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MPS Working Together ~ Achieving More. FY2010 Proposed Budget. Revised 5-5-09. Core Beliefs. Children Come First The Classroom is the Most Important Place in the District Leadership and Accountability are Keys to Our Success Central Services Supports Student Achievement
MPS Working Together ~ Achieving More FY2010 Proposed Budget Revised 5-5-09
Core Beliefs • Children Come First • The Classroom is the Most Important Place in the District • Leadership and Accountability are Keys to Our Success • Central Services Supports Student Achievement • Families are Valuable Partners • Community Partnerships Add Value
FY10 Budget Alignment Departments • Strategic Plan • Functional Plans Traditional and Instrumentality Schools • Strategic Plan • Individual school improvement plans
FY10 Proposed Budgets by Fund • Operations Fund includes the general school activities and administrative functions of the district. • Construction Fund provides funding for the repair, remodeling and maintenance of MPS sites. • Extension Fund includes recreational activities which are open to all city of Milwaukee residents. • Categorical Fund includes the funding received from the Federal, state or private entities for a specific activity.
FY10 Budget Strategy 1) Set priorities in accordance with Strategic Plan 2) Attach resources to priorities 3) Maximize state aid, federal aids and other non-property tax revenue sources 4) Constraints • DIFI status • ESEA funds • No budget increase
Budget Target • The Board of School Directors at the December SPB meeting dictated that the FY10 budget target would be no more than the FY09 budget. • The FY09 budget for the school operations, construction and extension funds is $1,005,850,288.
FY10 Proposed Budgets by Fund *Does not include federal stimulus funding; the district’s spring estimates of categorical funding are traditionally conservative. The increase of $461,653 is due to a projected increase in non-levy School Nutrition revenue, which is exempt from the no increase directive.
State Aid • Equalization aid, integration aid and property tax levy estimated at $855.8 million. The $855.8 million is the school operations portion, does not include the construction fund. • Individual components of $855.8 million cannot be accurately determined at this time. • Dynamic variables critical to determining the amount of state aid the district will receive. • Adopted state budget. • Equalized state and equalized local property value. • Guaranteed equalization aid per member and rate.
State Aid • Access to the equalized state and equalized local property values is critical to determine the property tax levy. • DPI is scheduled to release estimates on July 1st. • Levy to be determined and approved as soon as information becomes available. • Final adoption of levy after state certification is received in October.
FY10 Revenue Limitestimated as of April 24, 2009 Based on the current information that is available at the moment, the FY10 budget is at the revenue limit.
Milwaukee Parental Choice • Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) is expected to be $61million, up $3 million, or 5.2% from FY09. • Property taxes will fund MPCP. • Poverty aid is expected to maintain the FY09 level of $9.8 million. Poverty aid was given to Milwaukee to offset MPCP, while other districts are able to use it to offset costs due to low income children.
Budget Highlights • To redirect funds to the classroom, purchasing division was downsized, saving about $400,000. This was partially possible by using technology to increase efficiencies.
Budget Highlights • Fringe benefit rate increased from 60.2% in FY09 to 62.8% in FY10. • End the agreement with Milwaukee County for the district’s youth job program, a cut of $400,000. MPS will continue to contribute $400,000 the youth job program with the city and Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board.
Budget Highlights • MPS expects to receive funds in federal stimulus funding. • The budget for the federal stimulus funding will be presented later in a federal stimulus budget. • Anticipated delivering date to Board of School Directors is Monday, May 17, 2009.
School Overview
School Budget Background • School budgets begin with the forecast of future year enrollments and districtwide revenue projections. • Funds are then set aside for school nutrition, non-traditional school allocations, school site allocations and centralized accounts. • Remaining funds are then reviewed to arrive at per-pupil allocations for schools. • Central service allocations are determined after school allocations are determined. • School leaders working with their School Governance Councils then develop and submit their budgets and performance measure targets.
School Funding Total School Operations Fund$972.5 Less:School Nutrition Revenue (35.5)36.5% School Operations (net of School Nutrition) $937.0 Less: Departments (91.2)9.4% Centralized Accounts (137.6) 14.1% Textbooks; Teacher Quality- MTEC/Teacher Mentors/ Teacher Peer Evaluators; District Insurances; Employee Benefits; Special and Contingent Funds; Collaborative Planning; Music Festival; School Safety Supplement; Technology; Licenses; Leases; Utilities; Transportation; Debt Service Add: Internal Incomefrom schools, departments and construction projects15.5 1.6% Available for Direct Allocation to Schools $723.7 74.4% Non-traditional school types-programs allocations $119.2 12.3% partnerships, allied health, summer school, etc. Remainder Available for Traditional & Charter $604.5 62.2% School Allocations
School Allocation Methodology The first step in allocating funds to schools is to distribute site allocations of $209 million in FY10. • Site allocations are items that are not easily distributed on a per-pupil basis and are specific to a school, due to staffing or building size. • Site allocations are described on p. 22 of the FY2010 Overview • Included are staff allocations for English as a Second Language, High Scope, Building Operations. allocations for transportation school closing savings and other items unique to an individual school. The second step is to distribute funds on a per-pupil basis.
Pupil Weights & Allocations(Rounded to the nearest dollar)FY10 total available for per-pupil allocations = $395.5 million *An un-weighted $6.48 per-pupil is maintained from FY09 and is not included in the above table.
Traditional & Instrumentality Charter SchoolsFY10 Budget Parameters • Teacher average salary remains at the FY09 level of $56,500 per teacher. • The fringe benefit rate increases from 60.2% in FY09 to 62.8% in FY10. • Schools will only keep 75% of any vacant position savings in FY10, compared to 100% in FY09 in order to have a slight per pupil increase. • Schools will receive Categorical (grant) funding based on the grants guidelines. • SIFI schools, Intensive Monitoring/NEA Focus Schools and schools that failed to meet adequate yearly progress (AYP) are required to budget 10% of their Title I allocation budgets for professional development. • Schools failing to meet AYP because of reading are required to budget for a literacy coach position in FY10.
Art, Music and Physical Education • A minimum staffing level recommended for art, music, and physical education (AMP) specialists in elementary and K-8 schools. • At a time when the elementary/K-8 enrollment is projected to decline by -.9%, the AMP FTE’s grew +.9%. • In FY09 there were 195 AMP FTEs budgeted. In FY10 there are 196.9 AMP FTEs budgeted. • The number of non--compliant schools decreased from 72 to 32, an improvement from 62.6% non-compliant to 28.3% non-compliant. • The FY09 centrally funded arts, music and physical education $1.5 million has been re-directed to the per-pupil allocation so the schools can better meet the recommended minimum FTE staffing guidelines.
MPS Alternative Schools and Programs • FY10 = $14.4 million, up from $12.4 million in FY09. • Allocations vary based on need of program. Programs include: • Project STAY Senior Institute and School-To-Work; • Marshall High School Special Education; • Transition High School; • LEAP at Fritsche Middle School; • School-Age Parents (Lady Pitts); • Home & Hospital; and • School-to-Work Transition.
Partnership Schools/Programs • $29.1 million in FY10, up slightly from $28.9 million in FY09. Special education and transportation services are provided in addition to per pupil funding. • The per-pupil funding for most partnership schools increases to $9,152 in FY10, up from $8,740 in FY09. Schools provide seats for: • At-risk -- 1,294 seats for FY10 vs. 1,339 in FY09 seats; • Behavioral reassignment -- 472.5 seats, same as FY09; and • Creative options -- 173 available seats vs. 281 in FY09. • Other partnership programs, but with varying per-pupils, include: • Special education programs. • Milwaukee County program. • Project Direct Graduation (PDG). • General Education Diploma Option #2 (GED O2). • Adjudicated youth programs.
Other School Programs Contracted Daycare/Kindergarten/Elementary Programs - $1.93 million in FY10, down from FY09 funding of $1.96 million. Board - Centrally Funded Accounts • High school supplemental instructional support allocation - $15.7 million in FY10, up slightly from $15.6 million in FY09. • Mathematics initiative - $2.1 million in FY10, same as in FY09. Another $10 million is anticipated from state funds. • Centralized paraprofessional aides for K4 & K5 - $2.5 million in FY10, up from FY09’s one semester funding of $1.3 million. Universal Free Breakfast - $1.7 million in levy-supported funding, same as in FY09.
Other School Programs (cont.) Alternative Services Pool - $1.1 million in FY10, down from $3.2 million in FY09. Centrally Funded Nurses - $807,000 in FY10, up from $773,000 in FY09. Grant Transitional - $5.6 million in FY10, the same as FY09. An additional $49 million in grant funds is also used for lowering the student/teacher class size ratios. Common School Fund - The FY10 central funding is $1.3 million, down from $1.8million in FY09. Allied Health - $6 million in FY10, up from $5.8 million for FY09.
Other School Programs (cont.) School Special Funds - $32.9 million in FY10 up from $29.9 million in FY09. Includes: • $29.9 million for open enrollment, up from $27.1 million in FY09. • $66,000 for staff to assist employees as required by under the American with Disabilities Act, the same as in FY09. • $250,000 for Accuplacer and College Summit, the same as in FY09. • $210,100 for ACT preparation and for testing, the same as in FY09. • $1.7 million for staff transfers resulting from school closings and anticipated FY10 expansions. Funds will be transferred to correct schools when sites are identified consistent with student enrollment. • $731,000 for High Scope in FY10 up slightly from $715,000 in FY09. • $31,116 for Safe Routes, the same as in FY09.
Summer School $12.2 million provides programs for 16,500 students, supplies, program administration and training of approximately 1,900 staff. Programs include: • a five-week high school summer school program; • a six-week grade eight literacy program for students needing additional academic preparation to be promoted to ninth grade; • a four week special education extended school year (ESY) program; and • a K5-8 non-promotional five-week summer school to improve the reading levels of K5-8 grade students who are currently not reading on grade level based on the Student Promotion System (SPS) report.
School Changes for FY10 Merger---Wheatley Elementary and Lee K-8 School . Relocations - Alliance Middle/High to the former Metropolitan campus. - MEC, DIAL and WORK Institute to the Andrew Douglas Campus. • MEC’s bilingual program to the Fritsche campus. - Community High and Montessori High to Juneau campus. Closings at end of June 2009 - Lee - Metropolitan - Carleton Elementary - Truth Institute - Preparatory School for Global Leadership - CITIES Project High - V.E. Carter School of Excellence - Bruce Guadalupe - Milwaukee Business High School. • The business program will be added to Vincent High School. - MAAST (Milwaukee Academy of Aviation, Science and Technology). • The aviation program will be moved to Bradley Tech.
Additional School Information Additional school information can be found in: • The Superintendents FY 2010 Overview on pages 31-38. • A summary, by level, of school budgets and positions for traditional and instrumentality charter schools that compares FY09 and FY10. • The Superintendents FY 2010 School-by-School publication. • Section I -- Proposed staffing and expenditure information is compared to the previous year for each school. A school performance measure report links all school-based budgets to the five school-based WTAM goals. Urgent facts for each school are compared to the district annual outcome objectives. • Section II -- notices of programmatic changes and program adequacy reports from each traditional and instrumentality charter school • Section III -- budgets submitted by MPS non-instrumentality schools. • The Superintendents FY 2010 Proposed Budget, pages 17-28, contains are spreadsheets showing • FY10 Proposed Budget - School Allocations-Board Funds • FY10 School All Funds Summary
TITLE I Part A Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged
Purpose of Title I “The purpose of Title I Part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.”
Title I-A Proposed Budget • FY10 Proposed Budget = $93 million. • Estimate based on best available information in January. • Allocation • Basic annual “entitlement” based on total children below poverty in Milwaukee. • Includes an estimate of FY09 carryover. • Could be more, could be less. • Adjustments made in the fall when actual allocation and carryover are known.
Consolidated Plan • Although Title I is an “entitlement” program – the district files an annual application each year called the “Consolidated Plan” that includes these components: • Data-driven needs assessment. • Measurable performance goals. • Research based strategies. • Evidence of community engagement. • Evidence of non-public school participation. • All district funding sources identified for each strategy.
School Allocations FY10 • $36 million allocated directly to eligible traditional and charter schools. • $23.6 million allocated for in-school services (nurses, literacy coaches, etc). • $11 million budgeted for non-public schools (“Equitable Participation Rule”). • Same total school amount as FY09, even though enrollments expected to decline. • Title I is poverty-based - allocated to schools based on the number and percentage of children eligible for free and reduced lunch. - Higher poverty schools receive more per pupil than lower poverty schools.
School Programs • Most MPS schools have “school wide” programs – May use funds to improve entire core educational program. Focus on reading, math and science. • By law, schools with less than 40% poverty are “targeted assistance” – services provided to specific academically needy children. • Schools with less than 35% poverty cannot receive Title I funds. • MPS uses Free and Reduced lunch applications for its poverty measure.
Restrictions on Use • “Supplant Rule” • Can’t use Title I for programs budgeted with local resources in previous years. • Can’t use Title I for anything provided to non-Title I schools with local resources. • Can only be used to benefit students, parents and teachers in schools identified as eligible and served under Title I-A.
District Title I-A Initiatives • District Title I initiatives must meet federal guidelines for scientifically-based best practices. District initiatives include: • Required asides for Supplemental Services and Professional Development. • Summer School. • Parent Involvement. • Funding also provided for: • Coordination of administration and instruction. • District Improvement support. • Support for homeless students and families. • Evaluation and Accountability.
District Initiatives – cont. What’s new for FY10? • Add middle school intervention component to Transition High School model. • Implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in 30 schools.
Amendment Process • First round of amendments due by 4 PM on May 8th for the May 14th meeting. • Second round of amendments by noon on Tuesday May 26th. The amendments will by provided to Board Governance by Friday May 29th for the June 4th meeting.