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NICE Network Goals. Networking and Knowledge TransferDisseminate evidence-based research across university
2. NICE Network Goals Networking and Knowledge Transfer
Disseminate evidence-based research across university community continuum
Foster interdisciplinary teams in the care of the elderly
Improve geriatric and gerontological curricula and enrolment
Address training shortages in the care of the elderly
Effect positive policy changes
3. NICE Structure Central Committees
Knowledge Identification
Program Development
Researcher Training
Curriculum Development
Professional Development
Advisory Committees
Business Advisory
Seniors Advisory
ICCE Advisory Theme Teams
Elder Abuse
Mental Health
Financial Literacy
4. 2 Key Components of 3 Year Project Evidence based tools
Tools are and will be directed to varied responders and older adults
Tools are available in English and French.
More languages for all the tools in the future
5 Regions: Halifax, Sherbrooke, Toronto, Regina and Vancouver Senior abuse awareness presentations to peers
Innovative, creative, dynamic for all types of adult learners
Culturally diverse considerations
On the ground coordination of piloting and dissemination /training forums
Tools: 3 Possible Types - Detection, Intervention and /or Prevention Meaningful Older Adult Leadership in All Aspects of Project
5. Detection Tools EA Knowledge to Action Project
6. Detection Tools Overview EASI - complete
BASE, CASE, IOA - complete
Z card for older women or ROW complete for BC, Greater Toronto area and pocket card version for Newfoundland/Labrador currently being produced
7. 1. Detection Tool EASI Elder Abuse Suspicion Index - (EASI)
Developed by Dr. Mark Yaffe, Maxine Lithwick and Christina Wolfson Montreal/McGill
6 question tool for use by physicians to assess suspicion of potential cases of abuse of older adults
Designed for use with mentally capable older adults
Other uses being explored
Distributed to 23,000 family physicians across Canada (Feb 2011)
Adapted for use in different countries (Israel, England)
8. 2. Detection Tools BASE/CASE/IOA Developed by Drs. Myrna Reis and Daphne Nahmiash (Montreal)
BASE/DESIA- how urgently does situation need to be addressed?
CASE/DACAN: screen caregivers for potential signs of abuse
IOA/LISA: training practitioners to recognize the signs of potential senior abuse.
9. 3. Detection Tool Resources for Older Women Produced by Bridging Aging and Women Abuse Project
Covers rights information and numbers to call to get help once safe
2 formats and 2 different distribution plans
10. Intervention Tools EA Knowledge to Action Project
11. Intervention Tools Overview In Hand: An Ethical Decision Making Framework - complete
Elder Abuse Assessment and Intervention Reference Guide complete
Aboriginal Resource: Being Least Intrusive: An Orientation to Practice nearing end of piloting
Theft by Power of Attorney Investigation Reference Guide amending for piloting
Amended B-Safer a safety planning risk assessment tool beginning piloting process
Financial Exploitation Tool beginning work on production
12. 1. Intervention Tool In Hand: An Ethical Decision-Making Framework
13. 2. Detection/Intervention Tool for Police: Elder Abuse Assessment and Intervention Reference Guide Includes:
What to do ABUSER acronym outlining actions to take
Check for forms of abuse
Interview strategy
Safety planning
Privacy issues
Possible interview questions
Available help
14. 3. Intervention Tool Orientation to Practice Based on literature re cultural safety, aboriginal models of wellness, vulnerability and worldview
Series of questions for responders to ask themselves re practice in intervening as outsiders in aboriginal contexts
15. 4. Intervention Tool - Theft by Person(s) Holding Power of Attorney Investigation Reference Guide Outlines steps police can take to do a theft by POA investigation in situations where the adult is:
Mentally capable
Mentally incapable
16. 5. Intervention Tool - Amended B-Safer Safety planning risk assessment tool currently used in domestic violence
Focused on physical and emotional abuse
Amended for non-couple abuse of older adult situations
Beginning process of piloting with police
17. 6. Intervention Tool Financial Exploitation Tool Negotiating with researchers from Chicago about inclusion in our package of a 25 item questionnaire to ascertain type and severity of financial abuse and possible interventions
18. Prevention Tools EA Knowledge to Action Project
19. Prevention Tools Overview Under development/negotiation:
Elements of an Ideal Coordinated Response piloting
20. 1. Prevention Tool - Elements of an Ideal Coordinated Response Whole community response - not case specific, but inclusive
Community Level Elements
Guiding Principles
Ongoing Outreach
Public Awareness/Education
Professional Awareness/Education
Relationship, Team, Community Building
Protocol Development
Case Consultation/Case Review
Link to Related Initiatives
Keeping Track of the Communitys Response
21. 2. Preventing Financial Abuse Developed by NICE in the Financial Literacy Project funded by the Status of Women Canada
22. Summary - Overall Tool Kit Vision