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2. Transit and Recovery Act Overview. Overview of Recovery Act FTA Formula programs: UrbanizedNon-urbanized Fixed Guideway3.FTA Discretionary programs:New StartsTribal TransitEnergy/Greenhouse Gas Savings (TIGGER). 3. 4. ARRA Multimodal Discretionary Program- Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER)5. Reporting Requirements6. Questions.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3 4. ARRA Multimodal Discretionary Program-Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER)
5. Reporting Requirements
6. Questions Transit and Recovery Act Overview
4. 4 Recovery
Maintain and create jobs
Infuse cash into cash strapped state and local economies
Build and repair infrastructure
Transit and Recovery Act Overview
5. 5 Transit Funding in ARRA
6. 6 Virginia Transit Funding in ARRA
7. 7 Key Provisions No waiver of FTA program requirements (planning/NEPA/Buy America/Labor Protections)
100% Federal share, except New Starts
Capital expenses only are eligible
Cannot mix Recovery Funds in same grant with any other funds
ARRA STP Funds can be flexed to transit
Grant obligation deadlines apply
8. 8 ARRA Transit Formula Programs Urbanized Area Formula ($5.97 B) – Allocated to Urbanized Areas using Section 5307 formula (includes section 5340, but excludes Transit Intensive Cities Tier)
Non Urbanized Formula ($760 M) – Allocated to States using regular Section 5311 formula
Fixed Guideway Modernization ($742 M) – Allocated to Urbanized Areas using regular Section 5309 FGM formula – Tiers 1, 2, 3 and part of 4
9. 9 ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsUrbanized Area Formula 100 percent federal funds
Pre-Award Authority
October 1, 2008
Availability of funds
50 percent of allocated funds must be obligated by
September 1, 2009
The remaining 50 percent must be obligated by March 5, 2010
10. 10 ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsUrbanized Area Formula
11. 11 Capital Expenses consistent with 5302(a)(1)
Preventive Maintenance
Up to 10 percent ADA paratransit
Engineering and Design
Crime prevention and security
Excluding operating activities
Exceptions – costs associated with emergency response drills and security training
ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsUrbanized Area Formula
12. 12 ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsNon-Urbanized Area Formula
13. 13 State Responsibilities
Sub-awards to Subrecipients
Submits Program of Projects
Applies to FTA for funds Eligible Subrecipients: State, local gov’t, nonprofit organizations, Indian tribes, operators of public transportation or intercity bus services.
Eligible Activities
Capital Expenses consistent with 5302(a)(1)
Preventive Maintenance
Up to 10 percent ADA paratransit
Engineering and Design
State Administration
Up to 15% of apportionment
ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsNon-Urbanized Area Formula
14. 14 Program Requirements
Section 5311 including:
Intercity Bus Provision
15 percent required, or
FY 2009 certifications sufficient
DOL Special Warranty Provision
Tribal subrecipients
May apply directly to FTA
ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsNon-Urbanized Area Formula
15. 15 ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsFixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment 100 percent federal funds
Pre-Award Authority
October 1, 2008
Availability of funds
50 percent of allocated funds must be obligated by
September 1, 2009
The remaining 50 percent must be obligated by March 5, 2010
16. 16 ARRA Transit Formula ProgramsFixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment
17. 17 July 1: Deadline for submitting first round grants to DOL for review
September 1: Deadline to obligate one half of apportionment (180 Days from apportionment notice)
September 16: Apportionment notice of reallocation of formula funds published in Federal Register
December 30: Deadline for submitting second round (including reallocation funds) grants to DOL for review
March 5, 2010: Second deadline to obligate funds (365 days from apportionment notice
September 30, 2010: Unobligated funds revert to Treasury
September 30, 2015: Last day obligated funds available for drawdown
Recovered funds will be redistributed
Formula Program - Key Dates
18. 18 ARRA Funds Tracking – Gov Appt and 5311
19. 19 ARRA Funds Tracking – Large UZAs
20. 20 ARRA Transit Discretionary Programs
Major Capital Investments – New Starts ($742.5M)? - FTA focussing on projects “under construction or able to obligate funds within 150 days”
Tribal Transit ($17M)? - Competitive solicitation and selection? using existing procedures; capital projects only
Energy Program - TIGGER ($100M) - Competitive solicitation and selection; based on new procedures and criteria
21. 21 1. $750 million “allocated under Section 5309(m)(2)(A)…..to enable the Secretary of Transportation to make discretionary grants as authorized by Section 5309(d) (New Starts) and (e) (Small Starts)…”
2. Statutory Priority to:
“Projects that are in construction or are
Eligible to obligate funds within 150 days of enactment…“
22. 22 $17 million
Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups, or communities as identified by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in the Department of the Interior (DOI).
Eligible Projects
Capital Projects
23. 23 A separate Notice of Funding Availability issued from 5311 Tribal Transit Program (published 3/23/2009)
Application periods will be concurrent, allowing budgets to reflect both resources
60 days to Submit proposals, period closed 5/22/2009
Availability: Funds must be obligated before September 30, 2010
ARRA Transit Discretionary ProgramsTribal Transit Program
24. 24 Evaluation Criteria Being Considered
1. Project Planning and Coordination
2. Demonstration of Need
3. Project Benefits
4. Financial Commitment and Operating Capacity ARRA Transit Discretionary ProgramsTribal Transit Program
25. 25 $100 Million
Grants to transit agencies for Capital Projects that either:
Reduce energy consumption of the transit agency, or
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions of the transit agency.
Application Procedures – Proposal deadline was May 22, 2009
26. 26 ARRA TIGGER Selection Criteria For Energy Consumption Reduction Projects:
Energy purchased directly by a public transportation system.
Examples include: diesel fuel, compressed natural gas, and electricity purchased from power plants.
The TIGGER Program focuses on the total energy savings of a project expected over its useful life.
For greenhouse gas emission reduction projects:
TIGGER Program focuses on direct emissions from public transportation systems (e.g., systems vehicles)
Program does not include indirect emissions (e.g., third-party power plants) or displaced emissions (e.g., emissions from manufacturing transit equipment, waste disposal, etc.).
TIGGER program focuses on the total greenhouse gas emission reductions of a project expected over its useful life.
27. 27 Sample TIGGER Projects Replacement of existing buses with more energy efficient buses (Hybrid, Fuel Cell)
Re-powering of existing buses
Conversion to more efficient control technology vehicles
(DC to AC)
Construction or rehabilitation of transit system facilities
28. 28 TIGGER Proposal Amounts Each submitted proposal must request a minimum of $2M.
FTA will allow consolidated proposals from several transit agencies together to reach this $2M threshold
Individual projects within a consolidated proposal may receive less than $2M.
To ensure a variety of projects are funded, FTA has established a maximum grant amount of $25M.
29. 29 TIGGER General Evaluation Criteria Return on Investment
Project Readiness
Capabilities of Applicant
Degree of Innovation
National Applicability
30. 30 ARRA Multimodal Discretionary Program-Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure
$1.5 billion competitive grant program
Projects with significant impact on Nation, metro area or region
Grant awards: $20 m to $300 m
(can be less than $20m at DOT discretion)
Can be up to 100% Federal share
31. 31 ARRA TIGER Grants Eligible Projects
Highway or bridge projects (Title 23)
Public transportation projects (Title 49)
Public transportation projects, including investments in New Starts or Small Starts projects
Passenger and freight rail projects
Port infrastructure investments
Projects that connect ports to other modes of transportation
32. 32 ARRA TIGER Grants Considerations
Equitable geographic distribution of funds (no more than 20% of funds may be awarded to projects in a single State)
Balance needs of urban and rural communities
Up to $200 million to pay federal credit assistance subsidy costs (TIFIA program)
Priority Projects
Projects that need Federal funds to complete financing package - “gap funding” (less than 100% Fed share)
Projects expected to be completed by February 17, 2012
33. 33 ARRA TIGER Grants Primary Selection Criteria:
Long-term outcomes
State of Good Repair
Economic Competitiveness
Jobs Creation and Economic stimulus
Secondary Selection Criteria:
34. 34 ARRA TIGER Grants Implementation Schedule
Published Federal Register Notice: 5/18/2009
Application Deadline: 9/15/2009
Projects selection announcement: no later than 2/17/2010
For further questions, write:
35. 35 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS All Recipients of ARRA funds will be required to submit Financial Status Reports and Milestone Progress Reports no later than 10 days after each quarter
Section 1201 Report – Grantees to report basic data ($ commitments, number of Federal $ of projects, and job estimates) to USDOT
Section 1512 Report – Grantees to report data by program to OMB – first report due October 10, 2009
36. 36 Please visit: www.fta.dot.gov/economicrecovery
37. 37 Questions?