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Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy in Poland and effects of radiation on human health. Wojciech Olejniczak kl. 2b Publiczne gimnazjum Nr 2 w Staszowie. Muzyka: „I saw daddy today ” – Yann Tiersen. Poland.
Renewable and non-renewablesources of energy in Poland and effects of radiation on human health Wojciech Olejniczak kl. 2b Publiczne gimnazjum Nr 2 w Staszowie Muzyka: „I sawdaddytoday” – YannTiersen
Poland Reneweablesources of energy in Poland started to developfastly sincejoiningtheEuropean Union.
Poland Due to membershiprestrictions we had to improvethismethods of gaining energy, For example, thereis a special law, whichsaysthat energy fromthissourceshas to be atleast 10 % of whole energy bought for one house
Poland Itdoes not meanthatthiskind of energy didn’texistedinour country before, but fromthe moment of joiningthe Union on isthe time of thefastest development of thissector.
Poland The most popular renewablesource of energy in Poland iswater. Built on almost everybiggerriver, watertowerstationsgiveus nice amount of ecoologicalelctricity.
Poland Anotherimportantway to make elcricityfrom „nothing” is to usethepower of wind. It’snothingunusualintheview of windmillsanymore.
Poland But, althoughtrenewablesourcesarewithoutanydoubts an importantthing, non-renewablesourcesarestillthemainway of gainingthe energy.
Poland Usingfossilfuells, mainlycoal, thermal powerplantsproducesseveraltimesmore energy thanallthewindmills, waterpowerpoints and solarbatteries takentogether.
Poland But althought we mainlyusethefossilfuels, we don’thaveanyatomicpowerstation inwhole country and afterthe Fukushima tragedyitdoesn’tseemlike we aregoing to have one.
Poland Theatomic energy is an example of radiation’sbenefits , but too much of itcanbadlyaffectour health.
Poland Itseemslikecanceris one of it’s most dangerouseffects. Leukemia canoccurtoo, whentoo much radiationinflicts a body .
Poland But we can’tforgetaboutthegood influence of radiation. The most commonexampleishowusefultheX-raysare.
Poland Also, althoughtoo much of itcancause a cancer, a smallamountcanbecome a goodcure for thissickness
Poland Some independent experimentsproved, thatwhenisolatedfromanyradiation, livingorganismsdies.
Poland Radiationhasitgood and badsides. Just as everything. So will yousee a mushroomcloud,
Poland Or a happy clown?