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Using JavaScript for Mobile App Development

July 5th, 2011. Using JavaScript for Mobile App Development. No Objective C or Java required!. AuctionAnything.com ASP.NET/MS SQL jQuery/JavaScript Appcelerator Titan Stephen Gilboy @MorningZ morningz@morningz.com. (sort of an ‘evangelist’ for Appcelerator). Who Am I ?. Mobile Market.

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Using JavaScript for Mobile App Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. July 5th, 2011 Using JavaScript for Mobile AppDevelopment • No Objective C or Java required!

  2. AuctionAnything.com • ASP.NET/MS SQL • jQuery/JavaScript • Appcelerator Titan • Stephen Gilboy@MorningZmorningz@morningz.com (sort of an ‘evangelist’ for Appcelerator) Who Am I ?

  3. Mobile Market

  4. Market Share April 2011 Data from Nielson Wire on May 31st, 2011

  5. Using HTML5/CSS3/Js for Mobile Development IDE HTML/CSS/JS

  6. Using HTML5/CSS3/Js for Mobile Development IDE HTML/CSS/JS Library

  7. Using HTML5/CSS3/Js for Mobile Development IDE HTML/CSS/JS Library Web Server Host Browse Mobile Browser

  8. Using HTML5/CSS3/Js for Mobile Development IDE HTML/CSS/JS Library

  9. Using HTML5/CSS3/Js for Mobile Development IDE HTML/CSS/JS Library Package Submit Apple App Store Android Marketplace

  10. Native Apps using Appcelerator Titanium • Code in JavaScript • Translates to “Native” code • Apple iOS • Android • Blackberry (beta) • Titanium Studio IDE (Mac OSX only) (Mac/Windows/Linux) (Windows only) (formally Aptana Studio)

  11. How Titanium Works

  12. How Titanium Works Code your pages

  13. How Titanium Works Code your pages “Run” Titanium SDK

  14. How Titanium Works Code your pages “Run” Titanium SDK Project in XCode/ObjC

  15. How Titanium Works Code your pages “Run” Running! (in simulator) Titanium SDK Project in XCode/ObjC

  16. A look at the “Kitchen Sink” - Tons of example code showing: Views Controls Animations Phone APIs (Contacts, Calendar) Network Calls (JSON, XML) Using Remote APIs (FB, Twitter, etc) Hardware (Camera, GPS, etc) Local Storage (Resource folder, SQL Lite Db) MUCH more!

  17. Some general notes about Appcelerator Titanium • Cross platform is like 80/20 (but there are good workarounds!) • Titanium SDK evolves quickly! (nightly builds) • Public/Free Q&A forum is a work in progress • Paid support only during business days • FastDev is an Android developer’s best friend • Blackberry is still Beta! • They are not committed to Windows Phone 7 (at this time) • Following #appcelerator & #titanium hashes on Twitter useful • 10 third party modules available! (PayPal, “Bump”, more!) • Titanium API is proprietary, but open source! • There is also a Desktop version for creating Mac Store apps

  18. Beta testing your app • Provide your app to testers *before* going through the App Store process • TestFlight for iOS • Email Android package

  19. Costs • Apple Developer Program:- Free to download iOS SDK and develop- $99/yr to be able to submit to AppStoreAndroid Developer Program- Also free to get SDK and develop- $49/yr to submit to marketplaceAppcelerator Titanium- Community (free)- Indie ($49/month)- Professional ($199/month)

  20. Contact • Email:morningz@morningz.com • LinkedIn:morningz@morningz.com • Twitter: @MorningZ#appcelerator • Link to this content:http://bit.ly/deerfield_mz

  21. Helpful Links • http://developer.appcelerator.com • http://developer.apple.com • http://developer.android.com • http://developer.appcelerator.com/blog • http://www.appcelerator.com/products/plans-pricing/ • https://testflightapp.com • http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/Home • http://bit.ly/appcelerator-vs-phonegap-vs-adobe-air • http://jquerymobile.com • http://www.sencha.com/products/touch

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