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Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office Samuel Neff November 19-21, 2003 About the Presenter Samuel Neff (sam@blinex.com) Senior Software Engineer at B-Line Express Team Macromedia Volunteer for CF Before CF, three years specific experience in Office dev
Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office Samuel Neff November 19-21, 2003
About the Presenter • Samuel Neff (sam@blinex.com) • Senior Software Engineer at B-Line Express • Team Macromedia Volunteer for CF • Before CF, three years specific experience in Office dev • Word, Excel, Visual Basic for Applications Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Agenda • Introduction – Why integrate? • Automation and Office Web Components • OLE Document Properties • Microsoft Jet • HTML/XML/CSS Hybrid • Pure XML • Comparisons, alternatives, and resources Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why integrate with Office? • Consistent reproduction of reports Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why integrate with Office? • Give users editable documents Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why integrate with Office? • Leverage features of the Office suite Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why integrate with Office? • Gain control unavailable with HTML Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why so many options? • Long lived product • Evolution of technologies • Techniques intended for specific integration environments • "Flavor of the week" technology Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Why don't we teach just the best? • All options have pros and cons • Trade off features, performance, and complexity • Apply most appropriate option for situation • not one size fits all Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Automation • Launch MS Office on the server • Control through COM • Most common and most powerful • Can do anything an Office user can do • Record Macro to learn office model • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 97—2003 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Automation How-To • Start or connect to Excel • Create or open a workbook • Manipulate the data • Save to a file • Serve the file • Example, create a pie chart • 01_Autmation_Create_Excel_Chart.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Automation Example <cfobject name="xlApp" action="create" class="Excel.Application"> <cfset xlWbs = xlApp.Workbooks> <cfset xlWb = xlWbs.add("")> <cfset xlWs = xlWb.activeSheet> <cfset c = xlWs.range("A2")> <cfset c.value2 ="Tom"> <cfset c = xlWs.range("B2")> <cfset c.value2 = 120> <cfset xlRange = xlWs.range("A1:B4")> <cfset xlCharts = xlWb.charts> <cfset xlChart = xlCharts.add()> <cfset xlChart.chartType = -4102> <cfset xlChart.setSourceData(xlRange, 2)> <cfset xlChart.location(1, "Sales By Employee")> <cfset xlWb.saveAs(fileName)> <cfset xlWb.close()> <cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel" file="#fileName#"> Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Automation Drawbacks • Slowest method • Single threaded—not scalable • Requires read/write from file system • Requires Office and Windows on server • Not safe for unattended execution • "Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when run in this environment." • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;257757 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Office Web Components • COM interface to MS Office data objects • Much MS Office functionality • Safe for server side use • Thread safe – Office XP & 2003 versions only • Office 2000—2003 • Spreadsheet, PivotTable, Chart Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Office Web Components How-To • Very similar to Automation • Create a reference to an OWC components • Manipulate the object • Save the file • Serve the file • Example, create a bar chart • 02_OWC_Chart_Image.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Office Web Components Example <cfset chSpace = createObject("com", "OWC10.ChartSpace")> <cfset chChart = chSpace.Charts.Add()> <cfset chChart.Type = 0> <cfset chSer = chChart.SeriesCollection.Add()> <cfset chSer.SetData(1, -1, valueList(salesData.name))> <cfset chSer.SetData(2, -1, valueList(salesData.sales))> <cfset chSer.Caption ="Sales"> <cfset chSpace.Border.Color = -2> <cfset chChart.HasLegend = True> <cfset chChart.HasTitle = True> <cfset chSpace.ExportPicture(absPath, "gif", 600, 512)> <img src="#relPath#" width="600" height="512" border="0"/> Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Office Web Components Drawbacks • Requires Office and Windows on server • Office 2000 version not designed for server use • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q317316 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
OLE Properties • COM interface to any OLE compound document • Simple two-way transfer of small amounts of data • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 97—2003 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
OLE Properties How To • Instantiate a PropertyReader object • Get a reference to the document properties • Read or set properties as desired • Release the COM object • WARNING: There is no "close" method • The file is closed when the object is released • Can only be done on-command in CFMX 6.1 • Example, read the author of documents • 03_DSO_List_With_Info.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
OLE Properties Example <cfset fileName = expandPath("files\03_DSO_List\FlashForCFers.ppt")> <cfobject action="create" type="com" class="DSOleFile.PropertyReader" name="propReader"> <cfset fileProps = propReader.GetDocumentProperties(fileName)> <cfoutput> #fileName# is written by #fileProps.author# </cfoutput> <cfset releaseComObject(fileProps)> <cfset releaseComObject(propReader)> Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
OLE Properties Drawbacks • Appropriate only for small specific data • Often requires VBA code within the document template • Requires existing file as template for create • Requires Windows on the server Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Jet Engine • Familiar database interaction • Efficient read and write of data • Excel 97—2003 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Jet Engine How-To • Create a datasource to an empty MS Access database • Proxy datasource, used for dynamic connections • Query the Excel file as if it's a database • Specify connection info in the FROM clause • Example, reading uploaded data • 04_Jet_Read.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Jet Engine Example <cfset tempFile = expandPath("files\04_Jet_Read_Temp.xls")> <cffile action ="upload" fileField ="fileName" destination ="#tempFile#" nameConflict ="overwrite"> <cfquery name="excelData" datasource="proxy"> SELECT Salesperson, SalesAmount FROM "Excel 8.0; DATABASE=#tempFile#; HDR=YES".[Sales$] </cfquery> Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Jet Engine Drawbacks • Very specific formatting requirements • Highly subject to user error, particularly reading • Requires existing file as template for create • Requires Windows server • Technically feasible on Unix boxes, but requires special drivers Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
HTML/XML/CSS • Fast and familiar technologies • Code is more often reusable • Create most common documents • Easy to create examples of target output • Save as HTML • Does not require anything more than ColdFusion on server • Even works on Unix servers! • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 2000—2003 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
HTML/XML/CSS How-To • Create HTML Document • Include MS Office specific CSS and XML as needed • Serve to HTML • Example, create mailing labels • 05_HTML_Labels.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
HTML/XML/CSS Example <style> @page Section1 { size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:.5in 13.6pt 0in 13.6pt; } div.Section1 { page:Section1; } p { margin:0in 5.3pt 0in 5.3pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; } </style> <cfcontent type="application/msword" reset="no"> <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=Labels01.doc"> ...html... Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
HTML/XML/CSS Drawbacks • Limited documentation • Can't reproduce all functionality • Charts, forms, some labels • Some features require Web Archive filter in Office 2000 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
XML • Pure XML implementation • Create nearly any document • Easy to create examples of target output • Save as XML • Does not require anything more than ColdFusion on server • Even works on Unix servers! • Excel 2002, Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2003 Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
XML How-To • Generate XML document • Serve XML document • Example, sales report • 06_XML_Report.cfm Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
XML Example <?xml version="1.0"?> <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"> <Worksheet ss:Name="Sales Report"> <Table> <Row> <Cell> <Data ss:Type="String">Tom</Data> </Cell> <Cell> <Data ss:Type="String">Books</Data> </Cell> <Cell> <Data ss:Type="Number">50</Data> </Cell> </Row> </Table> </Worksheet> </Workbook> Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
XML Drawbacks • Does not support charts • For XP, Excel only • Excel and Word in Office 2003 • Custom XML Schema Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
XML Mapping • New feature in Office 2003 • Use an XML Schema to map data elements to fields or cells • After mapping, import a conforming XML file • Fields automatically filled in • Data can be changed and re-exported back to XML • Requires a lot of user interaction Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Comparison Matrix Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Alternatives • RTF • Supported on most word processors • Marker based text encoding • PDF • Supported by most users • COM, Executable, XSL-FO • SWF • Supported by most users • FlashPaper—not server-side yet, but possibly in future • XSL-FO SWF • RVML (http://www.kinesissoftware.com) Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)
Resources • CF Comet :: Coldfusion & COM • http://www.cfcomet.com/ • INFO: Considerations for Server-Side Automation of Office • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;257757 • OFF2000: Licensing the Office 2000 Web Components and Office Server Extensions • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;243006 • HOWTO: Use Server-Side Charting to Generate Charts Dynamically • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;244049 • INFO: Limitations of Office 2000 Web Components When Used Server-Side • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q317316 • Microsoft Office XP Web Component Toolpack • http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BEB5D477-2100-4586-A13C-50E56F101720&displaylang=en • Dsofile.exe Lets You Edit Office Document Properties from Visual Basic and ASP • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;224351 • Microsoft® Office HTML and XML Reference • http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnoffxml/html/ofxml2k.asp?frame=true • Serving Word (HTML/XML/CSS) • http://www.rewindlife.com/archives/000032.cfm • HOWTO: Format an Excel Workbook While Streaming MIME Content • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;271572&Product=asp • Microsoft Office 2003 XML • http://www.microsoft.com/seminar/shared/asp/view.asp?url=/seminar/en/20030801DEVT1_76/manifest.xml • XML in Office XP • http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnoffpro01/html/XMLOfficeXPPartI.asp • HOWTO: Use ASP to Generate a Rich Text Format (RTF) Document to Stream to Microsoft Word • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;270906&Product=asp Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office (SS216W)