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Have you seen this logo? 1 5 A Day is a joint effort between the National Cancer Institute and the Produce for Better Health Foundation. 2 The goal is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption to 5 or more servings daily by the year 2000. 4
Have you seen this logo? 1
5 A Day is a joint effort between theNational Cancer Institute and the Produce for Better Health Foundation. 2
The goal is to increase fruitand vegetable consumptionto 5 or more servings dailyby the year 2000. 4
Eat 5 or more servingsevery day as part ofa healthy, low-fat,high-fiber diet. 5
Healthy eating anddaily physical activity make the mostdifference inlifelong health. 6
Thirty-five percentof all cancers areassociated with poor eating habits. 9
Research continues into food’s effects on cancer reduction. 17
The best advice for allAmericans who want to reducetheir risk of cancer is to eata low-fat diet with plenty offruits, vegetables and grains. 56
5 A Day is the minimumrecommended amountof fruits and vegetablesto eat every day. 10
Although fruits and vegetablestaste good and are good forus, most of us are notgetting our 5 A Day. 23
A Five A Day Baseline Surveyshowed that fewer thanone out of ten people knewthat 5 fruits and vegetablesdaily was important. 24
Two-thirds surveyed thoughtonly 1-2 servings of fruitsand vegetables were enoughfor good health. 25
GOOD NEWS-- The older we getthe more we like andeat fruits and vegetables. 26
Eat a wide variety of 5or more servings of fruitsand vegetables every day. 18
Eat cabbage familyor cruciferousvegetables severaltimes each week 22
Most people only need to add 2 or more servings offruits and vegetables tomeet the 5 A Day goal. 57
1 medium piece of fruit • 1/4 cup of dried fruit 12
1/2 cup of raw or cooked fruit or vegetables such as: • vegetables • fruit • cooked, dried peas or beans 13
It’s easy for you and your family toget your 5 A Day--today, tomorrow and everyday. 3
Sandwiches withlots of vegetablesprovide a greatway to add toyour 5 A Day. 38
Eat one or more fruits or vegetables with each meal and as a snack 16
Some fast foodplaces alsoprovide ways for you to getyour 5 A Day. 39
When dining inrestaurants, orderdishes that havelots of fruitsand vegetables. 40
It doesn’t need take a lotof time and it’s easier than you think. 28
At home, gettingyour 5 A Day canbe as easy asusing yourmicrowave. 41
Change favoriterecipes byincreasing theamounts ofvegetables orbeans you use. 42
Stock up on dried,frozen and cannedvarieties for fruitsand vegetables. 43
Frozen or cannedvegetables can becheaper than freshand just as nutritious. 44
Add spices andlow-fat seasoning tofruits and vegetablesfor added flavorwithout added fat. 48
Keep a running countof the fruits andvegetables youeat each day. 45
Eating 5 A Day will help make you feel good, keep you going through the day and reducecancer risk. 53