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Millennium Development Goals: Measuring and Monitoring Global Progress

Understand the global and national monitoring and reporting of MDGs indicators, coordinated by the UN Statistics Division. Learn how international monitoring efforts track progress towards achieving MDGs at multiple levels. Get insights on data compilation, annual reports, and the role of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group.

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Millennium Development Goals: Measuring and Monitoring Global Progress

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Millennium Development Goals:Measuring and Monitoring Global Progress Francesca Coullare United Nations Statistics Division

  2. Content • Global versus national monitoring and reporting of MDGs indicators • Global monitoring and the Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDGs indicators: • working modalities, • products

  3. Objective provide a globalassessment of progress towards the achievement of MDGs Target audience  General Assembly/country delegates, international community, general public, media, policy makers MDGs Monitoring and Reporting • Global: • National: Objective focus national development debate on specific priorities and raise awareness of development needs Target audience  • national policy makers, • civil society, • development partners, • general public, • media

  4. Global: National: MDGs Monitoring and Reporting Under responsibility ofInter-agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators coordinated by UN-Statistics Division Data provided by specialized agencies Prepared by Governments and UN Country Teams with the support of UNDP Based on • Review and adaptation of goals, targets and indicators to national priorities • Supplementary indicators not suitable for global monitoring can also be used

  5. International Monitoring Efforts • The Inter-Agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on MDG Indicators (2 meetings per year) • Coordinated by UN Statistics Division/DESA • Composed of representatives from: • 25 specialized agencies, • regional commissions, • NSOs • Thematic sub-groups of the IAEG • Gender • Employment • Health • Poverty and hunger • Environment • Slums

  6. International Monitoring Efforts • IAEG is responsible for: • compiling data and undertaking analysis to monitor progress towards the MDGs at the global and regional levels; • reporting on status of annual progress through printed reports, progress charts, CD-roms and internet; • reviewing and preparing guidelines on methodologies and technical issues related to the indicators; • helping define priorities and strategies to support countries in data collection, analysis and reporting on MDGs.

  7. (a) Data compilation

  8. (a) Data compilation: data flow Agency country office Agency Headquarterse.g. UNICEF Agency Headquarterse.g. UNESCO UNSD/MDGsindicators website Line Ministry in country Agency Headquarterse.g. ILO National Statistical Office in country

  9. (b) Annual reports

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