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Important/significant foundation soil physical properties. Color Redoximorphic features Texture Structure Consistence Coarse fragments Reaction. Important/significant foundation soil physical properties. Color – not an influence, but an indicator and diagnostic resource
Important/significant foundation soil physical properties Color Redoximorphic features Texture Structure Consistence Coarse fragments Reaction
Important/significant foundation soil physical properties • Color – not an influence, but an indicator and diagnostic resource • Texture – the composition (sand, silt, clay), the feel, the classification (triangle) - micropores • Structure – how the particles are aggregated, bound together – macropores • Consistence – how the soil holds together, feels, can be worked when wet; assessing texture • Coarse fragments – rocks don’t hold water! • Soil reaction – acid or base, leached or not leached, saturated or not saturated
Color reflects physical, chemical and/or biological composition and processes • Dark brown-black = organic matter • Bright-light = leached or bleached zones • Subsoil color reflects parent material • Subsoil color reflects redox status oxidation = aerated reduction = anaerobic, lacking oxygen Carbonates, sulfates, chlorides affect color Mottles, speckles, blotches – alternating wet and dry conditions.
Soil color as a diagnostic toolColor reflects the parent material, the soil formation process, and the hydraulic properties of the soil • There are two ways to ‘look at’ soil color – • 1) as a diagnostic tool – what happened! • 2) as a characterization/classification tool – what will happen! 4 5 2 3 1
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mottles that relate to the aeration and drainage status of the soil, and alterations between aerobic and anaerobic conditions of the soil Redoximorphic features
D A B C Deal or No Deal! As a generalization – soils of fine, very uniform texture and very limited particle size distribution often have ‘internal drainage’ limitations.
Alisol – poorly drained clay loam soil due to dense sub-surface horizon rich in clay and aluminum Poorly drained silty clay loam derived from alluvial deposits on a modern-day flood plain
Deep, poorly drained fine sandy loam formed in sandy marine deposits, flood-plains and depressions. Shallow water table Moderately well drained, slow permeability, deep to water table. Smectite clay; high shrink-swell properties
Brown to black (surface horizon); surface well-drained, good aeration. Darker vertical soil deposits are remnants of burrowing animals. The technical term is krotovina (crotovina): an animal burrow that has been filled with organic or mineral material from another soil horizon.
Reddish brown subsoil, suggesting good drainage, aeration. Note the buried A horizon, with additional subsoil material above – suggesting colluvial deposition or some form of mass action in recent past. Zone of elluviation below the buried A horizon
Bright-light; eluvial zone below the relatively shallow organic horizon near surface; the light- colored soils, the abundance of red and yellow suggest a well-drained soil. Consider- ing that elluviation has also occurred, one would conclude that this would be a suitable site – good internal drainage, appears to have good water holding capacity.
Redox – reduction-oxidation status • Reduction – oxygen is depleted from the soil, the soil may be anaerobic, iron and manganese chemistry change, resulting in color changes. • Mottles/Gleying • Oxidation – oxygen is present in the soil, the soil is aerobic, leaching is likely occurring, light color of soil.
An explanation of the Munsell color wheel and Munsell color charts Hue: It is the dominant spectral color, i.e., whether the hue is pure color such as yellow, red, green, or a mixture of pure colors. Value: It describes the degree of lightness or brightness of the hue reflected in the property of the gray color that is being added to the hue. Chroma: It is the amount of a particular hue added to a gray or the relative purity of the hue.
Standardizing Color – the Munsell Color Chart • Munsell Color System • Hue refers to the dominant wavelength of light (color) (red, yellow, green, etc.). • Value refers to the lightness and darkness of a color in relation to a neutral gray scale. • Chroma is the relative purity or strength of the Hue. • Notation
Hue = 5YR Value = 2.5 – 8 Chroma = 1-8 So, for example: a soil horizon with a Munsell color description of 5YR 5/4 =