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Elizabethan Age. 1558-1603. London in the E.A. Largest city in Europe Center of trade and social life because of the Thames So many migrants, jobs were scarce. Negative Aspects of London. High Drinking Rate. Beer was cheap, so people drank a lot of it to escape their problems
Elizabethan Age 1558-1603
London in the E.A. • Largest city in Europe • Center of trade and social life because of the Thames • So many migrants, jobs were scarce
High Drinking Rate • Beer was cheap, so people drank a lot of it to escape their problems • Many deaths by drunkenness
Sickness and Disease 3 Main Diseases: • Bubonic Plague • Small pox • Tuberculosis
Lack of Personal and Public Hygiene • Neither rich nor poor bathed very often • Common to have bad breath, rotting teeth, constant stomach disorders, and scabs or sores
Pollution • City ditches were used as toilets • Butchers threw dead carcasses in the street • Garbage was thrown in river • Mass graves for the poor
Lack of Medical Knowledge • Believed in the four humours, the four chief fluids of the human body: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, blood • They made no connection between illness and the horrible living conditions
Schools • Were expensive, so most students were upper class boys. • Only girls were from the very high aristocracy • School Day: 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Six days a week!
Schools (Cont.) • Taught Latin grammar and classical literature
Clothing • Clothing Acts: laws that said who could wear what • People had to dress their social class
Women • No vote, few legal rights, and limited educational and job opportunities • Girls who could afford education were given a domestic education instead of an academic one—spinning, cooking, preserving fruit, weaving, and anything that could make the home life more pleasant
Women (Cont.) • Married women lost all control of their property, even clothing, to their husbands • When a husband died, the most the woman could inherit was 1/3 of his property
Death • Average life expectancy = 40 years • 1/5 of children died before the age of 10—too many hazards in their life
Marriage • Age of marriage: males = 28-29 Females = 25-26 • Reasons for the wait: • Wanted smaller families • Wanted to make sure they were financially ready for a family • Average marriage only lasted about 20 years
Superstitions • Elizabethans were very superstitious; many had charms and such in their houses • They relied heavily on astrology and the stars
Elizabethan Ghosts • Were gruesome—usually looked as they did when they died • Visible only to person they are haunting • Came back for a specific mission: proper burial, revenge, or a warning
Entertainment • Would be considered brutal by today’s standards: • Bear baiting • Cockfighting • Public executions
“The Theater” • First public theater • Opened in 1576 • Opened by James Burbage • Provided an alternate form of entertainment • Established a regular audience • Gave rise to better props • Opened the market for actors and playwrights (therefore creating much needed jobs)
Caused controversy with: • Religious groups (morally) • City officials (danger of mob) • Business owners (competition)
Acting Group in “The Theater” • Lord Chamberlain’s Men, later The King’s Men • Shakespeare was a member and became the principal playwright
External structure of Elizabethan theaters • Circular • Open-air • Awning over gallery seating • Larger theaters seated approx. 2,000 – 3,000 spectators
Internal structure of Elizabethan theaters • Stage protruded out into the audience • The large dressing area behind the stage was called the tiring house
Internal structure of Elizabethan theaters • The wealthy patrons sat on benches in the gallery • The common people stood around the stage in “the pit”; they were called groundlings
Internal structure of Elizabethan theaters • The area above the stage housed machines that could lower people onto the stage – called “heaven” • A trap door in the stage allowed actors to come up from below – called “hell”
Internal structure of Elizabethan theaters gallery “heaven” Tiring house The “pit” & groundlings stage
The Globe • The theaters were closed in the 1590’s because of a plague outbreak. In 1598, the ground landlord of “The Theater” wouldn’t renew the lease because he disapproved of theatrical productions. • He planned to pull down the Theatre and sell the building materials.
The Globe (Cont.) • The Chamberlain’s Men found a clause in their former lease giving them the rights to the Theater (the building itself) and the actors dismantled the building themselves, transporting the materials to the other side of the Thames River. • The new playhouse was called The Globe and became the most famous of London theaters!
Characteristics of Drama in the Elizabethan Age • Sets were not elaborate. • Clothing was fancy Elizabethan period dress • All male actors • Did use some special effects—sounds, banners, musicians
Characteristics of Drama in the Elizabethan Age • Plays were typically performed in the early afternoon (around 2pm) • Flags were raised at the theater on the day of the play • Flyers were distributed to advertise plays