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Famous Artists. Van Gogh. Seurat. Picasso. Monet. Rembrandt. Da Vinci. Georges- Pierre Seurat. Born December 2, 1859 in Paris, France Founder of Neoimpressionism Developed a style that used small dots of pure color Believed emotions could be conveyed through color. Gallery.
Famous Artists Van Gogh Seurat Picasso Monet Rembrandt Da Vinci
Georges- Pierre Seurat • Born December 2, 1859 in Paris, France • Founder of Neoimpressionism • Developed a style that used small dots of pure color • Believed emotions could be conveyed through color Gallery
Vincent van Gogh • Born March 30, 1853, Netherlands • Pioneer of Expressionism • Life was plagued by emotional instability • During his stay in a mental hospital, he created one of his best known paintings, The Starry Night Gallery
Pablo Picasso • Born October 25, 1881, Spain • Work was often categorized into periods: Blue, Rose, and African Influenced periods • Co-Founder of Cubism • Produced over 13, 500 paintings Gallery
Claude Monet • Born November 14, 1840,Paris, France • Fond of painting controlled nature: Landscapes and seascapes • Due to cataracts, many of his paintings contain red tones, which is common of cataract victims Gallery
Rembrandt • Born July 15, 1606, Netherlands • Utilized chiaroscuro in his art • Produced over 600 paintings, 300 etchings, and 200 drawings • Themes in his paintings were mostly religious and allegorical Gallery
Leonardo da Vinci • Born April 15, 1452, Italy • Known for being an inventor, painter, anatomist, and engineer • His famous paintings include Mona Lisa and The Last Supper • Kept notebooks with his ideas written backwards Gallery
Vocabulary • Chiaroscuro (Italian for lightdark) is defined as a bold contrast between light and dark. • Impressionismwas a 19th century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris-based artists who began publicly exhibiting their art in the 1860s. The name of the movement is derived from Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant). • Cubism is a more modern art movement in which forms are abstracted by using an analytical approach to the object and painting the basic geometric solid of the subject.
Vocabulary • Abstract Expressionism is a style of painting in which the painter shows his personality through spontaneity. Most abstract expressionist art is not a painting of an object or image, but instead a study in color and brush stroke. • Fauvismis a short-lived painting style in early 20th century France, which featured bold, clashing, arbitrary colors - colors unrelated to the appearance of forms in the natural world. Henri Matisse was its best-known practitioner. The word fauve means “wild beast.”