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Lynx. :. Range. Historically, lynx lived in four geographically distinct areas within the continental United States. These areas included the Northeast, the Great Lakes states, the northern Rocky Mountains/Cascades and the southern Rocky Mountains. 

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  1. Lynx :

  2. Range • Historically, lynx lived in four geographically distinct areas within the continental United States. These areas included the Northeast, the Great Lakes states, the northern Rocky Mountains/Cascades and the southern Rocky Mountains.  • In the United States today, lynx are known to occur only in Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington. A recent reintroduction program has • reestablished a population in Colorado.

  3. Physical • Description: It is big and Height Around 2 feet (.61m) • Length 2.5 - 3 feet (.76 - .91m) • Weight: 10-23 lbs (8-10 kg

  4. Life Span Behavior: Generally solitary animals, lynx usually hunt and travel alone and are slightly more active at night than by day. Lynx have complex needs for their habitat. They require different forest types, including young forests with thick vegetation for hunting snowshoe hares and older forests with good cover for their dens • 10-15 years • Diet: Lynx are specialized hunters and can survive only wherethere are adequate snowshoe hare populations. Lynx are also known to eat mice, voles, grouse, ptarmigan and red squirrel .

  5. Reproduction • Mating Season: March and AprilGestation: 63-70 daysLitter Size: Average of 4 kittens.Kittens stay with their mother for the first year while they learn to hunt

  6. Special Information • Special information: fur paths over the ears , good ears, good sigt • Populaton Perhaps 1,000 lynx exist in the lower 48 states

  7. The End

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