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Harmonization of VDL Mode 2 Standards for NextGen and SESAR Programs

This meeting discusses the harmonization of VDL Mode 2 standards for NextGen and SESAR programs, including the multi-frequency enhancements. It covers the history, publication plan, and timeline of the standards.

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Harmonization of VDL Mode 2 Standards for NextGen and SESAR Programs

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  1. AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 21st MEETING OF WORKING GROUP M Montreal, Canada July 17 - 18, 2014 Agenda Item: 5 a VDL Mode 2 Standards Harmonization Aspects (Presented by: Peter Muraca, FAA)

  2. Agenda Background ICAO Doc 9776 edition 2 history ICAO Doc 9776 edition 2 Publication Plan Harmonized / Standardization Process Timeline 2

  3. VDL Mode 2 Multi-frequency enhancements support NextGen and SESAR programs implementations • RTCA SC-214 VDLSG / EUROCAE WG-92 / AEEC DLK collaborated to update the VDL Mode 2 Standards to include the “multi-frequency” operation as established within the AEEC 631 Supplement 6 characteristics • Such Standards include: • AEEC 631-6 • DO-224C (RTCA Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard) • DO-281B (RTCA Minimum Operational Performance Standard) • ED-92B (EUROCAE MOPS) • ICAO Doc 9776 VDL2 Technical Manual Background

  4. ICAO Doc 9776 Amendment Proposal (AP #310) was initiated in WG-M/17 (Feb 2011) • EUROCONTROL reported VDL2 multi-frequency validation activities and results (IP5, IP6 and IP7) in WG-M/18 (July 2011) • Based on validation results, and RTCA/EUROCA/AEEC further review of AP #310, an update to this amendment was necessary This was presented at WG-M/19 (June 2012), and accepted • AP #310 was incorporated into ICAO Doc 9776 to produce an “Edition 2” final draft • Edition 2 was submitted and presented to ICAO ACP in the WG-M/20 meeting (January 2013) • At this meeting, the WG-M committee recorded meeting minutes, which suggested that ICAO would begin its publication process for Edition 2 of ICAO Doc 9776 • The meeting minutes also noted that supportive validation material towards the Edition 2 modifications (specifically for the addition on multi-frequency) would be beneficial towards the publication approval process ICAO Doc 9776 Edition 2 History

  5. A validation activity summary letter was created in support of the Edition 2 approval process (reviewed 7/2013 AEEC DLK Seattle meeting) • Such a letter was submitted to ICAO, which also included the supportive validation material towards the Edition 2 modifications • Most recent correspondence from ICAO indicates a publication target of ICAO Doc 9776 Edition 2 to be 3rd Quarter of this year ICAO Doc 9776 Edition 2 publication plan

  6. Harmonized / Standardization Process Timeline A631-6 1/11 Rockwell Validation Inputs 4/13 MASPS, DO-224C Change 1 to MASP MOPS FRAC Rels 4/11 FRAC Resol 10/11 Publication Apprvl12/11 Inputs to Change 1 MOPS, DO-281B (ED-92B) SC-214 Appv’d 1/14 FRAC 11/13 PMC Appv’d to Pub 3/14 Publication Apprvl 3/12 FRAC Rels 10/11 Eurocontrol Validation inputs 5/11 FRAC Resol 1/12 ICAO Doc 9776 edition 2 EU inputs to ACP WGM-18, 7/11 AP # 310 ACP WGM19, 6/12 Final Ed. 2 draft ACP WGM20 WP7, 1/2013 Validation letter 9/13 Publication Q3/14 Eurocontrol VDL2 MF Validation Issues list for ARINC631 future versions P1 Lab test 9/10 P2 Flight trial Q4/10 P3 Airline trial Q4/11 Joint VDLSG/WG92/DLK, ARINC631-7&8 Melbourne 11/13 Seattle, 7/13 Brussels 6/14 London, 2/13 Miami, 7/12

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