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SLIMMING PILL PHENOMENA IN MALAYSIA FATHIN AINA BINTI MOHAMAD KAMIL DALILA HAMIZAH BINTI ABDUL HALIM INTRODUCTION Slimming pill, or diet pill has been a phenomenon in Malaysia for the past few years, especially among women. These pills are said to be effective in reducing body weight.
INTRODUCTION • Slimming pill, or diet pill has been a phenomenon in Malaysia for the past few years, especially among women. • These pills are said to be effective in reducing body weight. • Since then, the selling of these pills have been widespread in the Malaysian market.
ETIOLOGY • Unhealthy diet among Malaysian has lead to an increased in the amount of obese people. • The desire to have an ideal body shape – • Pressure from the community • Media influences • Busy lifestyles – no time for exercise, wants to reduce weight in a short time.
How does the pills work?? • Slimming pills that contain diuretics stimulate water-loss • cause potassium depletion, • which can lead to muscular weakness, including weakening of the heart muscle and mental confusion. • Decrease energy intake (appetite suppressants)
Contain laxatives • - Inhibits absorption and digestion of food • - may lead to severe diarrhea, dehydration from water loss, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. • destroy normal movement of the bowels • prevent the ability to produce normal stools.
Decrease energy intake (appetite suppressants) • contain adrenaline derivatives • alters the chemical messages in the brain that control how the person feels about food. • Eg: By influencing brain chemicals called noradrenaline and serotonin, sibutramine helps to make a person feel full. • palpitations, dry mouth, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety.
"Woman loses life to banned slimming pills“ “ALOR STAR: A 33-year-old housewife died from kidney complications yesterday and her husband says it was because she took a slimming capsule which has since been banned. Normala Shahidan died at the Alor Star Hospital's intensive care unit at 1.30pm yesterday from severe infection to her blood system.” (New Straits Times, 16/02/2007) Obsession with weight loss “To slim down, a whopping 81% of locals said that changing their diet would do the trick while 77% said they would hit the gym. Another 20% said they would consider taking diet pills, bars, shakes and medication prescribed by their doctor.” (The Star, January 23, 2009)
Influx of diet pills from other countries, especially from China. • Some of these pills are illegally brought into Malaysian market, and they are not approved by the ministry of health as safe. • Most people are not aware of the chemical content of such pills and their side effects. • Surgery procedure such as liposuction is a quick step to loose weight and remove excess fat, but it is a high-cost procedure. • Exercise and healthy diet in the other hand, can help in loosing weight, but they requires constant effort and patience. The result might not be shown in a short time. • Slimming pills intake seems to be an easy way to loose weight fast without a huge expense.
CONCLUSION • In conclusion, there are lots of alternatives other than slimming pills • Practice a healthy lifestyle: • Eat healthy food • Exercise regularly • Think positive • “Eat to live, not live to eat” • “You are what you eat”
REFERENCES http://malaysia.kurnia.com/Lifestyle/Health/9/Defaultaaspx http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_the_doctor/slimminppills.shtml http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/1/23/nation/3100516&sec=nation%20