Genre research Urban drama
What is urban drama? The urban drama genre focal points are on issues that tend to surround our modern society and contemporary urban lives. Sometimes in these films city are almost personified to give an impact on its characters, usually the protagonists. Many topical issues are aroused to show how the characters can be affected, like corruption, race, culture and chaos.
History behind urban dramas The urban drama genre is somewhat a contemporary version of the gangster film genre, hence its history can be related back to the early 1930s where the release of such films like Little Caesar(1930) and Public enemy (1931) were positively acknowledge for success. Gangsters did not have a sense of literary about them like cowboys or detectives, however they appeared on several contemporary newspapers as the front page headlines. Likewise, the use of strong topical issues placed a great impact on its audience as they were able to relate to the situations in which were occurring in the gangster films. Consequently, urban drama are focuses on the everyday issues within our contemporary society. What became predominantly known in the 1930s as gangster crime films was not essentially the first time a film of this type was made. In 1912, The Musketeers Pig Alley exploited an urban-based crime topic for its storyline. Additionally, The Racket (1927) and Underworld (1928) discretely laid down an establishment for the urban/gangster genre. Furthermore, as people moved from the country to cities there was an influx of fascination towards the urban genre. Moreover, the urban genre continues to be on the rise as the video market for urban movies is acclaims superiority. DVD Consumers are finding independent urban movies more appealing. ‘Filmmakers are pushing the complexity and overall look of the urban genre to new levels.’(as quoted on buzzle.com) Film director behind the urban movement include: • Craig Brewer • Charles Dutton • Damon Dash • Sid Kali • Hype Williams • John Singleton • Dale Stelly • Mike O'Dea • The Hughes Brothers • The Crook Brothers • Quentin Tarantino.
Examples of urban dramas • Kidulthood • Released in 2006 • Directed byMenhaj Huda • Bullet boy • Released in 2004 • Directed by Saul Dibb • Shifty • Released in 2008 • Directed by EranCreevy
More examples of urban dramas • Juice • Released in 1992 • Directed by Ernest R. Dickerson • Stomp the yard • Released in 2007 • Directed by Sylvain White • Boyz n the hood • Released in 1991 • Directed by John Sigleton
Mise-en-scene As the urban genre tends to revolve around a contemporary society there are a lot of generic conventions when it comes to mise-en-scene. Location/Setting • Council flats • City streets • Corner shops • Back alleyways Lighting • Dark- the scenes which are meant to be more obscure occur during the evening, so that the protagonists do not get themselves involved with the law, ideally police. • Light- some conflicts occur during the day to show that the protagonist are rebellious when it comes to doing things they know is not morally or lawfully acceptable. Props • Guns • Knives • Baseball bats Costume and make-up • School uniform • Urban clothing- hoodies and caps • Promiscuous clothing- short skirts, tight tops Colour • A variety of colours are used to accentuate a sense of realism • Dark colours- black and blue bring a sense of severity amongst the characters Character position • There is usually an ensemble of characters shown together to emphasise friendship and rivalry amongst different friendship groups. Vulnerability is emphasised if characters appear solely.
Ideological themes • Contemporary issues is the focal point of an urban film so there are many issues in which can surround a film of this genre. • Urban films are based around what is going on in the lives of many today, such as knifeand gun crime (as shown in Bullet boy). It would be ideal to include this aspect in a n urban film. • Rivalry between two groups is common as it put emphasis on the calamities that occur not jus in our society but on a worldwide scale. • Friendship is a topical issue and also a focal point to this genre. It subverts the saying ‘blood is thicker than water.’ • A recent stereotype of British teenagers is that they are promiscuous. Promiscuity is exhibited through such films, like Kidulthood.
Highest grossing for black urban dramas http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/series/BlackUrban.php