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Impact of transport on climate change - ongoing Eurostat projects. TFEIP/EIONET – Stockholm - 2-4/05/2011. European Commission, Eurostat Unit E6: Transport statistics M onika.WRZESINSKA@ec.europa.eu Hubertus.CLOODT@ec.europa.eu. Structure of the presentation. General framework
Impact of transport on climate change- ongoing Eurostat projects TFEIP/EIONET – Stockholm - 2-4/05/2011 European Commission, Eurostat Unit E6: Transport statistics Monika.WRZESINSKA@ec.europa.eu Hubertus.CLOODT@ec.europa.eu
Structure of the presentation • General framework • (new policy papers and targets versus projections) • The role of Eurostat and the ESS in providing data relevant for the calculation of the GHG emissions • Eurostat’s future and ongoing projects: • Maritime • Aviation • Road Freight • Road Traffic • Passenger Mobility
New statistical requirements for Climate Change monitoring Europe 2020 strategy – one of the five Headline targets is related to climate change/energy The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met Eurostat’s Work Programme foresees a more active role in cross-cutting issues such as Climate Change There are several Eurostat Units working activey in the area of GHG emissions (i.a. energy, transport, two environment units)
Monitoring of GHGs from transport – strategic context Decarbonising transport sector has been identified as one of the priorities in President Barroso's Political Guidelines for the new Commission. Until March 2011 no sectoral target for transport, but should be in line with overall objective for EU economy: 20% GHG reduction by 2020 80-95% GHG reduction by 2050
Recent developments: • Roadmap for low carbon economy • White Paper on Transport • Clean Transport Systems strategy (in preparation) • First clear secoral targets for transport: • - 60% in transport GHGs by 2050 comapred to 1990 levels • - 20% in transport GHGs by 2030 compared to 2008 (i.e. +8% compared to 1990)
GHG emissions from transport are still growing !To the detriment of efforts made by other sectors.. Total GHG emissions, AAGR by sector, 2000- 2006
And could jeopardise EU’s GHG reduction targets Source: EU Transport GHG 2050 tool
Road is clearly the main culpable GHG emissions by mode of transport (C02 equivalent)
But aviation and maritime also grow fast GHG projections by 2050 under the “business as usual” scenario
The role of Eurostat and the ESS To provide relevant and reliable data on the impact of transport on climate change allowing policy makers at MSs’ and European level to make informed decisions and to monitor their policies over time. Robust statistical data are particularly needed as contribution for: EU policy papers (e.g. Transport White Paper) Impact assessment for new European legislation Evaluating implementation and efficiency of various EU and national policies (e.g. on modal shift from road and aviation to rail) Monitoring of the penetration of new low carbon technologies in the transport sector (electric vehicles, hydrogen, hybrids, biofuels, etc) Calibrating models, benchmarking, verifying projections against actual emissions over time (TREMOVE, PRIMES, COPERT, etc)
Eurostat objectives and ongoing projects emissions = activity data * emissions factors In transport activity data = Vkm, with key splits including: type and age of vehicle, type of engine or fuel, type of road, defined territory and a given reference period 1) Creation of an indicators' repository covering all the transport modes (road, air, sea, rail, and inland waterways) with data on Vkm broken down according to those key splits 2) Database on the fleets of vehicles by type of fuel/technology and age of vehicle for all transport modes Ongoingprojects: road, aviation and maritime
New project in Maritime Objective: Creation of “centralised vessel database” (to be built in cooperation with EMSA, JRC and Member States ) containing information on vessel characteristics (type of engine, type of fuel, age and weight) and combining it with Eurostat activity data on port-to-port movements, a matrix of routes and distances as well as relevant emission factors, which could theoretically enable calculation of GHG emissions from each vessel. Ongoing work: negotiations with EMSA on access to their database and contacts with JRC on the GHG emissions compilation methodology, finalisation of Eurostat’s maritime routes and distances tool.
New project in Aviation Objective: Combining Eurostat activity data on air passenger and air freight traffic with administrative data on aircraft types available from other sources, which combined with relevant emission factors could enable calculation of GHG emissions per flight or even the carbon footprint per passenger or per tonne of cargo. Ongoing work: feasibility study to define the most appropriate data sources and mapping methodology in cooperation with CSO Ireland. (separate presentation by Hubertus Cloodt)
2 projects in Road: 1) Road Freight • Objective: monitoring of volumes of transport of goods by heavy goods vehicles mainly in tonnes, tkm and vkm via a mandatory collection of microdata based on Council Reg. 1172/98 covering time series since 1999 and 48 variables related to the vehicles (nationality, age, axe configuration, MPLW and LC) , journey types (laden, empty, national, international, transit, etc) and category of goods transported. The database covers all EU MSs, NO, LI, CH and HR, some 6 million vehicles and over 70 million individual journeys. • Ongoing work: streamlining the number of disseminated tables (about 40), introducing a new distance class for monitoring of modal shift and putting in place procedures for granting access to microdata for researchers.
2) Road Traffic Objective: joint project between Eurostat, UNECE and ITF aimed at collecting Vkm data for all road vehicles (passenger cars, goods vehicles, buses, coaches, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles) split by type and age of vehicle, type of fuel (incl. hydrogen, hybrid and pure electric), type of road and territory; for the moment on voluntary basis with 22 countries participating: 17 MSs, HR, NO, FYROM, US, Canada Planned work: developing methodology for combining road traffic data from 4 different sources (odometer readings, surveys, road counts, fuel consumption) and preparing for a move towards a mandatory collection.
2) Road Trafic - long term objective • Information on of road traffic volumes (in Vkm) is a crucial input for planning of infrastructure, European and national projects on congestion and safety on road as well monitoring of environmental impacts of transport (road traffic > 93 % of all transport GHG emissions) • Strong demand for this data for policy making • Problem: law reporting (only 14 MSs for 2009 data) and law completeness rates • Solution long term: mandatory data collection based partly on Directive 2010/48/EU on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (entry into force 2014)
EU, EFTA, Candidate countries - Data availability by reference period Finnland Norway Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Ireland Nether-lands Great Britain Poland Germany Belgium Czech Republic Slovakia Autstria Hungary France Romania Slove nia Croatia Bulgaria Turkey Spain Malta AT, BE, DE, DK, HU, IE, UK, LT, MK, NL, PL, SK VKm until 2008 Iceland BG, CY, CH, CZ, FI, FR, HR, LV, NO, RO, PL, SI, SE, EE VKm until 2009 VKm not available LI, TR, ES, MD, MT Sweden NORTH SEA Luxembourg ATLANTIC OCEAN Moldova Switzer/land Liechtenstein Italy Portugal FYROM donia Greece MEDITERRANEAN SEA Cyprus 18
2) Road Trafic – short term actions • Eurostat plans to launch an analysis project with the following objectives: • Identify the entities/organizations involved in the collection and/or estimation of data on VKm in Europe Still missing for: Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, FYROM, Malta and Portugal • Propose methodological approaches to assist the MSs in collection and delivery of the requested data Budget available for ESS-NET project (need a leading MS)
3) Passenger mobility – across all modes Definition: transport of passengers by any mode of transport and irrespective of purpose of travel or distance travelled Data Needs: To monitor the development of personal mobility in Europe and the impact of the European and national policies on citizens’ behaviour (e.g. environmental awareness) Important for: congestion, safety, infrastructure planning, and increasingly also for measuring of carbon footprint (passenger road traffic = 60-75 % of GHGs from road) Objective:Comparable statistics or at least key indicators on passenger mobility in Europe
3) Passenger mobility – ongoing project • Ongoing work: compiling and updating an inventory of all mobility surveys in Europe, maintaining a non-harmonised database with key mobility indicators for each MS and issuing methodological reports with recommendations on improving the comparability of passenger mobility data across Europe. • Geographical coverage: EU27, candidate countries, EFTA • Dissemination of all deliverables on CIRCA: (http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/transport/library?l=/passengers_mobility&vm=detailed&sb=Title) • Challenge: • No harmonised data collection of road passenger traffic • highly divergent national practices
3) Differences in periodicity Continuously DK, NL, UK Quarterly BG Annually DE, EE, RO, SK SE 3 – 6 years 10 – 15 years CZ, FR, LU Irregularly AT Only once BE, CY Not specified No survey GR, MK, LT, PL, SI CY
3) Passenger mobility – developments • Cooperation with research community: grouped in SHANTI Action (part of wider COST action) • Consultation of stakeholders via user needs survey (2011) • Joint seminar on use of new tracking technologies (GPS, GSM, etc) as source of data on passenger mobility and on the methodologies to calculate carbon footprint (planned for spring 2012) • Pan-European passenger mobility survey (?) • mandatory data collection (?)
dissemination tools Periodical publications such as a Pocketbook on “Energy, Transport and Environment indicators” and thematic “Statistics in Focus” for each transport mode Eurostat website has a special chapter on Climate change and a new Wiki-type tool called “Statistics Explained”
Thank you for your attention ! Annex : Tables of the Road Traffic data collection Additional documentation on CIRCA: (http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/transport/library?l=/passengers_mobility&vm=detailed&sb=Title)