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ZCE 111 Computational Physics Semester Project Ng Wei Chun, 105525

ZCE 111 Computational Physics Semester Project Ng Wei Chun, 105525. Solving the Schrödinger equation for Helium Atom with Hatree-Fock Method. Helium Ground State with Gaussian s-basis F unction. Hamiltonian of a system of N electrons, K nuclei, with Z n charges. (4.1)

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ZCE 111 Computational Physics Semester Project Ng Wei Chun, 105525

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  1. ZCE 111 Computational Physics Semester ProjectNg Wei Chun, 105525 Solving the Schrödinger equation for Helium Atom with Hatree-Fock Method

  2. Helium Ground State withGaussian s-basis Function

  3. Hamiltonian of a system of N electrons, K nuclei, with Zn charges (4.1) • Index i for electrons, n for nuclei, m = electron mass, Mn = nuclei masses.

  4. Born-Oppenheimer approximation • Nuclei are much heavier that they move much slower than electron. (4.2)

  5. The independent-particle (IP) Hamiltonian • Further approximation reduce the 2nd term of (4.2) to an uncoupled Hamiltonian. (4.3)

  6. Anti-symmetric trial wave function for ground state (4.4) • spin up, spin down, is an orbital which share the same basis. • The coordinates of the wave function are and , .

  7. Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian for the helium atom (4.5) • Acting on (4.4), (4.6)

  8. multiply both side by and integrate over : (4.7) • All the integrals which yield constant multiple of are absorbed into . • Hereby, we have used . • Equation (4.7) is self-consistent.

  9. Basis functions • Beyond restricting the wave function to be uncorrelated; by writing it as a linear combination of 4 fixed, real basis functions. (4.12)

  10. Leads directly from (4.7) that: (4.13)

  11. Multiply from the left and integrate over : (4.14) (4.15)

  12. (4.16) (4.17) • , , , and

  13. Program flow • The matrices and array are calculated. • Initial values for are chosen. • Use C-values to construct matrix F: (4.18) • Always check that , as the normalisation. (4.19)

  14. Solve for generalised eigenvalue problem (4.20) • For ground state, the vector C is the one corresponding to the lowest eigenvalue. • Solution C from (4.20) is used to build matrix F again and so on. • Ground state energy can be found by evaluating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian for the ground state: (4.21)

  15. General Hartree-Fock Method

  16. Particle-exchange operator, (4.22) • For the case of an independent-particle Hamiltonian, we can write the solution of the Schrödinger equation as a product of one-electron states: (4.24)

  17. Spin-orbitals permuted • The same state as (4.24) but with the spin-orbitals permuted, is a solution too, as are linear combinations of several such states, (4.26) • is a permutation operator which permutes the coordinates of the spin-orbitals only, and not their labels, or acting on labels only (acting on one at a time).

  18. Slater determinant • We can write (4.26) in the form of a Slater determinant: (4.27)

  19. Hartree equation • Fock extended the Hartree equation by taking anti-symmetry into account. (4.30) (4.31) • The operator is called the Fock operator.

  20. Linear combinations of a finite number of basis states • Expanding the spin-orbitals as linear combinations of a finite number of basis states : (4.55) • Then (4.30) assumes a matrix form (4.56) • where is the overlap matrix for the basis used.

  21. General form of the Fock operator (4.59) (4.60) • The sum over is over all occupied Focklevels.

  22. If written in terms of the orbital parts only, the Coulomb and exchange operators read (4.61) • In contrast with (4.60), the sums over run over half the number of electrons because the spin degrees of freedom have been summed over.

  23. Fock operator • The Fock operator now becomes (4.62) • The corresponding expression for the energy is found analogously and is given by

  24. Roothaanequation • For a given basis , we obtain the following matrix equation, which is known as the Roothaan equation: (4.64) • is the overlap matrix for the orbital basis

  25. Matrix (4.65) (4.66) (4.67) • labels the orbitals and p, q, and s label the basis functions.

  26. Density matrix • The density matrix for restricted Hartree-Fock is defined as (4.68) • Using (4.68), the Fock matrix can be written as (4.70)

  27. Energy (4.71)

  28. Gaussian function (4.78) • For , these functions are spherically symmetric, 1s-orbital is given as (4.81)

  29. The two-electron integral (4.123) • , ,

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