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Stump the Gynecologist: Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Jennifer K. McDonald DO F.A.C.O.G. October 10, 2008. ACOG Definition.
Stump the Gynecologist: Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pelvic Pain Jennifer K. McDonald DO F.A.C.O.G. October 10, 2008
ACOG Definition “Non-cyclic pain of 6 or more months duration that localizes to the anatomic pelvis, abdominal wall at or below the umbilicus, lumbosacral back or the buttocks and is of sufficient severity to cause functional disability or lead to medical care.”
Background • 10% out-patient gynecologic visits • 20% of laparoscopies • 15% of hysterectomies • $2.8 billion annually 15% of American women
Prevalence CPP Migraine Asthma Back Pain
Features • Present for six months or more • Conventional treatments have yielded little or no relief • Degree or pain perceived seems out of proportion to the degree of tissue damage detected by conventional means • Physical appearance of depression is present • Physical activity is increasingly limited • Emotional roles in the family are altered
Distinction • Acute pain Pain is symptom of underlying tissue damage • Chronic pain Pain itself becomes the disease
Females - Unique Design • Structural changes during development • Pelvis widens after menarche • Gluteal stretching • Internal rotation of the femurs/lateral displacement of the patella • Ligamentous laxity • Decreased muscular tone increases lumbar lordosis and exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt • Pelvic organs connected through shared common nerve pathways
Where do we look? Gynecologic - extra-uterine Gynecologic - uterine Urologic Musculoskeletal Gastrointestinal Neurologic
Referred Pain Ovary T10 umbilical area Uterus T12 lower abdominal wall Vagina L1 skin over groin
Most common culprits • Endometriosis • Adenomyosis • Interstitial cystitis • Irritable bowel • Pelvic Adhesions
Endometriosis • Presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus • No difference among ethnic groups or socioeconomic status • Genetic predisposition 6-10% increased risk with history of first degree relative Dysmenorrhea Abnormal bleeding Dyspaurenia GI complaints Infertility Urinary complaints Low back pain
Location Location 76% ovaries 69% posterior & anterior cul de sac 47% posterior broad ligament 36% uterosacral ligaments 11% uterus 6% fallopian tubes 4% sigmoid colon
Interstitial Cystitis • Prevalence of bladder origin chronic pelvic pain/interstitial cystitis is much greater than previously believed IC is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder characterized by irritable voiding symptoms of urgency and frequency in the absence of objective evidence of another disease that could cause the symptoms
Pathogenesis of IC:Defective Urothelial Barrier IrritatingSolutes GAGLayer Urothelium Inflammation IrritatedNerve
IC is Typically Diagnosed Late in Disease Continuum Average Time Between Initial Development of Symptoms and Diagnosis is 5 Years See at least 5 physicians before diagnosis Significant suffering and reduced QOL InitialDevelopment of IC Symptoms Diagnosis of IC 2-7 years May have unnecessary hysterectomy
IC Concurrent with Endometriosis Diagnosis of Patients With CPP byCystoscopy and Hydrodistention & Laparoscopy1 10% IC Alone 20% Endometriosis Alone 70% IC and Endometriosis Clinicians should consider the bladder to be the source of CPP, even when endometriosis is present
Pelvic Adhesions • Distort normal blood/nerve supply • Decreased mobility of organs/hypoxia • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) • Most common Chlamydia • Inflammatory reaction • Secretion of prostaglandins
Fibromyalgia Tender Points 11 or more TP sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 81%
Irritable Bowel • 12% US population • 2:1 women • Peak age 30-40 • Increased GI motility and sensitivity to stimulants
Pelvic Pain Assessment Forms www.pelvicpain.org
www.reliefinsite.com Pain Diaries
Keys to Treatment • Pain and its perception are located in the nervous system so its treatment must encompass a Mind and Body approach • Multiple interactive problems are most likely with CPP so it isn’t which treatment is best but which treatments • It usually took time for things to get to where they are so it will be take time to get them back to normal as well • Chronic pain affects a family not just an individual patient
How can chiropractic help • Manipulation increases spinal mobility and improves blood supply by influencing the autonomic nervous system
The patient with CPP needs a multidisciplinary approach … are you ready?