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Jabodetabek and domestic connectivity M. Benmaamar. Bappenas August 25 th , 2010. Contents. Jabodetabek and the connectivity agenda Key facts about Jabodetabek transport Priority actions. Jabodetabek and the connectivity agenda.
Jabodetabek and domestic connectivityM. Benmaamar Bappenas August 25th, 2010
Contents • Jabodetabek and the connectivity agenda • Key facts about Jabodetabek transport • Priority actions
Jabodetabek and the connectivity agenda • Congestion in Jakarta has a far reaching impact on the Indonesia’s economic development • high cost of congestion – access to ports/airports • influences projects selection and decision making (i.e. FDI) • Improving urban transport in Jabodetabek is central to domestic connectivity • This should be THE priority in Indonesia
Jabodetabek: Key facts • 22 m inhabitants • 22% of Indonesia’s GDP • Largest concentration of urban poor • Exponential growth in cars and motorcycles • Around 20% of total household expenditure is spent for transportation • Annual congestion cost of around 5% of GDP
Drastic Increase of Commuting Trips to Jakarta 1985 – 2002: 0.7 million people/day in 2002
Anticipated Serious Traffic Congestion Volume / Capacity Ratio in 2002 Volume / Capacity Ratio in 2020 : Do Nothing Case
Informal transport: Illegal road occupancy and inadequate use of the road space
TransJakarata: A back bone for an integrated public transport system
TransJakarata: Room for improvement • Around 100 km of BRT lanes, one of the longest in the world but operates at 25% of its capacity • Lack of integration between BRT lanes and with the other modes of transport (trains, feeders, walking…) • No priority at intersections • Buses queue for up to 3 hours at CNG refilling stations • Performance based on km travelled and not on pass/km carried • Lack of terminal interchanges • Operates with buses with one door
Integrated Transport Master Plan • Master plan prepared in 2004 • A legal document, adopted by the parliament • Fragmented institutions and decision making process • Fragmented Implementation: a “piece meal’’ approach • Lack of coordination between the main players • Lack of enforcement
First: Institutional accountability Establishment of a Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority for Jabodetabek (including commuter trains) • Clear role and responsibilities • Autonomous and empowered body • Highly qualified staff who will enter in a performance agreement contract with a board of representatives Prior action: • Identification of needs for consolidation, modification, or adjustment in the functions of other existing institutions/organizations to ensure full and comprehensive functioning of the new and well represented Transport Authority.
Regulation Provisioning Common Facilities Separate Services Strategic Planning Policy Formulation Capital Financing Long term investments Strategic Functions Planning functions Network and route design Demand assessment Service planning Inter-modal coordination Procurement & Contracting Contract monitoring MV Act functions Driver licensing Vehicle registration Issue of permits Fare fixation Depots and terminals Passenger Information Common ticketing Data Management Dispute resolution Operations Metro Bus Other modes Para Transit/Trains
Jabodetabek Transportation Authority (I) Role: • to oversee all transportation issues in Jabodetabek area (i.e. London, Vancouver and Singapore) Legal status: • The Jabodetabek Transportation Authority (JTA) is established as an independent public corporation, which has main accountability to the public, not only to the central or sub-national governments. • The authority would be endorsed by either presidential decree or government law to stand as an independent public corporation.
Jabodetabek Transportation Authority (II) Responsibilities: • formulate regional transportation policy, • formulate integrated transportation planning, including road network development, railway (BRT, MRT, Feeders and walkways) development, traffic management and public transportation system management, PT interchange stations • regulate public transport services, such as TransJakarta, MRT, Trains… • issue licenses and control public transportation with bus route license, public transport business license, bus terminal development permission, • support development of inter-Kota or inter-Kabupaten highway network, • implement the integrated transportation planning and programs, • carry out traffic management measures, such as road pricing and park and bus ride.
Jabodetabek Transportation Authority (III) Funding: • The Authority would be operated by the revenue from vehicle license fees, parking fees and surcharge on fuel tax and financial contribution or subsidy from DKI Jakarta and the relevant local governments. • As an independent corporation, however, its primary task is to be financially sovereign and it should be underlined that a disclosure of financial status is one of the most important aspects to secure its position as a public corporation offering public services to users in the region.
Priority actions (I) As a first step, establish an empowered body to define, drive, coordinate, prepare and implement a comprehensive and integrated transport action plan for the Jabodetabekregion including through: • Review of public transport route planning and licensing (e.g. Mini-buses, Bajaj…) to better reflect travel demand • Bringing order in the informal sector • Improving enforcement of technical control of vehicles (e.g. emissions, etc)
Priority actions (II) • Integrated Public Transport System: • Maintain TransJakarta as the backbone of an integrated Public Transport System: First: Optimise its potential (from corridor to network system) • establish an integrated and seamless public transport system that covers the entire city - through interchanges, fare systems and institutions • establish multi-modal trunk and feeder systems that provide easy movement across the city
Priority actions (III) • Fiscal policy: • Rationalize access to vehicle and motorcycle ownership (Increase vehicle taxes and annual license fees) • Rationalise usage of personal vehicles: Phasing out fuel subsidy • Develop a parking policy and a parking master plan that promotes use of public transport and discourages use of personal vehicles
ROAD MAP - TRANSJAKARTA • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 - 2014 2015 • Institution: BLUD Penuh • Remove economic / morning fare (Rp.2.000), only flat fare Rp.3.500,- • Operate new & Varian route • The Beginning of Transformation • Institution: BUMD • Increase flat fare become Rp.5.000,-. • Fleet management & control system operated • Integration with feeder • Preparation for new corridor, 11 & 12. • Replace single busses in corridor 1 with articulated busses. • Institution: BUMD • Integrated ticketing system operated in all corridor • Ticketing system integration with feeder & other modes • Operate new corridor, 11 & 12. • Review integration plan with Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). • Institution: BUMD • Preparation for new corridor 13, 14 & 15, (i.e. operators procurement, construct bus way, ramp, shelter and others supporting infrastructure. • Flat fare increased, fare adjustment implemented. • Institution: BUMD • Operate new corridor 13, 14 & 15. • Continuous improvement • Integration with MRT • Services integration (feeder, MRT) • Ticketing integration • Access integration