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Mr. Kelly’s A wesome Lesson on Wednesday.
Apparently, the lesson on Wednesday given and organized by Emperor Kelly (or should that be Caliph Kelly?) went over very well. With multiple famous people in attendance, of course everyone had the same version as to how they described the lesson and what they thought of it. (or did they??) Read on, to learn more.
“Yesterday's lesson was interesting and new and we discussed important points in the sections and by the end of the lesson I got the main points on each section”. Flash Gordon, Super Hero Nov 2010
Yesterday's lesson was about how Chinese influence affected Japan and how also its influence decreased. We paired up with a partner and discussed how the influence on Japan occurred. By the end of the lesson, I was able to see how Japan was influenced. Bea M. Ovie Dept. of Honey, Beeswax, CA. Nov 2010
“Yesterday's lesson was a review of Ch 13 and we each received a section from the chapter and wrote down information and then we partnered up and presented it to the class. by the end, I had a better understanding of the chapter”. Vidal Sassoon Head Hair Stylist Paris Nov 2010
“An appalling bad lesson; he just goofed off and let the students do all the work. I mean, come on, doesn’t he know anything about teaching? Getting everyone else to analyze and discuss this important chapter and then expect them to actually remember something about China. Typical of this wimp. Wait until recess”!! Michael Sweetman Nov 2010, 5th grade Bully……….yes really!
“Yesterday's lesson was about the spread of Chinese civilization and its influence in Japan, Korea and Vietnam and we made two circles and each pair did an index card on each section of the chapter and by the end, I knew more than I did before”. Bruce Lee, Hong Kong, China Nov 2010
Wednesday’s lesson….mmm, not very good. Which training school did this guy go to and he must have cheated on the examination. How on earth did he get a job with the bureaucracy of teaching? Doesn’t he know that the Chinese way of a strong central authority figure is what’s best? Putting kids in a circle and sharing information and letting them run the class instead of telling them…what nonsense! Kung Fuzi 464 (Predicting the future)
“Yesterday's lesson was interesting and helpful and we got in a circle with our partners and discussed the chapter together. By the end I felt more comfortable with the lesson”. Volleyball Wilson Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean Nov 2010
“Yesterday’s lesson was an overview of Ch 13 and we learned that Japan was highly influenced by China and by the end of the class I learned that China’s influence eventually died due to many civil wars in Japan and the rising power of aristocratic families and warlords” Flavor Flavin, Hanging in the ‘hood, Nov 2010
“Yesterday's lesson was about the spread of Chinese civilization and we put the desks in 2 rings of twelve. We were partnered with the person sitting behind us and gathered and shared information about a section from the chapter and by the end of class, somebody took my snickers bar”!! Jackie Kennedy Onassis Arlington cemetory date unknown
“Ah, I remember it well. We all sat in a square and Mr. Kelly brought us coffee and doughnuts and we lit a camp fire and sang “Ooops, I did it again”. There was something about China and Korea but it wasn’t that important. All Chinese propaganda….I hate those Chinese”! Sara Jeong, Seoul Korea, Nov 4 2075
“Yesterday's lesson was informative and we discussed Ch 13, and by the end, I knew more about the spread of Chinese culture to Japan, Korea and Vietnam”. Mary Poppins, London UK Nov 2010
“Yesterday's lesson was on Ch 13 the spread of Chinese civilization of Japan, Korea and Vietnam and we had index cards of a section and by the end of the lesson I learned about the chapter from a better perspective”. Kim Possible Disneyland CA Nov 2010
Mr. Kelly’s class was largely effective in that it engaged students in a different learning process and more or less achieved it’s goal in terms of presentation and organization. However, he did not leave time for whole class feedback and neither did he spend any time checking comprehensive of what was said by each pair of students in a whole class format. Tut, tut!!! Dr. I.M. Fine Assistant Principal of Instruction BAHS
“You are my master and I love you”…….oh yes, the lesson…..well he was his usual brilliant self; dashing, intellectually stimulating, fantastically handsome and witty. I had no idea what was said because I only know “sit”, ‘stay” and “treat”. However, everyone left smiling so I guess the lesson was great. Yikes, I need a hall pass to the nearest fire hydrant, quick” Buddy Kelly. Thousand Oaks, CA Nov 2010
Create A Thesis • Based on the previous reports (excerpts), write a clear, analytical and comprehensive thesis that answers the following prompt. • How great was the lesson on the spread of Chinese civilization to Japan, Korea and Vietnam given by Mr. Kelly on Wednesday?