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Bilingual/ESL TEA Updates-April 5, 2005. Georgina González Director of Bilingual/ESL Education Texas Education Agency. U.S. Demographics. U.S. public schools serve about 5.1 million English language learners (ELLs); 145 different languages are spoken among our ELL population;
Bilingual/ESL TEA Updates-April 5, 2005 Georgina González Director of Bilingual/ESL Education Texas Education Agency
U.S. Demographics • U.S. public schools serve about 5.1 million English language learners (ELLs); • 145 different languages are spoken among our ELL population; • 80% of ELLs are Spanish speakers; • -U.S. Dept. of Education – Title III Biennial Evaluation Report, FY 2002-2004
U.S. Demographics • All 52 state education agencies (including D.C. and Puerto Rico) reported that out of a total 1,218,238 immigrant children and youths, 827,638 were served by Title III; • 51 state education agencies reported that 316,273 certified or licensed teachers were working in programs specially designed for ELLs; • -U.S. Dept. of Education – Title III Biennial Evaluation Report, FY 2002-2004
U.S. Demographics • All state education agencies reported using at least one type of English language instruction program offered through Title III, with 40 states using some type of bilingual program in addition to their English as a second language (ESL) programs. • -U.S. Dept. of Education – Title III Biennial Evaluation Report, FY 2002-2004
Texas Student Profile Grades PK-12 684,583 Total Identified English Language Learners (ELLs) PEIMS, Fall 2004
Texas Student Profile Grades PK-12 • 1,894,108 Hispanic (44%) • 1,676,987 White (39%) • 616,050 African Am. (14%) • 127,092 Native Am. (.3%) • PEIMS 2003
101 languages are represented in Texas schools: Spanish 603,299 Vietnamese 10,649 Urdu 3,425 Korean 2,841 Arabic 2,689
Texas PK-12 English language learners (ELLs) 2004-2005 STUDENT LANGUAGE GROUP CHANGE Spanish 629,682 +26,682 Vietnamese 11,306 + 657 Urdu 3,491 + 66 Korean 2,885 + 44 Arabic 2,830 + 141
Letter sent to Superintendents, Administrators, Test Coordinators, Bilingual/ESL Coordinators, Title III directors on Jan. 28, 2005 explaining the implementation of the NCLB AMAOS.
Both current LEP status and monitored status will be collected on answer documents and used in reporting test results beginning in spring 2005.
PEIMS LEP Indicator Code- Limited English Proficiency Student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment committee (LPAC)
Code: (Mark One) C= Student is currently identified as LEP. M1= Student has met criteria for Bilingual/ESL Program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS and is in his or her first year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(L).
M2= Student has met criteria for Bilingual/ESL Program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS and is in his or her second year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(L).
0= All other enrolled students Note: MarkM1or M2 if a student is in the first or second year of monitoring but is incorrectly identified as LEP in PEIMS
Bilingual- Indicator Code 1 = Student is participating in a state-approved full bilingual program 0 = Student is not participating in a state-approved full bilingual program
ESL- Indicator Code 1 = Student is participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program 0 = Student is not participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program
NOTE: For Bilingual or ESL students, program information should reflect enrollment in either a bilingual or an ESL program.
March 24, 2005 LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE ADMINISTRATOR : LEP Status Coding of Parental Denial Students on Spring 2005 Answer Documents • Demographic and program information that is hand-gridded on answer documents does not change student information contained in a Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) file at the Texas Education Agency (TEA). It only updates the information for the reporting of the current year’s test results. Information that needs to be updated in PEIMS must be provided through the PEIMS data submission process.
Peims Data The most common LEP student definitions, codes, and elements are found in Section IV, Coordination with Other Programs, of the Framework for the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) Process Manual. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/biling/teares-lpac-processmanual.html
PEIMS Data Integrity of LEP student data is supported at the district level by: On-going communication and collaboration among entities responsible for obtaining ,documenting, and entering of student data.
PEIMS Data Integrity of LEP student data is supported at the district level by: Establishment of procedures that ensure the accuracy of data prior to submission.
LEP Immigrant NEWTOPEIMS The term immigrant has three definitions approved by the Texas Education Agency. Each definition serves a unique purpose.
NEWTOPEIMS LEP Immigrant/Non-immigrant Business Rules: The NCLB definition serves to identify the recent immigrants for the Title III program. The Student Assessment Division’s definition assists in determining the appropriate evaluation of the LEP students in Texas. The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) I and II definition determines eligibility of the LEP students who may receive high school credit for these two courses.
LEP Immigrant NEWTOPEIMS • NCLB DEFINITION: • For PEIMS reporting purposes the federal definition of “immigrant” is used. Please refer to the definition listed under E0797 IMMIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE
LEP Immigrant Code E0797 SAME (FYI) • IMMIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether the student is an identified immigrant under the definition found under Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), where the term ‘immigrant children and youth’ is defined as, “individuals who are aged 3 through 21; were not born in any state; and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than 3 full academic years. The term ‘State’ means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (See P.L. 107-110 Title III, Part C, § 3301(6).)
LEP Immigrant NEW TO PEIMS • STUDENT ASSESSMENT DEFINITION: • For the sole purpose of the statewide Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), any Limited English Proficient (LEP) student who has resided outside the fifty United States for at least two consecutive years can be designated an “immigrant student” and may qualify for exemption from the State Assessment if additional criteria as specified on the LPAC Decision-Making Procedural Manual are met. (Texas Education Agency, LPAC Decision-Making Procedural Manual, Fall 2002). 19 TAC §101.1005, 101.1007, 101.1009. • For additional information please see the Student Assessment Division webpage at the following URL: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment.
LEP Immigrant, Grades 9-12 NEW TO PEIMS • ESOL I AND ESOL II DEFINITION: • For English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) I and II, Chapter 74 does not provide a specific definition of “immigrant.” The dictionary defines an “immigrant” as a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. An immigrant student is a student who was not born in the United States. • For additional information please go to the Curriculum Division webpage and select Bilingual ESL at the following URL: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/biling/.
LEP Immigrant, Grades 9-12 NEW TO PEIMS • ESOL I AND ESOL II: • High school students enrolled in ESOL I and ESOL II may not receive high school graduation credit unless they are LEP and are immigrants to the United States.
LEP Non-Immigrant, Grades 9-12 NEW TO PEIMS • If the student is not an immigrant but is identified as LEP, then the student may be reported as English as a Second Language (ESL) for funding purposes. However, the district must document in the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) annual review form the services being provided to meet the student’s needs.
LEP Status Exit Criteria: SAME • Exit criteria is applicable to LEP students who are identified and are served in either a required Bilingual or a required ESL program or are being served in a regular classroom due to a LEP (Parental) Denial. Please see the LEP Chart which precedes the 110 record examples for additional information.
LEP Status Exit Criteria: • The following exit criteria must be met in order to change an identified LEP student to a non-LEP status. • The development of the student’s oral and written English language proficiency must be taken into account by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) when making determinations regarding student(s) LEP status. Please reference 19 TAC§89.1225(h). CHANGE OF WORDING
LEP Status Exit Criteria: • In Conjunction with one of the following two criteria: • 1) A student who has been determined as Limited English Proficient (LEP) must achieve in the 40th percentile or higher on the language arts and reading portions (only) on a norm referenced standardized achievement test. The list of approved tests can be found on the Curriculum webpage under Bilingual at the following URL:http://www.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/leptests.html ADDED ‘PERCENTILE’
LEP Status Exit Criteria: SAME • 2) The student meets state performance standards on the reading and writing portions (when available) of the English Language criterion referenced test (TAKS). Please reference TEC §39.023.
LEP Status Exit Criteria: SAME • Bilingual Program Only: In addition to the above stated criteria, the students’ proficiency in their native oral and written language must be assessed. Please reference 19 TAC§89.1225(h)(1).
E0032 Bilingual-Indicator-Code SAME (FYI) BILINGUAL-INDICATOR-CODE: student participates in a state-approved bilingual education program which is a full-time program of dual-language instruction through the TEKS in the content areas (mathematics, science, health and social studies) in the primary language of LEP students with structured and sequenced mastery of English cognitive academic language development. See 19 TAC §89.1210.
E800 ESL-Indicator-Code SAME (FYI) ESL-INDICATOR-CODE – student is participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program.
E1028BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE CHANGE • BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether the student participated in the Bilingual/ESL Summer School program as described in TEC §29.060 and 19 TAC §89.1250. To be eligible for enrollment in the Bilingual/ESL Summer Program, a student must be limited English proficient (LEP) and must be eligible for admission to kindergarten or first grade at the beginning of the next school year. LEP shall be determined by screening students using oral proficiency instruments approved by the Commissioner of Education. APPROVED TESTS ONLY!
LEP/Special Education Framework Charts These charts will be for the purpose of assisting schools with the process of evaluation, identification, and placement of students with disabilities or suspected of having a disability and who may also be LEP.
LEP/Special Education Framework Charts Chart A outlines the process for the identification of a LEP student including one with a suspected disability.
LEP/Special Education Framework Charts Sub-Chart A continues the process for a student who may be LEP and suspected of having a disability.
LEP/Special Education Framework Charts Sub-Chart B continues the process involving a Multi-disciplinary team that includes the LPAC representative to complete appropriate placement and services.