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What Our Student’s Had to Say: Student Survey Briefing? Prepared by: Fawn Skarsten Director Institutional Analysis Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005) Student-faculty contact Active learning Prompt feedback
What Our Student’s Had to Say: Student Survey Briefing? Prepared by: Fawn Skarsten Director Institutional Analysis
Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education(Chickering & Gamson, 1987; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005) Student-faculty contact Active learning Prompt feedback Time on task High expectations Experiences with diversity Cooperation among students The Engaged Student Needs Engaged Faculty
Perceptions • Student perceptions of experiences and how they change over time point to priorities for students, • How students feel as part of their educational experience impacts their engagement in learning. • Satisfaction reflects caring • Students are distracted in learning if not being heard.
How Valid is Self-Reported Data? Research Confirms Self-Reported Data Validity When Following Conditions Exist… • Requested information is known to respondents • Questions are clear and unambiguous • Respondents take questions seriously and thoughtfully • Answering does not threaten, embarrass, or violate privacy or compel a socially desirable response The NSSE survey instrument was designed to meet these conditions For more details, see: NSSE Psychometric Portfolio at http://nsse.iub.edu/html/NSSE_Psychometric_Portfolio.cfm
Overview of UM-Flint Surveys Survey of Freshmen • CIRP – Fall 2008 resp0nse 888 = 98% Survey of Freshmen and Seniors • NSSE – Winter 2008 response 668= 28% • FSSE –Spring 2008 response 139= 26% Survey of All students (sample) • SSI - every 3 years 2008 response 1,239 = 48% Survey of Seniors starting as Freshmen • CSS – Non-SSI years 2008 198 =30%
Why do they come? • First choice? 61.9 % • Second choice? 26.1% • Third choice? 8.7 % • Less than third choice? 3.3 % 2008 Freshman Survey Higher Education Research Institute
2008 Freshman Survey Higher Education Research Institute
College Choice National Trend 2008 Freshman Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Needs? High School GPA Distribution • 4.00-3.50: 28.16% • 3.49-3.00: 34.98% • 2.99-2.70: 14.52% • 2.69-2.50: 8.80% • 2.49-2.00: 11.11% • Average High School Reported GPA: 3.13 • Average ACT Composite Score: 20.91 2008 Fall 10th day 2008 Freshman Survey Higher Education Research Institute
More than just the classroom? NSSE 2008 Diversity Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, to what extent does the college encourage contact between students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds?
Diversity: Informal Interaction In the past year, how often did you socialize with someone of another racial/ethnic group? 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Positive Social Interactions To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Negative Interactions To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
More than just the classroom? Community Service/Civic Engagement What percentage of our students (in comparison to selected peers) participate in community service or volunteer work? 2008 NSSE Survey
Since entering college, how often have you … 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Seniors 2008 NSSE Survey
Support Services – Bridging the Levels Advising 2008 SSI Survey Supplemental questions
Satisfaction with academic advising: • Satisfied to Very Satisfied • 66.5% UM-Flint • Public 4yr 58.9% Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received: Good to Excellent • 74% FY 76% Peer FY • 68% SR 71% Peer SR 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 2008 NSSE Survey
NSSE Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) ● Campus environment provides the support you need to help you succeed academically ● Campus environment helps you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) ● Campus environment provides the support you need to thrive socially ● Quality of relationships with other students ● Quality of relationships with faculty members ● Quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices
Teaching & Academic Quality Faculty Interaction: Professors frequently provide you with? 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
● Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor ● Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor ● Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class ● Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student-life activities, etc.) ● Received prompt written or oral feedback from faculty on your academic performance ● Worked on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements
Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Scale ● Participating in co-curricular activities (organizations, campus publications, student government, social fraternity or sorority, etc.) ● Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment ● Community service or volunteer work ● Foreign language coursework / Study abroad ● Independent study or self-designed major ● Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.) ● Serious conversations with students of different religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values ● Serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own ● Using electronic medium (e.g., listserv, chat group, Internet, instant messaging, etc.) to discuss or complete an assignment ● Campus environment encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds ● Participate in a learning community or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together
Compared to when they entered college, percent who responded that they feel “much stronger” in the following abilities:
To what extent has your experience at UM-Flint contributed to your knowledge, skills, & personal development in the following areas: Faculty: Percentage of faculty who structured their courses so that students learn & develop in the following areas: 2008 NSSE /FSSE Survey
Academic Engagement - Disengagement How often have/did you? 2007-2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
2008 NSSE /FSSE Survey 2008 NSSE /FSSE Survey
Satisfaction with College ChoiceIf you could make your college choice over, would you still chose to enroll at your current college? 2008 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
More information: • Office of Institutional Analysis 200 UPAV 2-3327 • Self-Study SharePoint Portal – Data Collection Tab – Survey Folder http://portal.umflint.edu/sites/s-shlc/Document%20Library3/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2fsites%2fs%2dshlc%2fDocument%20Library3%2f1%2fSurvey%27s&View=%7bE43E25AF%2d2102%2d407A%2dB00F%2d078066FD8134%7d