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x86 Programming Memory Accessing Modes, Characters, and Strings. Computer Architecture. Multi byte storage. Multi-byte data types include: word/short (2 bytes) int (4 bytes) long or quad (8 bytes) Conceptual representation Most significant byte (MSB) is left most byte
x86 ProgrammingMemory Accessing Modes,Characters, and Strings Computer Architecture
Multi byte storage • Multi-byte data types include: • word/short (2 bytes) • int (4 bytes) • long or quad (8 bytes) • Conceptual representation • Most significant byte (MSB) is left most byte • Least significant byte (LSB) is right most byte • Example: • Number: 0xaabb • MSB: 0xaa • LSB: 0xbb • In memory representation (applicable only to multi byte storage) • Big Endian • MSB is stored at the lower memory address • Little Endian • MSB is stored at the higher memory address
Big vs. Little Endian • Consider the integer: 0x11aa22bb • Big Endian Storage • Little Endian Storage (x86 architecture) Memory Address Memory Address
Characters • Characters are simply represented using an unsigned 8-bit (byte) numbers • In memory as well as in instructions. • The number is interpreted and displayed as characters for Input-Output (I/O) purposes only! • The mapping from byte values to character (as displayed on screen) is based on the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) • It is used all over the world by all I/O devices • Like: Monitors, keyboards, etc.
Standard ASCII Codes • Here is a short table illustrating standard ASCII codes that are frequently used:
Characters in assembly • Example assembly code with 5 characters • Note that the characters stored at consecutive memory addresses! It is guaranteed by the assembler! /* Assembly program involving characters */ .text /* Instructions */ .data char1: .byte 72/* ASCII code for ‘H’ */ char2: .byte 101/* ASCII code for ‘e’ */ char3: .byte 108/* ASCII code for ‘l’ */ char4: .byte 108/* ASCII code for ‘l’ */ char5: .byte 111/* ASCII code for ‘o’ */
For the Java programmer… • Assembler permits direct representation of characters • It converts characters to ASCII codes /* Assembly program involving characters */ .text /* Instructions */ .data char1: .byte ’H’/* Assembler converts the */ char2: .byte ’e’/* characters to ASCII */ char3: .byte ’l’ char4: .byte ’l’ char5: .byte ’o’
Memory organization 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 H e l l o • Bytes declared consecutively in the assembly source are stored at consecutive memory locations • Assume that the assembler places char1 (‘H’) at address 0x20, then other characters have the following memory addresses: Addresses
Working with characters • All characters (including other symbols) have 2 unique values associated with them • The address in memory • Accessed by prefixing the symbol with a $ (dollar) sign • The memory address is always 32-bits (4 bytes) on 32-bit x86 processors • It is 64-bits wide on 64-bit x86 processors. • The value contained in the memory location • Accessed without any prefixes to the symbol. • The bytes read depends on the type of the symbol • 1 byte for byte, 4 bytes for int etc. • This is exactly how we have been doing it so far.
Cross Check 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 H e l l o • Given the following memory layout and symbol table what are the values of: • $letter: 0x20 • Yellow: ‘e’ • $k: 0x22 • e: ‘o’ Addresses of symbols (expressions with a $ sign) are obtained from the symbol table while values of symbols (expressions without $ sign) are obtained from the memory layout shown below. Symbol Address letter 0x20 0x21 Yellow k 0x22 e 0x24 Address
Example assembly /* Example use of characters */ .text movb char1, %al /* al = ASCII(‘H’) */ addb $1, %al /* al = ASCII(‘I’) */ movb %al, char1/* char1 = (‘I’) */ movl $char1, %ebx /* ebx = addressOf(char1) */ .data char1: .byte ‘H’
What’s the use of addresses? • Why bother loading addresses into registers? • x86 permits indirect memory access and manipulation using addresses stored in registers! • A variety of mechanisms are supported by x86 processors for generating the final memory address for retrieving data • The variety of mechanism is collectively called memory Addressing Modes
Addressing Modes • x86 supports the following addressing modes • Register mode • Immediate mode • Direct mode • Register direct mode • Base displacement mode • Base-index scaled mode
Register mode • Instructions involving only registers • This is the simplest and fastest mechanism • Data is loaded and stored to registers. • In this mode, the processor does not access RAM. .text movb %al, %ah /* ah = al */ addl %eax, %ebx /* ebx += eax */ mull %ebx /* eax *= ebx */
Immediate mode • Instructions involving registers & constants • This mode is used to load constant values into registers • The constant value to be loaded is encoded as a part of the instruction. • Consequently, there is no real memory access .text movb $5, %ah /* ah = 5 */ addl $-35, %ebx /* ebx += -35 */
Direct Mode • Standard mode used with symbols • Address to load/store data is part of instruction • Involves 1 memory access using the address • Number of bytes loaded depends on type • Symbols are used to represent addresses • Source/Destination has to be a register! .text movb char1, %ah /* ah = ‘H’ */ addl %eax, i1 /* i1 += eax */ .data char1: .byte ‘H’ i1: .int 100
Register direct mode • Address for memory references are obtained from a register. • The address needs to be loaded into a register. • Addresses can be manipulated as a regular number! .text /* eax = addressOf(char1) */ movl $char1, %eax movb (%eax), %bl /* bl = ‘H’ */ inc %eax /* eax++ */ movb %bl, (%eax) /* char2 = char1 */ .data char1: .byte ‘H’ char2: .byte ‘e’
Register direct mode (Contd.) • Register direct mode is most frequently used! • It is analogous to accessing using references in Java • Note that one of the operands in register direct mode has to be a register • Pay attention to the following syntax • $symbol: To obtain address of symbol • Address is always 32-bits! • (%register): Data stored at the memory address contained in register. • The number of bytes read from the given memory location depends on the instruction.
Base Displacement Mode • Constant offset from a given address stored in a register • Used to access parameters to a method • We will see the use for this mode in the near future. .text /* eax = addressOf(char1) */ movl $char1, %eax movb 1(%eax), %bl /* bl = char2 */ inc %eax movb %bl, -1(%eax) /* char1 = char2 */ .data char1: .byte ‘H’ char2: .byte ‘e’ Displacement value is constant. The base value is contained in registers!
Base-Index scaled Mode • Most complex form of memory referencing • Involves a displacement constant • A base register • An index register • A scale factor (must be 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8) • Final address for accessing memory is computed as: address = base_register + (index_register * scale_factor) + displacement_constant
Base-Index scaled Mode • Examples of this complex mode is shown below: .text /* eax = addressOf(char1) */ movl $char1, %eax movl $0, %ebx movb 1(%eax, %ebx, 4), %bl /*bl=char2*/ inc %eax movl $1, %ebx movb %bl, -1(%eax, %ebx, 0) .data char1: .byte ‘H’ char2: .byte ‘e’ Address = %eax + (%ebx * 4) + 1 = %eax + (0 * 4) + 1 = %eax + 1 Address = %eax + (%ebx * 0) - 1 = %eax + (1 * 0) - 1 = %eax - 1
LEA Instruction • X86 architecture provides a special instruction called LEA (Load Effective Address) • This instruction loads the effective address resulting from applying various memory access modes into a given register. • Examples: • LEA -1(%eax, %ebx, 0), %edi • LEA (%eax, %ebx), %edi • LEA -5(%eax), %edi
LEA Example (Contd.) • Here is an example of the LEA instruction .text /* eax = addressOf(char1) */ movl $char1, %eax movl $0, %ebx lea 1(%eax, %ebx, 2), %edi /*edi = address of char2*/ movb $’h’, (%edi) /* change ‘e’ to ‘h’*/ .data char1: .byte ‘H’ char2: .byte ‘e’
Strings • Strings are simply represented as a sequence (or array) of characters in memory • Each character is stored at a consecutive memory address! • Every string is terminated by ASCII value 0 • Represented as ‘\0’ in assembly source
Declaring Strings in Assembly • Strings are defined using the .string directive .text /* Instructions go here */ .data msg1: .string “Hello\n” msg2: .string “World!\n”
Memory representation • Given the previous example, the strings (msg1 and msg2) are stored in memory as shown below: .text /* Instructions go here */ .data msg1: .string “Hello\n” msg2: .string “World!\n” 21 22 24 25 26 20 23 H e l l o \n \0 msg1=20 2E 28 29 2B 2C 2D 27 2A W o r l d ! \n \0 msg2=27
Displaying Strings • Strings or characters can be displayed on standard output (analogous to System.out) using System call: • Set eax to 4 • To write characters to a file (stream) • Changing eax to 3 will cause reading characters instead! • Set ebx to 1 • Destination steam is standard output • You may set ebx to 2 for standard error • If ebx is 0 it indicates standard input (you can write to it!) • Set ecx to address of message to display • Set number of characters to display in edx • Call int 0x80
Complete Example /* Console output example */ text .global _start _start: mov $4, %eax /* System call to write to a file handle */ mov $1, %ebx /* File handle=1 implies standard output */ mov $msg, %ecx /* Address of message to be displayed */ mov $14, %edx /* Number of bytes to be displayed */ int $0x80 /* Call OS to display the characters. */ mov $1,%eax /* The system call for exit (sys_exit) */ mov $0,%ebx /* Exit with return code of 0 (no error) */ int $0x80 .data /* The data to be displayed */ msg: .string "Hello!\nWorld!\n" Calculated value by hand! Can be cumbersome for large strings.
Rewritten using Macro! /* Console output example */ text .global _start _start: mov $4, %eax /* System call to write to a file handle */ mov $1, %ebx /* File handle=1 implies standard output */ mov $msg, %ecx /* Address of message to be displayed */ mov $len, %edx /* Number of bytes to be displayed */ int $0x80 /* Call OS to display the characters. */ mov $1,%eax /* The system call for exit (sys_exit) */ mov $0,%ebx /* Exit with return code of 0 (no error) */ int $0x80 .data /* The data to be displayed */ msg: .string "Hello!\nWorld!\n“ .equ len, . - msg Compute a assembler constant len by subtracting address of msg from current address, represented by special symbol • (dot). Every use of $msg is replaced with the resulting constant value.
Compute string length • The previous examples use fixed length strings • For strings that change values or change lengths, the string length must be computed using suitable assembly code. • The corresponding Java source is shown below: public static int length(char[] str) { int i; for(i = 0; (str[i] != ‘\0’); i++); return i; }
Compute string length _length: /* Let eax correspond to i */ movl $0, %eax /* eax = 0 * / /* Let ebx correspond to str */ movl $str, %ebx /* ebx = address(str) */ loop: cmpb $0, (%ebx, %eax) /* str[i] != ‘\0’ */ je done /* We have hit the ‘\0’ in string */ inc %eax /* i++ */ jmp loop /* Continue the loop */ done: Base register = ebx Offset register = eax Displacement (implicit)= 0 Scale value (implicit) = 1