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Digital Divide:

Digital Divide:. How Technology Divides us… DIGITALLY!. What is the Digital Divide?. The digital divide is the difference in levels of access to technology between diffrent groups of people.

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Digital Divide:

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  1. Digital Divide: How Technology Divides us… DIGITALLY!

  2. What is the Digital Divide? • The digital divide is the difference in levels of access to technology between diffrent groups of people. • For example, people in the US and other developed nations have more access to technology than people Africa, minorities have less access than causations, and children have less access than adults

  3. History! • The term came into use in the mid 1990s, with Bill Clinton using in a speech in 1996. • In the 1970s and 1980s there was a large gap in internet access. • 1991 bill for a "National Information Infrastructure.” to help fight the divide

  4. What’s good about it? • NOTHING!

  5. What’s bad about it? • INEQUALITY IS INHERENTLY BAD!

  6. What can we do to fight it? • Laws and stuff?!

  7. Sources • Chayko, Mary. "Shaping the Social Landscape: Equalities, Inequalities, Possibilities." Portable Communities: The Social Dynamics of Online and • Mobile Connectedness. Albany: State University of New York, 2008. 183-202. • Rice, Mitchell F. "The Global Digital Divide." Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media. Ed. Thomas L. McPhail. Malden, MA: State Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009. 123-139. • Sciadas, George. "The Digital Divide in Canada." Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2002. Retrieved Augest 31, 2009 from http://www.statcan.ca/english/research/56F0009XIE/56F0009XIE2002001.pdf • (At least one of these will probably be used anyway…)

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