. Email alaquainc1@gmail.com Phone +(00-1)5514827568 Email Alaqua7004BoulevardEast,Suite 28A,Guttenberg,NJUSA07093 www.alaquainc.com

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