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Optimization. 吳育德. Unconstrained Minimization. Def : f(x), x is said to be differentiable at a point x*, if it is defined in a neighborhood N around x* and if x* +h a vector n independent of h that where the vector a is called the gradient of f(x) evaluated at x*,
Optimization 吳育德
Unconstrained Minimization Def : f(x), x is said to be differentiable at a point x*, if it is defined in a neighborhood N around x* and if x* +h a vector n independent of h that where the vector a is called the gradient of f(x) evaluated at x*, denote it as The term <a,h> is called the 1-st variation. and
Unconstrained Minimization Note if f(x) is twice differentiable, then where F(x) is an n*n symmetric, called the Hessian of f(x) Then 1st variation 2nd variation
Directional derivatives Let w be a directional vector of unit norm || w|| =1 Now consider is a function of the scalar r. Def : The directional derivative of f(x) in the direction w (unit norm) at w* is defined as
Directional derivatives Example : Let Then i.e. the partial derivative of f(x*) w.r.t xi is the directional derivative of f(x) in the direction ei. Interpretation of Consider Then The directional derivative along a direction w (||w||=1) is the length of the projection vector of on w.
Unconstrained Minimization [Q] : What direction w yield the largest directional derivative? Ans : Recall that the 1st variation of is Conclusion 1 : The direction of the gradient is the direction that yields the largest change (1st -variation) in the function. This suggests in the steepest decent method which will be described later
Directional derivatives Example: Sol : Let , w with unit norm =
Directional derivatives The directional derivative in the direction of the gradient is Notes :
Directional derivatives Def : f(x) is said to have a local (or relative) minimum at x*, if in a nbd N of x* Theorem: Let f(x) be differentiable ,If f(x) has a local minimum at x* , then pf : Note: is a necessary condition, not sufficient condition.
Directional derivatives Theorem: If f(x) is twice diff and pf : Conclusion2: The necessary & Sufficient Conditions for a local minimum of f(x) is
Minimization of Unconstrained function Prob. : Let y=f(x) , . We want to generate a sequence and such that it converges to the minimum of f(x). Consider the kth guess, , we can generate provided that we have two of information (1) the direction to go (2) a scalar step size Then Basic descent methods (1) Steepest descent (2) Newton-Raphson method
Steepest Descent Steepest descent : Note 1.a. Optimum it minimizes
Steepest Descent Example :
Steepest Descent Example :
Steepest Descent Optimum iteration Remark : The optimal steepest descent step size can be determined analytically for quadratic function.
Steepest Descent 1.b. other possibilities for choosing • Constant step size i.e. • adv : simple • disadv : no idea of which value of α to choose • If α is too large diverge • If α is too small very slow • Variable step size
Steepest Descent 1.b. other possibilities for choosing • Polynomial fit methods • (i)Quadratic fit • gauss three values for α, say α1 , α2 , α3. • Let • Solve for a, b, c minimize by • Check
Steepest Descent 1.b. other possibilities for choosing • Polynomial fit methods • (ii)Cubic fit
Steepest Descent 1.b. other possibilities for choosing • Region elimination methods • Assume g(α) is convex • over [a,b] i.e. one minimum • (a) g1>g2 (b)g1<g2 (c)g1=g2 eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated initial interval of uncertainty [a,b] , next interval of uncertainty for (i) is [ ,b]; for (ii) is [a, ]; for (iii) is [ , ]
Steepest Descent [Q] : how do we choose and ? (i) Two points equal interval search i.e. α1- a = α1- α2=b- α1 1st iteration 2nd iteration 3rd iteration kth iteration
k=0 Steepest Descent [Q] : how do we choose and ? (ii) Fibonacci Search method For N-search iteration Example: Let N=5, initial a = 0 , b = 1
Steepest Descent [Q] : how do we choose and ? (iii) Golden Section Method then use until Example: then then etc…
Steepest Descent Flow chart of steepest descent Initial guess x(0) Stop! x(k) is minimum Compute ▽f(x(k)) Yes ∥ ▽f(x(k)) ∥﹤ε k=k+1 No α {α1,…αn} Polynomial fit : cubic ,… Region elimination : … Determine α(k) x(k+1)c=x(k)- α(k) ▽f(x(k))
Steepest Descent [Q]: is the direction of the “best” direction to go? suppose the initial guess is x(0) Consider the next guess What should M be such that x(1) is the minimum, i.e. ? Since we want If MQ=I,or M=Q-1 Thus,for a quadratic function,x(k+1)=x(k)-Q-1▽f(x(k)) will take us to the minimum in one iteration no matter what x(0) is.
Newton-Raphson Method Minimize f(x) The necessary condition ▽f(x)=0 The N-R algorithm is to find the roots of ▽f(x)=0 Guess x(k),then x(k+1) must satisfy Note not always converge
Newton-Raphson Method A more formal derivation Min f(x(k)+h) w.r.t h
Newton-Raphson Method Remarks: (1)computation of [F(x(k))]-1 at every iteration → time consuming → modify N-R algorithm to calculate [F(x(k))]-1 every M-th iteration (2)must check F(x(k)) is p.d. at every iteration. If not → Example :
Newton-Raphson Method The minimum of f(x) is at (0,0) In the nbd of (0,0) is p.d. Now suppose we start an initial guess Then diverges. Remark: (3)N-R algorithm is good(fast) when initial guess close to minimum ,but not very good when far from minimum.